I just watched a documentary TV show on BBC America called Teen Transsexual; I hour long at noon MST. It followed a girl while she was 17 and 18. There was a little about her early life. She went on HRT at 16. After she turned 18 she was able to have breast implants. She was very slim and had had very little breast growth from the HRT. Having breasts and cleavage gave her a great increase in self confidence and happiness.
There is a repeat of this show, or a new one, also named Teen Transsexual at 7 and 10 pm MST on Weds. 2-13-08. On EST the shows are on 2-13 and 2-14 in the evening.
Do these shows do anything
to advance understanding, or are they just curiosities wrapped up in psycho-babble. Sorry, I rarely watch them, more like to watch a fictional approach, more entertaining.
Usually positive
And any positive presentation helps offset hugely negative press in some other areas. Are they good enough to change the world? Not all at once....
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Maybe I have a strange perspective,
but as with so many minority groups we spend all our time telling everyone how different we are, when what we should be saying is how normal we are. We want to live and be assimilated as ordinary women (or men), and that GID syndrome is just a variation on the norm. It is not contagious, nor dangerous unlike fundamentalism of any sort, which spreads faster than Ebola and is just as deadly.
The problem is, the very people who claim to be normal are bigots or sociopaths with power complexes and an urge to destroy anything or anybody they don't understand.
Maybe we need more documentaries exposing them than us?
Not following the logic there :)
You seem to be saying that the way to promote philately as a normal activity is to not have television specials about stamp collectors. I can understand the nervousness about one more nosy interview show but this seems different to me.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
bad timing
Damn, and I just gave up cable!
I'd watch it. If it lets the girl tell her story it will be actually be educational,
let the public actually meet a young ts, as hopefully recognise some
commonality with her as humans, and not just be a rarie show...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
We Can't Even Reach a Consensus Within This Community
Yet, we demand a documentary express a perfect viewpoint.
I'm happy when the filmmakers manage to show a TG person without linking them to serial crimes.
I agree with Laika. Hopefully people will have the compassion to see the humanity in the TS.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
TS on TeVe
It is nice to find out that informative and neutral programmes are shown in US now. Here in Sweden we had a "wave" of programmes about transexualism around year 2000. Almost all channels had to have their programme on the subject. In a country with almost total secular society there were no religious broadcasters that beamed their opinion so all was of almost educational type. This has helped us enormously so that we by now are a curiosity, but not something dangerous. As early as 1998 a survey said that parents would accept transsexual persons in the pre-school(Kindergarten). Of course those programmes will not reach all the bigot people, but they might not have the same power to inflkuence other more "neutral" people. They have got the first "shot" against hatred against transsexualism. They can now say:"It cannot be so, because I saw a programme on TeVe..."
Landén M, Innala S. Attitudes towards transsexualism in a Swedish national sample servey. Archives of Sexual Behaviour
Manager People of Gender