Like the title says there might be some delay in the release of the next chapter of "a boy and his dog". My grandmother has taken a turn for the worse again and I have been spending my free time (and not so free time as well) sitting up with her. She is doing better, and we expect her to improve but I haven't had much time for writing. I have been hearing some pretty interesting family stories though, and we have both agreed that we need to run for president in 2016 since we know all the answers when we are watching the news. My Nanny is going to be running as my VP. :P
I have also been changing up my medication with my new physiatrist (you have no idea how great it is to have one that actually cares if I'm doing well or not) so that has been holding things up as well as I work through what works and what doesn't.
All that been said let me assure everyone that I will be finishing the story, I'm too close to the end as it is. :)
Upcoming Election
Do I need to write you in, or will you and your Grandmama be printed on the ballot?
I Hope You Had
A recorder running. Stuff like that needs to be saved for your family history, it really personalizes them for future generations.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb