Thanks to Pippa and her bulldog-like dedication, I DID locate and talk with my first Cousin in New Mexico. He was, of course, quite surprised to hear from me since it has been almost 35 years since last we spoke. Our separation wasn't for any personal problems, but more a case of moving around. Myself through the military, and him because of family and business opportunities.
At any rate, we did talk for almost an hour and probably would have continued, but he had an obligation he couldn't put off. He was, of course, somewhat surprised to hear of my transition,but he took it very well and it seemed like the years melted away as we talked. He always was a wordy son of a gun, and time has not lessened his vocal capabilities. He carried probably at leas two thirds of the conversation, with me trying to get a word in edgeways.
Life has been kind to him in some ways, but his health could be better. Between diabetes and a triple bypass and kidney stones, he has had a pretty rough road. He sounded upbeat though and I am so glad we had this chance to re-connect. During our teen years, we were virtually inseparable, playing football, baseball, basketball, riding our bikes several miles to go swimming in Lake Erie and just generally being best friends. We also developed what amounted to a fixation on a tabletop baseball game called APBA Baseball. If you haven't heard of it, it takes too long to describe how it was played, but it was seriously fun for us on those days the sun didn't shine and we had to stay indoors.
My sincerest thanks and appreciation go out to Pippa for her searching skills that enabled me to make this contact. Without her, it might never have happened at all. You helped me bring a part of my family back to me, Pippa. From my heart... Thank you.
hugs, love and respect,
Catherine Linda Michel
Great news!
I know we tried, but I'm happy Pippa's search-string-Fu was strong!
Awww... Shucks.
'Twasn't nuthin. You gave me a ton of clues to work with, but even then, I fumbled a bit. I started with what used to be the old AT&T White Pages, That's changed hands a couple times, I think. It eventually came through for me, but only after I put in the right town name. Broader searches on it now are shunted off to a commercial info service, with teaser headers, whereas they used to just give you the whole list of matching entries.
But, you gave me his parents' names and some other info about him and his family. A simple google search on his name turned up an obituary of his mother and that linked everything together. I redid the original query, with the right town and Bingo!
Anyone actually competent at this stuff would have gotten it in half the time. Meanwhile, anyone else who tried to help was at a big, big disadvantage if you hadn't given them all the same clues you gave me.
Shorter: I cheated! I asked Cathy a bunch of questions first!