Well, been there and back.
In good news, I have a new doctor.
In bad news, it's the same old same old, just with a new face and an actual EXPLANATION
In worse news, he's about 30 minutes by highway away from me, instead of on the bus route.
Essentially I was told that because I'm over 40, the hormones won't do much for me like I'm hoping. My first doctor said that, but then blew it all off without saying why. This doctor said why, and it's because most of the testosterone has poisoned my body and most of what I'm wanting to happen won't because of that. However, with doubling up on the patches of hormones (wearing two instead of one) I've actually had breast growth and the new doctor confirmed that. He also said with an orchiectomy that a lot of progress can be made. But a $4000 procedure I don't have the money for or the time to recover from it. And while the thought of losing an organ I'm not using at all doesn't bother me, I have to admit that I don't want another surgery.
Ce la vis.
Don't listen to the Dr about age
It is true that you will not have a beautiful shaped feminine body like you would if you had started in your mid to late teens, but there is still much to be achieved trough hormone replacement therapy.
I have been on hormones a little over a year now, and I started at 51. My girlfriend started about two years before. We both have breast growth, mine an A cup and growing and hers a solid B cup and growing. And she is 5 years older than me.
For both of us, it has made our breasts more sensitive, and we are now getting full body orgasms which are different than the normal focused ones. (Those can still happen too.)
for me, HRT has also softened my skin, dried up my face and scalp, and has majorly lessened the depressive cycles I have lived with my entire adult life. YMMV, so no promises what it will do for you. Just do not assume it will not do much.
Don't worry too much about the orchi right now. If you can get on spiro then that will help quite a bit. It is even covered by medicare. Eventually, I hope that the surgeries will be covered, but probably not in the next few years.
Bright Blessings,
Cassie Ellen
Dr full of bunk.
I started at 47 and I am an impressive 54 F. I also insisted on having progesterone as a part of my HRT. My break came when I was able to go to a GLBT positive medical practice who's Dr treated me with respect and caring.
Orchiectomy is the way to go for many reasons, first even taking Fenesteride and Spiro I had a lot of emotional and physical reactions. Since I had mine due to extreme Cistites because I am a DES baby my life is so much smother. I did not need a lot of time to recover. I have been able to decrease my antigens lowering my liver toxicity. Try shopping around to see if you can get a better deal at another service provider.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
I'm with the other two gals...
Granted, I'm not THAT old, and I'm not even on any medically supervised HRT at all, but I've done plenty of my own research into all the fun stuff to do with hormones...
There are certain things that the doctor is sort of right about... It won't do much for hair at all, but I'm sure you already know that. Neither the kind on the head nor the kind on your body. It might diminish the body hair a little, and slow its growth down, but you'll still have to either shave your entire body constantly or remove all that hair some other way unless you're unusually blessed with an already very small amount of body hair.
As for weight distribution... The main factor on that isn't age, but whether you can actually discipline yourself to literally make yourself shrivel up and before letting yourself eat again. It doesn't matter what age you are, if you've got fat around areas you don't want it, the only way is to shed that weight. FIRST.
And with the boobs... Progesterone good. Progesterone very important. If you can't find doctor who will prescribe, buy and use progesterone creams OTC.
Estrogen is also important, and hopefully you find a doc who's not a freaking idiotic clown.
Both docs so far are idiots. This one is just pretending to explain things. Or maybe he really thinks what he's saying. In which case he's an even bigger idiot.
Abigail Drew.