This was sent to my E-mail today by my Little Sister & I thought I would share it with u all
Angels in the Alley
A young Christian university student was home for the summer. She had gone to visit some friends one evening and the time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than she had planned and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, she asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger.
When she reached the alley, which was a shortcut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. A comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped around her, and she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely.
The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young woman had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station.
She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed.
The officer thanked her for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. She was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her."
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I'm not really into religions
I'm not really into religions but I kind of liked that little story
There are so many variations on this
tale, it's something of an urban myth, and like all of them never has any facts that can be checked.
Angels Are Not Men
After reading this story I wondered why the guardian angels would be men. I yahoo'd a query and found this site
it says in part;
...Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are not men. They are not even male angels. Angels cannot be male or female. As pure spirits, they are each fully realized beings of their own proper nature – this means that each and every angel is a separate species from the rest. Because angels are not limited by matter (they are completely immaterial and have no bodies), they have no gender. Being either male or female would mean that an angel was only half of its perfect nature (just as humanity is not fully realized without both man and woman together). But each angel is perfect, and therefore no angel is either male or female.
Nevertheless, the name Michael is a masculine name, it is a man’s name. In Christian art, the archangels are always pictured as men. In the Scriptures the masculine third person pronoun is used, “he.†While it is true that both the Hebrew (mal’akh) and the Greek (angelos) for “angel†are masculine, I think that the masculine naming and male personification of angels is more than a matter of grammatical agreement.
Very interesting, especially in contact of Big Closet. Angels are not either male of female. Angels are pure spirits and are portrayed as male for "grammatical agreement". Therefore my gender, much like the gender of angels' is a matter of grammar.
Ain't that a shame.
By the way . . . I love a good angel story. Perhaps we all need to rent "Michael" . . . the Nora Ephron movie from 1996, not the one about the pedophile.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
To ur Comment
Angel's can be either Male,Female,Young,Old,Humane,Or Animal's for what ever Reason call's for.It's just how the Gods & Goddesses work
After reading this story I
After reading this story I wondered why the guardian angels would be men.
Because tall men were what would best deter the attacker.
I probably should not share my reaction to this, because it has nothing to do with my
impressions of Sweet-Girl, who I've always found to be well... sweet actually. Same
for Kagome.
When we hear stories like this, we tend to talk about the perfection of narcissism it
requires to believe in a divine intercession on one's personal behalf. Make no mistake,
I do not for a moment believe a word of the story as anything but more of the same...; but,
the recognition that it requires one to dismiss the idea that this other young woman would
suffer such a trauma as rape, because she might not have asked... or because she didn't
deserve the same intercession as we did. Descriptions of people who would have the power
to act without danger to themselves, to protect another human being from such a despicable
act, but whom would choose not do so out of some twisted sense of vanity, fill the abnormal
psychology texts. It's not even the offensive level of credulity that it takes to make such
a story pleasingly believable for so many, it's the complete lack of moral values that makes
it accepted as a good thing.
If the monster Yahweh is real, and in the mood to grant such prayers for his favored few,
nearly ten-million children under the age of twelve will have died before the end of the year.
My impression of children is that very few of them will deserve to suffer the pain, and the
terror of their death. Likewise their parents, who are also unlikely to deserve such suffering as
the loss of a child - many of whom have prayed fare more sincerely and fervently for their
children. Their Prayers will not be answered.
A regrown limb or a kidney. The sudden cure of the tens of thousands of children in one
of the thousands of cancer wards around the world. These would be worthy of reporting. Not
these confabulations for the credulous, that are so hurtful to those who have had to watch loved
ones die. The persons who made this drek up, probably walked away thinking that they did a good
thing. However, from a moral perspective, they are monsters too.
Sarah Lynn
The Epicurean paradox
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"
Walking with God
First how do we know if God if male or female or niether gender.
I watch Nick V walk across the Grand Canyon last night and all the way he asked for God's help . I am Jewish and believe differently than Christians so I don't no what to make out of asking for God to walk with you in the face of danger.
Very Confused RICHIE2
Make No Mistake, God Is Male
I think we can take it for granted that God is male. The men who created him in their own image made sure of that.
Has anyone thought that
possibly God might just have been a scientist who made the earth the way it is now? Then created the life that was then present after god created it?
Is it possible that god created the apple tree with a certain serum in the apples that gave humans the intelligence that we have?
God was watching Adam and Eve while they bit into the apple from the forbidden tree. "They wish to be like us, so be it" god stated to the Angels supposedly.
I did like the story though sort of.
No, Vivien, because I am content as I am.
What you are suggesting, Vivien, is exactly what people have done. You are not the first to talk about
god as a scientist. The problem is, that this concept of a god, really brings no wonder to the universe,
nor knowledge nor truths of our existence. Quite the contrary in fact, as these mythologies only serve
to magnify all the things that are wrong with us. He was a great wizard to those focused on magic, and
a horrific tyrant to those who lived with emperors and kings. “He†was the maleveloent spirit of all
things that were unknown, unknowable, and unseen, and as a result, It's a chimera of the things that
are wrong with us. All of our failings. Even when humans try to add something good, because we are
only a half a chromosome away from other apes, we can't make something great and terrible without
the pettiness within ourselves. . In the end, and even today, we wound up with something that isn't
worthy of the name, let alone serious consideration, because all we can do to make “him†greater, is to
magnify that evil. Believe in me, and worship me, or suffer an eternal and infinite, conscious, torment
of the worst form that humans can devise... because he really, really, loves you.
Psychopathy is part of the human condition, but that does not justifying our adding it to something
that we hope will be more. Sometimes we do things well and right, but on any given day, we can screw
up rather magnificently, and we can do this at any given time. Theists tend to look at someone like me,
and think or say, "You really believe, you are just (Insert human foible here, too mad, too proud, too
stupid to understand...).†I look at them, and think that they cannot but look at their comic opera
gods, like the one in ‘The Goat herd’s Handbook,’ and not see the fingerprints of weak, frightened,
venial, evil, avaricious...jealous and megalomaniacal, humans all over it.
This is why I’ve begun to tell people that I am a creationist as well as a scientist. I have probably fifty
history/mythology/scholarly texts in this room, that show all the ways that men create gods, or god like
beings; to assuage their ignorance if they are good, or more likely to feed those failings in us that are to
us as those listed above. All it takes is a little of one of our failings, added to a good dose of credulity
and/or indoctrination at an early age… and ignorance.
If I had to characterize the scientists I worked with, and whom I knew well; I would never consider
Characterizing them as ones with god-like ability. With all other considerations being equal, I'd have
to say that we were all most alike in the fact of how painfully we felt what we did not know... what we
could not do. It’s an itch that is characterized by the inability to accept some nice and pleasant story
as a substitute for knowing the actual truth. If some god like being were to exist, just hypothetically
we will say in our universe, and if we were to imbue it with the qualities of a scientist... then I think he'd
be standing here, and saying “Okay, let’s see if this works any better."
Here is how I see it.
For about ten billions of years, stars that were ever-so-much more massive than our sun, formed and
died all over this universe. Many of those first and second generation stares died very quickly, in the
most spectacular way possible, seeding the universe with all the products of nucleogenesis - or all the
types of more complex matter that it takes to build things, that grow of the fusion inside of stars. Stars
that died in titanic explosions that shown everywhere, and rang the fabric of time and space, to seed
all that we know with their crops of elements.
Those elements, mostly hydrogen, but still with unimaginably great store of other kinds and more,
flowed out into the universes, driven by the gasping energies of the dying stars behind them.
Monuments to those long dead stare, collecting here and there, moving throughout the universe like
the ebb and flow of oceans, or wind in a field of wheat, helping to create all that we can see.
About six billion years ago, another star, we can't be sure where, it was so unimaginably far
from where we are now, but still one that was much larger than our own sun, exploded. It caused
a shock-wave in one of those clouds of matter that collect here and there was pressed together, and
a newer smaller star began to form in that nursery. Other heavy elements collected in orbits ... the
result was what comprised all the wonder of the universe for most of our history. A sun that seems
eternal, and planets that move in the sky. Imagination for the generations of philosophers and
scientists, who spent their lives in the wonder of all they did now know and did not understand.
And... Imagine that they could never have conceived of how wondrous all actually was.
Now we know the sun sits there converting hydrogen into heavier elements, all the things needed
for life. It spews out billions of tons of carbon and oxygen, as well as its own hydrogen. That collect
as dirty ice in the ort cloud, and on the planets. The solar wind that contains all the things that are
needed like a living breathing thing that is the progenitor of all life. We have learned that once those
elements come together, from our star and from stars from across the cosmos, and from other parent
stars long gone dead and cold, that the complexity that we see all around us begins to grow. All
of this through the most simple and elegant physics and chemistry that we live with every day.
We know, that Right now for the briefest fraction of that Thirteen point seven billion year history, on
this small rock, in and insignificant corner of one average sized galaxy, that is lost... lost, in a universe so
unimaginably vast that its size can't even be dreamed, that this matter will, for a few dozens of turns of
that rock around its parent sun - can look up at that the beauty and wonder of that universe and know
where it came from. It can know what it is, and what it all means… and if perhaps not for the first time
in all that long history of the universe, and certainly not for the only time, still for just this time right
That’s enough wonder, and mystery, for me or for anyone. That is the gift that is beyond price or
compare. That is the miracle that astonishes, and although I have a love of fiction, because it really
is one of the very best things that the mind of man can do, to conceive of other worlds, and lives, or
conditions; I just have no room in my heart and mind to replace the smallest part of that very real
wonder, with something contrived by other and sometimes lesser men, to explain what they did not
know. To explain what still others do not know.
Since I was six years old, there has not been a single day that I did not wish I knew more, or to
Understand just a little better than I could. I have never seen one sunset, or a single leaf, or the grain
in a piece of wood, the curiosity of young animals… or the glow in my lover's eyes... that did not make
me appreciate and think of all the things that I have been privileged - p-r-i-v-l-i-d-g-e-d - to have
known. It has forced me to further appreciation of the things that I have always been sad that I
certainly never will know; But even there, I have the solace that someday someone will.
That's why Vivien, you don’t need to recreate a big scientist, to revamp the big magician, who replaced
the great king of kings. We have more than enough of those. Stories are fun, and history is amazing;
but, for my part, I have too much love, and wonder, and reason, and happily wit, within me, to ever
have the need to try and create something to take the place of it, in the hope for something more.
What is real, is more amazing than anything we can create, as is clearly shown by the dismal failures of
the theologies of every kind and from every age, and I just really don't have the room, let alone the
need, for those. I am content.
Hope that answers the question.
Sarah Lynn
P.S. And yes, I do recognize that only people who don't like to write, should be allowed to respond to
comments... Hazards of the trade, I suppose.
The Prankster God
If God is a scientist, he's also a practical joker.
Sanduleak 69 202 was a magnitude 12 blue supergiant star on the outskirts of the Tarantula nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud. 168 000 years ago it blew up. The light took so long to reach Earth that the explosion wasn't seen until 1987.
If God created the universe a mere 6000 years ago, he must have made it with Sanduleak 69 202 already in an exploded condition. But there's more. Between us and the dead star stretches a beam of light 168 000 light years long, carrying a record of events which befell the star. God would have had to create that too.
Imagine that beam at the time of its creation. For the greater part of its length it shows the image of an exploded star, bits flying all over the place. But one segment, about 6000 years long, includes an image of a living star that never existed.
A deity capable of such subterfuge might easily have pulled other tricks on us. He could have created the universe when Jesus was born. He'd have needed to fake the fossil record and the Old Testament scriptures, but I don't think that would put him off.
He might even have created the universe five minutes after this post, in which case my memory of writing this is a false one implanted by him, as are all my other memories - and yours as well.
Ridiculous? They do say he works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.
(The passage above paraphrases an argument made by Paul Davies in his book About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, pages 39 - 40)
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
explains it all, it's all physics not metaphysical. It's humans need for reasons beyond pure logic that creates the stories and the gods. Instead of asking how, we always want to know why, and sometimes there isn't a reason beyond ' energy potentials', which is possibly a bit mundane when considering the start of the universe.
Angels do protect humans
I am not putting this little story off as fiction, since I have experienced "guardian angels" myself. As well as the experience of my grandparents more than 80 years ago. Even the Hebrew Scriptures contain promises about "guardian angels" (e.g. Psalm 91:11).
My grandparents grew up in the Soviet Union shortly after the communist revolution. By mid 1930 they had moved to the far eastern frontier, due to religios persecution. Later that same year my grandfather was arrested and tortured for 5 weeks by the secret police, and threatened with deportation to the arctic frontier. In December 1930 they where invited by my grandmothers family to flee over the Amur river to China. On the apointed night, the whole village, with a total of 56 sleighs, made the treck accross the wilderniss to the river, down a steep embankment and across the frozen river to safety in China. The sun was comming up, when the last sleigh reached chinese soil. Until their death in the mid 1980's my grandparents stated that God must have stoped the border patrols, since they would normally ride along the border every two hours, in order for them to reach freedom.
It was the mid 1990's that we learned what had happend with the border patrols. The patrol squad had indeed spoted the caravan of sleighs and observed them the whole time how they reached the river Amur and crossed over the chinese side. But they dared not intervene, because the whole trek was surrounded by a cavallry with fiery swords until they reached safety in China. As a result the whole patrol squad was sent to the Gulag, where one of them - years later - met a distant relative of my grandparents, who with Glasnost was able to emigrate to western Europe.
Personally, I have two experiences where, riding my bicycle in the big city, I have physically felt (but not seen) hands or arms that held me and my bike, to prevent very nasty spills, stabilize me and allow me to continue on my way. I have no doubt, that that was an angle sent to protect me.
Warm greetings,
It's a nice story too.
Were your family ethnic Uyghurs? I'm not actually sure when the majority of
them became Muslims, but I've always loved their music, and think that many of
their women are strikingly beautiful.
Like I said, it is a nice story, and people love to tell such nice stores to
children. Stories that make sense to them, in some simple way. The fact is,
that in that time, there were many groups who fled the campaign against religion
taking place in Russia. What many do not know know or remember, that campaign
wasn't largely driven by the fundamentals of an atheistic ideology. (As if
there really were such a thing, and as if most of the acts of tyrants and
spiritual leaders on that scale, are not politically motivated.) In fact,
the origins of those policies were a reaction to the character of the Russian church,
which had for centuries vigorously undertaken to help suppress the peasantry, and
to support the rights of the noble classes, all so as to secure their own positions
in the scheme of things. It was the agency of the church on behalf of that serfdom
that changed the rejection into a backlash. In both instances, excesses all, lead
to terrible times for all of humanity.
As a funny aside, I too have a list of things that protect humanity, including,
but not limited to: Soap, Antibiotics, constitutions, laws... education. No
doubt at all, that there are Powerful forces acting in this world. I suppose the
ones you notice the most, depends on the stories you are most drawn too. @-_-@
I would love to know more of your grand parents. My great grandfather was the
master of many of the larger sailing vessels out of Newfoundland in his day. His
wife... we are not at all sure if she was the grandmother... died on board in the
java sea, and and was interred in Indonesia. In the time of your grand parents,
and of the great depression, my grandfather and his brother were taken in by a
nice lady, whose name we all bear, but to whom we are unrelated! Of his children
we know very little, other than my grandmother was one of many undernourished children,
who it was astonishing that she even survived.
Other than that, all I know is that if I ever want to wear a skirt and not just look
more pleasant or stylish, that we are allowed to wear either the McDonald or the Royal
Stewart for our Kilt. Probably means that some distant Grandsire owned a cow, as well
as some sheep.
On my mother's side, aided by their rich and carefully created records, were the
surnames of just about everyone I ever knew while living down south. All of them,
completely interrelated through marriage, and easily traced through a dozen generations.
And in all of those hundreds of women and men, a favorite great-great-grandmother, who's
story was told to me by a saintly, wonderful great aunt as a child. Aunt Nanny.
(My mother was one of sixteen children, most of whom lacked the self control that my
grandmother did, with many of the women, like my poor grandmother, obviously not knowing
nearly enough about jujitsu, or even the more martial and more practical uses of an iron
It seems like my Great Great Grandfather took a trip from South Carolina to Virginia
one fall, and due to weather took nearly six months with a loaded Wagon. When he returned,
he had taken a wife up around the Virginia / North Carolina border. In all that Rich history
of family do's, she is the only one who is listed as his wife Female Grey. (Yes, though
mostly Celtic, we are from that Grey family.) It was told to me, by Aunt Nanny, in 1969,
that it was because of the scandal, that he had married a Cherokee Indian princess! He
called her "my little Monkey," indeed so much so, that none of the relatives then living
could quite remember her actual name.
Well, at the time, I smiled and thanked her, but my thoughts even at nine, were quite
skeptical. Many folks down there either claim some Indian blood, or deny what they may
have. However, some years later, a good friend stumbled across an interesting note about
a marriage, and later, I gave my DNA to a friend who was supervising a population study.
That area was part of the Powhatan Confederacy, the largest and most powerful tribe were
of course the Pamunkey. Sure enough, the entry found up by a friend in obscure records in
Virginia, though hardly conclusive, noted the marriage of the daughter of a tribal chief, in
that same year, to a man from the Carolina s. DNA showed the link. Some may recall, that
Pocahontas was a princess of the Pamunkey Tribe of the Powhatan confederacy. As a princess
they were surely related, but... we don't have the name. Wife; Fem Grey
Aunt Nanny died shortly thereafter, after fighting cancer for some forty years, mostly with
a smile. With all those children in the family, and me just having moved down from Boston, she
knew exactly who I was, and said hello to me by name from her hospital bed the only time I
ever met her. Amazing. I wish that there had been a way to tell her what I'd found, but she
herself told me the majority share of the story, and she was already on of the most contented,
and sweetest people I've ever met.
With love, Jessica
Sarah Lynn
ethnic origin
Actually we have traced my ancestors as far back as the mid to late 1600's in the Netherlands. Our people have suffered religious persecution since the early 1500's for being Anabaptists. They migrated from the Netherlands east along the North Sea coast. Then towards the Baltic Sea, along the Wistula river in what today is Poland. From there to the Ukraine in the late 1700's and later towards the Caucasus and Central Asia (Siberia and several of the '-stans'). In the mid to late 1800's a big group split and migrated to North America, where a considerable part migrated to several countries in Latin America in the early 1900's. Of those that stayed in 'Russia' some migrated to North America shortly after WW1, others fled in the late 1920's the mayority ending up in South America. During WW2 anther group was able to flee the Soviet Union with the retreating german army and also ended up in South America.
Ethnically we actually consider ourselfs germans. As a matter of fact, many of the "voluntary" migrations were initiated because of a percieved threat to the use of the german language and the ingrained perception that losing the language meant losing the faith and religious identity.
I suppose, Jessica...
I suppose, Jessica...
that no one can say that the histories of people as they struggle to survive,
don't turn up some interesting things from time to time. The simple fact is,
that we all lead a life of close calls and happy coincidences, right up until
the one that finally gets us. All that we can really do, is to hope to avoid
that as long as possible, because the only axiomatic precondition to this life,
is that no one gets out of it alive. No one.
Other than that, and all I can say, is that I'm glad they all made it, so
that we can have a lovely person like you, with whom to share a lovely place
like this. That... and the fact that after that first description of your
perspective, and how you arrived at it, I'm certainly not getting into a car
with you! :P
Sarah Lynn
The Problem
With religion is that it is limited by peoples ability to grasp the infinite. We just can not get our heads around something that vast. So the best people do is to try and make there god like them selves. Limited small minded capricious, etc etc.
IMHO we are looking for god in all the wrong places. God is not a physical being, with a body, it is not boy or girl, it is everything and everybody all wraped in an unsolveable riddle. I have personally experienced a presents for which there is no explination or physical reason. Example I have personally been warned or physicaly saved numerous times in my life when I had no chance of making it out alive. How this has been made possible is beyond any words I can use. I have suffered emotional and physical abuse, illnesses that were painful and fatal. Two house fires one in a house trailer that burned to the ground 5 min after we got out. Several car accidents where there should have been fatalties but for things hapening that should have not. Two of these car accidents I was avoiding other stupid drivers who would have lost the lives of others in there cars if I had not taken the path into a phone pole for one and a jersey barrier for another. The fires I got every body out.
I am no different than any one else here, I am very mortal and have heavily paid for my survival. But there is some thing larger just out of my ability to understand leaving a cosmic trail of spiritual crumbs I am constantely sniffing out. My first people beliefs have guided me, but that is not many others path. I can only state with conviction that there is so much more to our universe than we can even imagine but it is our necessity to keep an open mind in dealing with it.
That is where religions usually fail in they try a rigid approach trying to define what is true and what is not rather than seeking there truth and there path's knowing that it not the path others can or should take.
Are there entities more evolved than we are you bet, do they interact with us I have experienced it personally. The universe is just to vast for there not to be.
BYW the real kick out of this our universe is interactive, so be careful for what you wish for, you may just get it. Been there done that , it realy sucked. He he he he.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book