It's been a VERY long week. A lot of pain. not enough sleep...
A week ago today (Tuesday as I write this), I came out of nine (9) hours of surgery performed by Dr. Jeffrey Speigel. It was a LONGER day, though I was out for most of it.
The day started by getting to the ambulatory care center at Boston Medical Center/Boston University Medical Center (BMC)... This was a change from original plans as I'd originally been scheduled for an OR in another building. But, that's another story. Apparently the hospital DOES this to the Dr. on a semi-regular basis.
In any event, my wife and I arrived a little before our required 6am time. The commute across boston on Mass Ave (from Cambridge where we had been staying) was a breeze. NO WAY NYC roads would be that empty at 5:45am! :-) Made it easy finding our way. We arrived on time, and waited... and Waited... Finally, I went up to check on what order folks were being called... Good thing. Someone else's papers were in my binder... (Wouldn't they have been surprised! No, enough checks in the system to keep that from happening despite stories we may write otherwise. LOL) But from then, things went fairly quickly. I changed into the lovely gown they provided (ewww...) they put in an IV (they wouldn't use my port, as it was to close to the work area. *sighs* So much easier to work with otherwise). A parade of thousands (okay not quite that many Dr. S, two fellows, two residents, two staff doctors, the anesthesiologist and his nurse, and several nurses... Apparently all of them were to be in the OR either observing or assisting...
They all asked (many of the same) questions, too... They were a little surprised my wife had the same last name. (Go figure...)
They started my drop, and the next I knew I was in a recovery room with these bandages around my face. My wife took a photo and showed me, but hasn't shared it yet. It was one of those thick blue bandages you may have seen in others Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) galleries. I was VERY loggy. It was hard coming out of general anesthesia. I had little muscle control.
Eventually, they called an ambulance (this is normal) to move me from the recovery room to the room I'd be overnighting in. I'm convinced they aimed for every tiny little (and some big ones) bump they could find... And they spun me around willy-nilly.
The next morning, the docs (several - not all of them) showed up to review my status. The heavy duty blue bandage went away, and it was replaced by semi standard "ace" bandages. I was still very loggy... Couldn't eat anything or drink much. Straws (despite what they said) were useless (and still mostly are). About 8pm my wife decided I needed to spend an extra night in the hospital (I couldn't even walk out of the room yet. Oy.) She went back to the hotel. They'd already managed to extend the stay a night. The two daughters took the train to NJ Wed. afternoon with the older one returning to boston that evening).
Thursday morning I was doing MUCH better - I'd managed to do laps of the nursing station a few times in the wee morning hours. And, when the docs did rounds and checked on me they were again very pleased. (I guess I should be then too.) I was on IV pain meds as well as oral. To make a long story short... They finally got around to processing the paper so I could get out about 1:00PM on Thursday, where upon my wife, elder daughter and I headed back to home. We got here. Oy. The car found EVERY BUMP in the road!
Friday happened, they tell me it did, but it was mostly a blur for me. The pain was worse (thank you Percocet). The swelling was worse and the bruising was much worse. I probably looked my worst Friday night into Saturday. Sunday night, I actually breathed through my nose for the first time since the previous Tuesday morning. I have very little voice (they say it'll return to normal - a side effect of nine (9) hours on the breathing tube). Right now, my left cheek's a tad more swollen than normal (the first few days, it was the right - it was tough opening the right eye).
Sunday night, I actually got a decent night sleep - That nose working I mentioned earlier! So yesterday I felt pretty good. Last night... Not so good - sucky weather contributing to sinuses clogging back up. LOL
But, things still seem to be going well. Hopefully, I get rid of my stitches and such late tomorrow. A good shower would be a nice thing... This hair - stiff from vaseline - is NOT fun. (Vain am I?)
In any event by next Tuesday, most bruises are supposed to be gone and the worst of the swelling as well.
This "vacation" hasn't been all that relaxing... And, I'm leaving out the "drama" leading up to my surgery... As it all worked itself out (in the nick of time).
Have there been times where I questioned my sanity by putting myself through this? To be honest, yes. But, I concluded it really was something I needed (before the fact I was REALLY looking forward to things, I mean REALLY! Where will things end up? At this point, I don't really know. I know I'll be recognizable at least to most folks - as I was recognized by many today. Others, maybe not so. A nice silver lining has been the weight loss! While I've consumed jello and the occasional scrambled egg, as well as drunk a LOT of ginger ale, I've managed to take off another dozen pounds! And, I'm going to work at keeping it off as I recover and my appetite returns. (Hey, I kept half of the weight loss due to chemo, so I have a chance, right?)
It's been "real" (but not real fun).
Pictures, please?
Would be really nice if you can share some pics of your new you, when you're all healed up, of course, and only if you feel like it.
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What, you don't think the scary (daily) shots for the first week would be good? :-)
I guess all I can relate it to was with my own operations...
I didn't want anyone to see me like that, esp. at the point where the bruises are starting to heal and go away, and the dark-blue bruises start turning to splotchy green. And, for me, they hurt the entire time. For days, they hurt so much I was on the verge of puking all the time, and was so debilitated by it that I couldn't find the energy to sit up, and needed lots of painkillers just to get by. But after that, the pain became less until it's reduced to something like a constant fiery ache that was at least tolerable, and gradually became less and less.
Maybe after a month or so, when you're all healed and you've gone to a salon and got all done up and your hair styled (which I'm sure you'll want to do so you can get the appropriate pics for your new IDs), you can share your pics (if you want to, that is... I'm not demanding or anything).
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Oh, yes...
They trip to the salon in a month!
Right this minute though, I'm looking forward to getting rid of all the stitches and staples and getting my hair CLEAN!!!
Lets just not talk about the bruising and swelling and pain, okay? And just say that Percoset is a friend. My pain level isn't as bad as I feared from your stories & others, but it's not where I'd hoped based on others stories. I'm sure a big chunk is how much is done (and another chunk on who's doing the deed). Since mine was by Mike Tyson, you know it hurt. :-)
great to hear
Worthwhile things require a lot of us to make them real. You stuck it out you are awesome.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
It's a mixed bag this kind of surgery
On the one hand, it is a blessing to have it available.
What percentage of us would be passable without it?
On the other hand, it IS very stressful surgery, actually more stressful than SRS when a lot of changes have to be made. This has been told to me by a lot of friends and acquaintances who has gone through it.
I am lucky not to need it due in no small part to me being Asian though there is no doubt I would be prettier with a 'tune up'. However, I am getting older and when I retire I might give myself one shot at some changes and to relive youth just a little bit. Hopefully it will not be as painful as a full FFS.
I am glad you are in recovery and doing well.
The bad...
The bad pain didn't last that long... Only, I got an infection which brought it back with a vengeance! Getting that taken care of made life MUCH better, and I stopped pain meds, completely!
Talking to others who've been through it... The amount of pain (& average healing duration) seems to depend on what you get done, how much gets done and who does it... Some docs have much shorter average healing time than others for similar sets of procedures. Some procedures take longer to recover from than others. And, the more you get done, the harder the body's working to get you going again. :-)
Me, I'm hoping to significantly reduce the "sirs" on first glance! If I'm half way attractive too, that'd be a nice bonus. But, I've lived a year (post transition) with the old face... I better know what I'm getting into, I think, than I would have been a year ago when this was originally scheduled.
For me, it was real bad
I myself got my adam's apple shaved, my squarish jawline cut back and softened, my chin reduced and pointed a bit, my nose narrowed and the bridge straightened so it goes straight to the forehead instead of dipping in, the brow ridges smoothened down (and my eyebrows lifted, and my hairline pulled down at the same time), implants put in my cheeks, and my ears laid back. I guess that's somewhat extensive.
I had a lot of pain after the surgeries - I guess I wasn't as lucky as you. They said smaller people feel pain more intensely. I didn't really believe that, but it was true this tim,e at least.
My stitches were at my hairline, the back of my ears, just above my adam's apple under my chin, right under my nose, inside my nostrils, and a lot inside my mouth (under the cheeks, and between the gumline and lips).
In the places outside (behind my ears, my hairline, under my nose and under my chin), they used non-absorbable sutures. In the ones inside my mouth and nose, they used absorbable ones but they still cut them out after six days - same as the ones outside.
I had packing inside my nose as well as a cast over it. I also had a brace around my jaw and a kind of elastic over my chin. They took out the packing, elastic, cast and brace at the same time they took out my sutures after about a week, but they put a removable kind of brace over my chin right after, and I wore that for another week. I had to eat through a straw while I had the braces the whole time, and ate soft foods for a while after.
The bruising was mostly around the eyes and around the nose. I was on antibiotics the whole time, just in case, and had a low-grade fever for more than a week. I was mostly okay after four weeks, but was tender and slightly swollen for another two.
I have some numb spots (real small) near my nose and ears, but the doctors say that sometimes happens, and I shouldn't worry about them. At least, they said, I didn't get a paralyzed face lik Sly Stallone (I had to look that up to understand).
Anyway, after all that, though I didn't turn out looking like Paulina Porizkova, the operations were good enough that I can now pass most of the time, which made the pain and expense, drama and heartache more than worth it. I look like my sis and ma now, which Dad says is a good thing. Probably one of his jokes again... heehee.
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Thanks for the note...
With the exception of the ears, it sounds like a lot of overlap on the procedures.
The secondary infection I got in the incision line below my nose wasn't fun at all... (I had to go BACK onto Rx pain meds until it was cleaned up.) And, now, I'm wondering if something happening with my chin (after doing well, some swelling now after almost 3 weeks (Photos / e-mail to doc in the morning sounds like are in order).
With the exception of the chin most pain's long gone... Still quite a bit of scabbing in the hair along suture lines (behind the ears as well). Luckily most of the readily visible lines the scabs are gone! I still have some taking issues - stiffness in muscles and such around the mouth and such. And, rice is NOT my friend right now... Gets stuck between the lip/gum!
One thing I can say though. Looking in the mirror is easier now than it was before. The past few days, I think I've been seeing a girl looking back at me rather than that "Guy" I was used to looking at for so many years. So, maybe things are working out.
Thanks again.