A personal history of Mutation, or How I spent my teen years. chapter 4.

Sorry I'm late, got bitten by a gaming bug.

So here we are again, standard disclaimers apply. In this episode, the plot thickens.

Going to bed as soon as I was stuffed with pizza was a must; I just couldn't shake the fatigue of my body, though my mind seemed wide awake. For some reason, numbers and computations kept running through my mind like demented zombie sheep, refusing to die. I'd never dreamed of numbers before, and I was pretty sure I didn't like it...but I was also sure I didn't hate it. I woke up with the clear impression that my mind was going, and a mild feeling of fatigue that was miles better than last night. This time of course, there was some blood on the pillow.

I just stared at that pillow for a bit when my situation hit me all at once, so I buried my face into it and screamed, and screamed, and screamed. Ahh,precious release. Just can't let anyone see me do that, bad things could happen.

Wiping tears from my eyes, I grabbed some random clothes (sweats, pretty sure they would stretch to fit if needed) and went to a long overdue shower appointment...and ran smack into Ian. At least I was still taller than he was; hopefully that would last.

"Dude, you stink. Go, shower is free."

I mumbled an apology, not trusting my voice; after all, it wasn't working too well yesterday. Sigh, some red bull or something. The daily disrobing of course, offered up its' plethora of daily alterations. My waist looked like I was a member of bulimics anonymous, my chest was beginning to get flabby, and my eyes...my once muddy eyes.

They were an arresting aqua color, and seemed to be faceted like gems. I knew right away they were dangerous. If I saw eyes like this on any girl before I would have been entranced; they seemed mesmerizing. As I started the shower I also tested my voice with a good old do rae me...like my eyes, it was amazing, a soprano of perfect pitch and tonal quality. Well for a girl anyway. So many people would gladly murder puppies for a voice like this, I was possibly in trouble.

Meh, worry later, sing now. It felt good! It felt like I was scratching an itch I barely knew existed. As a result, I took a bit longer in the shower than I wanted, Finally soaping up and rinsing off ever so gently, remembering yesterdays' pain. Far less so today, though my chest still hurt like hell. Drying my hair in front of the mirror I received my third and hopefully last shock of the day; my muddy hair showed hints of once again trying to match my eyes...the roots were showing a different color, and it looked like the same aqua color to me. Looks like I follow in Ralph's footsteps after all?

Once dressed in my old jogging sweats (I was swimming in them of course, had to roll up the sleeves and everything) I ran a brush through my hair twice and walked downstairs, on the prowl through the bush for food...or wallabys. Right now I'd take either one. Luckily enough, while there were no wallabys at the end of the trail, there was plenty of pop tarts on a plate, with juice next to them...and my name on a small note next to them.

"Hey Ian' I yelled; 'are the 'rents gone?"

"Yeah they went somewhere, wouldn't say where though; just that they would be back by dinner. So free house for us all Sunday! By the way;'he added coming into the kitchen, 'nice voice sis."

"You trying for a beat down?" he raised his hands.

"No! No, I mean it...I heard you in the shower too, and I mean it, your voice is really nice."

I was pretty sure the kitchen heated up; was the oven left on?

"Nice blush too!" he added before laughing and running off.

"Ian you bastard!"

Ugh, there was definitely something wrong with me, why would I blush like that at all? Sigh, oh well...pop tarts! Om nom nom...if there is a better food than the pop tart, I have yet to taste it.

"Dad wants the garage cleaned up after breakfast!" I heard yelled...could have been from anywhere; the squirt was definitely hiding.

Urk. My mess, I'd forgotten.

After about a dozen pop tarts (well...maybe 14, but who was counting? I most definitely was not.) I went into the garage to look again at the madness I had wrought. Metal scraps and crap everywhere, and a gutted car. It didn't look any better the second time. Wasting no more time, I put the gutted tools away and started sweeping up the floor, where all the scraps had curiously ended up...nothing on the workbench itself. I started making an inventory of what I'd need to fix the car. The car had as yet, never even turned over, but that wouldn't stop my dad from demanding full replacements. Distributor cap, spark plugs (only one missing, oddly enough) the fan, a few of the belts...ugh, I'm going to need to mow so many yards...

I sort of woke up to find the garage cleaned nearly spotless, I don't mean just my mess, but CLEAN...like the floor was polished and the car shammied and everything. And I was scribbling something...something that looked like a weird car engine, with a list of parts to the side. A..schematic? One with accurate dimensions, and proper mathematical formulae off to the side? From me?

No matter how many times I saw it, it still weirded me out. Maybe I'd get used to it later...

"You ok Myrc?"

I turned to see Ian had snuck up on me; he was watching me, leaning against the door.

"Yeah, sorry; I didn't do anything...crazy, did I?"

"Not at all, just cleaned like a demon possessed, then drew a bunch of crap; don't remember anything?"

"Vaguely, it started with thinking about the car repairs..."

"Meh, don't worry about that crap right now; come with me."

Curious I followed him; Ian never really wanted to hang with me before; something was up. He went to my room, there, next to my bed was his 17 inch computer monitor, the PlayStation 2 hooked in; snacks and drinks all around the 2 bean bag chairs thrown in front of it, and one of the few games I liked, Tekken 4, already rolling.

"Prepare to get pwned, noob!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, what brought this on?"

"Well you're still sick, and tired all the time, yes? So this here is your new hangout spot, and I am your host...we will now play games all day, drink copious amounts of sugary colas, and eat massive amounts of things that are bad for us. And I will teach you the ways of the gamer nerd. Unless you'd rather go outside in your current condition?"

Argh, he was right...normally I'd be outside on a day like this, playing a sport or riding my bike or something....cant really do any of that now. I didn't even have make up on to make me look less stupid!

"OK, I see your point, hand me that controller, and the left bean bag chair, and I'm in." What? the left one was the softer one, I liked it.

"All yours. Team battle for the win, random if you aren't a wuss."


A bit over an hour? maybe two? (Time moves a bit differently when you game I find.) The doorbell rang. I paused the game.

"No way am I answering the door looking like this."

"Spoken like a true chick, sis." he replied as he ran out the door.

I fumed; that sonofa! How dare he! I bet if he shrank and looked like curdled death he wouldn't want to be seen either! Hmm.....my thoughts were sidetracked by the sound of voices; two of them, both raised. One was my brother, and the other....

Ricky. My best buddy.

No thought at all, I dived out of the chair and into the bed, covering up completely, just as the door opened.

"Myrc, you in here? Ian is saying you weren't up to company, but when has that ever kept us apart before?"

I cursed my wonderful new voice as I responded. "Yeah I'm here. I'm really not up to company, but if you promise not to comment on my obvious issues, or try to look at me, you can stay."

He looked at what to him, was a lump on my bed.

"Dude is that you? You sound like a..."

"Girl? yeah I know. I'm a mutant man, that's what has been wrong with me, and yes I'm one of the weird ones. I'm currently about half done changing. Yes, to a girl. I wouldn't normally care if you saw or not, but I'm sure I look pretty stupid right now. No I'm not dangerous. Now that was strike one. No more discussion on it. You want to stay? you play games and you keep it down...I might nod off. Got it?"

After a long awkward moment where many flies could have been trapped within his jaw, he nodded.

"Yeah I got it...so Tekken?"

"For now, maybe some need for speed later..but I'm getting kinda tired again, so who knows?"

"Works for me, though I'd love a nice shooter later. So who's ahead?"

"Jerkbag is ahead, as always...hes up 6 matches to 3. He always cleans up at this one."

"Heh. Well maybe I'll do better. I do tend to game more than you."

"Might change; the new me is less likely to be as active."


"Not telling you, you'll know when everyone else does. I'll be missing a week of school; you can tell whoever you want to tell that I'm changing if you want."

"OK. Damn." He cursed as Ian destroyed him, then shot a quick glance at my still blanketed form.

"You want a turn?"

"Nah I'm good for now, you go ahead." I knew he was waiting for me to move so he could catch a glimpse; I wasn't that stupid.

I was so busy watching Ricky like a hawk, that sleep snuck up on me.

I was out for two hours; when I came two with a hyper intelligent 'snerk' noise, both Ian and Ricky were still in my room, playing Twisted Metal Black, one of my favorite games...sick psychotic car mayhem at its' finest. I was still covered by my blanket; luckily I hadn't smothered myself.

"Awake again?" Ian asked softly.

"Yes, awake again, sigh...this crap is getting old already."

"Want a turn, dude? I need a break."

"Sure, but I'm not coming out. Just toss the controller."

I snapped it out of the air, reeling it back in and taking over. Ricky watched me play, Ian watched Ricky mostly...sticking up for me, I think. Ugh, I hated being weak. Either way I didn't think I needed protecting from Ricky...I mean, it's Ricky! I trusted the guy with my life! But could I still?

The gaming session continued, all three of us wrapped in our own thoughts, until we heard the front door close and my dad yell: "Dinner!"

"Ricky; out. Now. Sorry, and I'll call you when I'm ready, if we're still cool, ok?"

"Yeah we're cool. I'm gone, enjoy the food." I heard his customary loud greetings to my parents as he made his way out.

"Myrc everything ok?"

"Yes mom, Ricky came over to see how I was, and guardsman Ian protected me from his evil ways. He did not see the fair damsel."


"In other words, I hid and we played games so he couldn't see or spread rumors about how stupid I look."

"Oh, honey, you look fine; there is nothing wrong with you..."

"With all due respect mom,' I interrupted. 'I look half finished; you know it, I know it, everyone who has seen me knows it...and everyone who will see me will know it. I'm not cool with this, but I'm really not cool with having a bunch of people see me when I'm neither one thing or another, but some screwed up in between thing. Not if I don't have to."

She was hugging me before I knew it, and I realized I was crying a bit. Tamping that down really quick, I looked at my dad, who was setting the table and had a large box of takeout pasta. I grinned at my mom, looked at dad again, and opened my mouth.

"Cheep, cheep."

He looked at me with my mouth still open and I cheeped again, adding small hops. He caught on and stuffed a bread stick in my face while mom giggled, and Ian guffawed.

"So, sit, eat, we have announcements."

We ate quickly of course, I was as always famished, and I guess Ian was as well. The parents ate at a sedate pace that kind of irritated me...I couldn't slow down. stupid constantly empty stomach. Stupid genes. Stupid world.

"So,' I was startled out of my pity party, to find dinner over except for me....I was still half halfheartedly chewing on things within reach. 'we managed, on a Sunday, to get the bureaucratic wheels going on a few things."

She slid papers at me.

"what are these?"

"Social security card, state ID, birth certificate. The new you. The state ID has no picture yet obviously, but we will be handling that as soon as you settle on a look, you primadonna."

"Wow they work fast, and on a Sunday?' I looked at dad; 'Your doing?"

"Of course! We ex military have some pull after all, this country still loves vets."

"Minerva Myrciel Campbell? Where did that come from? And why didn't you just ask? I could have picked my own name."

"That's the name you'd have had if you'd been born our daughter, and well since you were and we just didn't know..."

"But..but Minerva?!?"

"Would you have rathered Boddicea? Minerva was your grandmothers' name. Deal with it."

"Heh heh heh HA HA HA HA HA."

"Keep laughing Ian, or should I say Elise?" Ian choked, with a look of horror suitable for a movie crossing his features.

"Hah! Revenge! Blackmail material!"

"Whatever, Min. Two can play that game."

"Ahem; we're not done you two, you can snipe at each other later. We come bearing gifts! I'll just start bringing them in. Ian, come help me."

"Yeah yeah, grumble grumble."

"I'll get the dishes mom."

"You sure you feel up to it? I'd hate for you to break my china." she said with a grin.

"Your concern is touching, but yes I'm fine, for now." I returned her grin.

So I did the dishes while the rest of the family plotted, washing and drying while just barely picking out the whispers in the other room. So once done, I quietly made my way back into the dining room. For the record, I did not creep in! I deny that categorically, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. At any rate, it didn't work regardless, they saw me coming.

The first thing I noticed was the box with the brand new laptop inside. State of the art, unless I missed my guess, unlike my current 5 year old machine. To the left my eyes alighted on were all the books. collegiate texts for all the science basics, dozens of books piled on the table. The last thing to catch my eyes is the electric guitar. A guitar of the same Aqua color of my eyes, though quite a bit smaller than my dads; a fact I filed away for later. The case next to it had a sliver of a moon and the word Luna on it as a logo.

Now I'd wanted a guitar forever. Couldn't play one, never shown the slightest bit of talent for playing music. My father could play some, and I had always begged him to teach me. Now it looked like he finally would. I'm sure my grin would crawl off my face it was so big.

"Ahh, don't go looking at me like that! I'll do what I can, but it's likely you'll have to teach yourself more than I can; with my job and all..."

"But you will teach me?"

"Yes, what I can...for as long as my ears can stand it."

"Thank you all, for all of this."

"That's not all; there are some new tools and odds and ends in the garage. They are yours, and in no way mitigate the replacements you need to get for me. But, use all of it as you feel you must. And fix my baby while you're at it, and you'll get those lessons."

Impulsively I hugged him. "You're the best!"

"Yeah well, I try." He replied, holding me back at arm's length and looking uncomfortable.

I was about to apologize for making him uncomfortable when mom stepped in.

"So let's stow all this; Min's room is already a mess, don't want my dining room to follow suit."

"OK, OK." As I grabbed the computer first, I caught a the glimmer of a look between my mother and father.


"Nothing honey, Ian will help you with the books...won't you Ian?"

"Sure, sure, I'm on it."

Once up the stairs I grilled Ian quietly.

"So what did you get? Must have been something nice to get your full cooperation."

"You know me well; I got a couple games for the ps2 I wanted."

"You know what was up with the 'rents? they had a really funny look for a minute there."

"Nah, you're reading too much into things sis, this is a weird situation for everyone. That reminds me, How close are you now?"

"Truth told, I'm not sure...I hope I don't lose anymore height, this is getting ridiculous."

"Suffering from any other...shrinkage?"

That one earned him a punch, which he shrugged off easily. Stupid muscles. I'd have my revenge, oh yes.
As soon as I got to my room, I wasted no time opening the box and pulling out the laptop. hmm, dual core, nvidia 7600 go, 4 gig ram, 320 gig hard drive. A true screaming machine, if ever there was one. There were some games boxed with it that I set aside. Had to move my old computer to make room for the new.

Reaching under your desk to pull computer cords is always a pain. I just yanked them, opened the new laptop. I sensed a trend here; the case was aqua. All the while Ian was shuttling books, giving me sour looks. I grinned at him in response, eyebrows raised. Once I had the laptop set up and powering on, I
went downstairs to get my other pretty toy. Into its' case it went, and I carried it with both hands and gently set it into my cleanest closet corner. Ugh, I did not want to clean this room, but it was a mess. Maybe when I wasn't so constantly tired.

I woke in my bed in the middle of the night, realizing I'd fallen asleep after the fact. My new laptops' password determination screen was blinking at me. It was after midnight and everyone else was asleep. Meh, I was up now, and sick of sleeping...so time to set this computer up. My password...hmmm....how to make
this really secure...

I woke again, this time though something was different. I remembered the night before, in all its' glory. I remember what I did, and how. It was still a bit vague, but I had no problem recalling how I'd revamped the camera software to map and recognize my eyes in order to provide security, nor the other fun things I'd done. Monday morning, 5:13 am. I'd slept two hours, plenty. I could do plenty today, but first....coffee!

coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee! I wanted it, craved it, never had liked it before, but was hooked now. I was in the middle of brewing a pot when Father came into the kitchen, all ready to brew it himself.

"Good morning, father."

"Morning Min...uhh, what happened to the coffee maker?"

"I improved it, it was ruining the coffee by only filtering it once. I decided it could do better. It takes just over 2 minutes longer, but it is worth the wait. Want some?"

"Uhhh, sure. It kinda looks like a small distillery."

"That is exactly what it is now father, for both the water and the grounds, and then both. Takes up 8.4% more counter space, and takes 2 minutes, 17 seconds longer to brew, but hopefully mother will like the end result enough to not overreact. oh, operating it is easy...grounds go in the funnel there, water in the tank there, the on button works as it should, and the used coffee ends up in the old coffee maker cup there."

The coffee finished brewing while I explained, and I poured us both cups. Mother came down as father took his first cautious sip.

"Wow that's really good! Really really good!"

"Oh by all that's holy, I should have remembered about the coffee thing...though that is fairly tame by their standards."

"What was that mother? you shouldn't mutter to yourself like that. Coffee?"

"Sure, sure. Anything else you've improved?"

"No, of course not! Well...the security protocols on the new laptop you got me. A password seemed to...useless, so I made a program to scan peoples' eyes when you open it up. It will only open to my retinal scan. Don't give me that look! Software upgrade is all, I didn't touch the hardware."

"You'd best be very careful about that. You break it, you won't get another."

"I know...I thought I might repair father's car though...once I drink more of this liquid ambrosia that is. Morning Ian, how are you?"

"Good, you OK? You seem pretty chipper this morning."

"I am well, I think. Going back upstairs for a bit."

As soon as I placed my coffee on the desk next to my laptop I noticed. My bed was hairy. Small hairs, on my pillow, a bit here and there on the bed. My eyebrows? I checked. I still had them, though they seemed more thin. Going into the bathroom, I saw it. My eyebrows were now just slightly darker than my eyes
...not neon by any means, but a rather wonderful shade of aqua nonetheless, continuing the trend. I sighed, my head was already showing hints of the same color. My body hair was obviously k.i.a. along with my muscles and size. I flopped back on the bed and did the pillow screaming thing again.

"Min, breakfast!"

"coming, mother."

I came downstairs as Ian came back down, shower done. We both demolished the bacon and eggs set before us.

"So, honey, I'm going to be gone for a bit today, got to head up to your school and make sure they know what's going on. Your father and I got you a cell phone; the number to reach me is programmed in already as 1, the number to reach your dad is 2. Call for any reason at all, OK?"

A cell phone! Never had one before. Even if it was because they were worried about me, it was nice.

"Thanks mother; I'll keep it on me at all times. I think I'll work on the barracuda today."

My father gave me a look as he was about to walk out the door.

"How? you've no money, and are missing a few parts."

"I think I might be able to fabricate them out of what we have available. I'll have to research to make sure, but that is the current plan. Don't worry, no harm in just checking."

"Alright. Be careful though, and have a good day."

"You too. Don't let your boss tick you off."

After the breakfast dishes I went outside to inventory the materials I had available; everyone had already left by the time I was finished. My father in his infinite wisdom had gone to the local junk yard, and bought a bunch or motors and car parts from various engines, and even two full engines. Whether they worked or not was immaterial, I could use them as I pleased. Though I did wonder how my parents could afford all this crap for me; I'd never thought about it before, we were well off...but I felt a bit guilty as well as loved. I was costing them so much this week! I had to fix this car, at least.

After the inventory, I went back upstairs to Google the barracuda's engine schematics and performance specs. Which proved to be an interesting bit of light reading. But how could I make the tools to fabricate the parts out of what I had? hmmmm...Inspiration struck and I began designing.

"Yo sis, you home?"

I looked up, suddenly noticing my eyes aching and the tired achy feeling I'd been ignoring...along with a sudden disconcerting jiggle from my chest. I refused to look down.

"Yes, up here Ian."

"Here, your homework for the day."

"thank you; how was your day?"

"It was alright, yours? No, let me guess, you were lost in the surfing there."

"Sort of, designing a sort of 3 dimensional printer to help me with repairing the 'cuda. I was in the middle of coding the CAD software. Sigh, out of coffee again."

"OK, stop. You and I are going to game again. I've decided. Halo with me."

"But, I'm..."

"But nothing, this is too much like work, and you need a break. lets go, I'll get the mountain dew."

"Fine, meeting in your room. I'll start the game up. Ugh."

As I stood up I weaved some; Dizzy again for no reason at all? Sigh. I held the walls to Ian's room, and plopped into the same bean bag chair I favored. So nice...started up the television and Xbox, grabbed controller 1 and set it to online play.

It did not take long for me to realize something was different; I could see it all. I could see every angle, arc (mostly parabolic), and potential outcome of any shot fired or dodge path used. I could see the outcome, leading to even more outcomes, leading to more outcomes...once again, the numbers danced, and I waltzed with them. I no longer missed; I was much harder to hit. I could see the outcomes of the other players in the game as well, just as clearly as my own. It was nice.

But all things have to end, and this did too, with me dead to the world in the comfy chair.

The next 2 days were a blur of eyestrain, computer coding (it did occur to me to wonder how I could code, when I couldn't before; I'd never had the knack before.) and coffee, with the incredible shrinking man shrinking further. I measured myself constantly. I couldn't help it. As I shrank of course, other things grew. I tried very hard to ignore those things, but by Wednesday evening they were affecting my arm reach and balance. Walking to the bathroom to measure myself for the third time today (Yes, a bit morbid, but wouldn't you?) I ran into Ian again. This time he knocked me on my butt.

"You OK sis? Sorry, wasn't watching where I was going."

"Yes I'm fine Ian, not made of glass here." I'd never tell him that bouncing on my butt hurt a bit; any sign of pain and I'd never live this down.

As he helped me up I realized...I was staring into his eyes. A week ago, I towered above him; today I looked him right in the eye. I all but ran for the bathroom. I got on scale first, shutting the door in Ian's face. 96 pounds. 96 freaking pounds; just this morning I'd been over 100. I did the door tape measure thing next. 5 measly feet tall. I was smaller than some 10 year olds I knew of.

Next thing I knew mom was there, holding me as I sobbed like the stupid little girl I'd become. I don't know how long that went on, but it was some time. Then a knock on the door interrupted my meltdown. I looked and my family was around me, squeezed into the by no means small but suddenly claustrophobic bathroom.

"I know that look Min, don't you dare; you've nothing to apologize or feel embarrassed for. Let your father worry about who is at the door; you can't bottle this up, and I won't let you."

I sniffled into her blouse some more; great intelligent responses are my forte.

"So what brought this on? Let me guess, you lost another inch?"

I shook my head.

"Lost two actually, and a good 7 pounds. I'm now 5 feet nothing and 96 pounds, assuming your scale is calibrated correctly."

She muttered something I didn't catch, then spoke up: "Well no help for it I guess, no way you can get along without clothes now. We shop tomorrow, and just hope you're done."

"Oh Mistress is quite done losing mass ma'am." A new voice interrupted us. It sounded cultured, polite, and young all at once.

Of course we all looked for this intruder, finding him at the entrance to the bathroom, with my loving father hanging off him; It looked like dad had tried to stop him, and just been ignored.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, Campbell family, But It was imperative that I reached mistress as soon as possible. Good evening Mistress."

With the rest of the family mildly stunned and my father being rather ineffectual at the moment, I decided to take charge a bit.

"Who are you?"

"I am designated as Jeeves mistress; might I ask which nom de guere you have been using of late? I'm sure my files are out of date."

"Jeeves? I don't know any Jeeves."

"You don't as yet, but you know my creator. I was told to inform you...ARNEE sent me."

My head swam; I remembered a night not too long ago with more clarity; talking away at a computer chip while I built some sort of small body, nattering away in a way I couldn't to a living person about my hopes and fears while tearing things apart. And lastly a design; a schematic of all that was being taken away from me, to help me when I could no longer help myself.

I still didn't remember everything, but I recalled enough.

"Father, it's alright. You can stop, and you won't need the gun. Mother, I do know this person. He's an android butler I designed."

"Is he what you built our of my power tools?"

"No, that was ARNEE...but ARNEE built him, using my design."

I took a closer look; Jeeves looked normal, he had black hair, blue eyes, had to be 6 feet tall and appeared to be late teens/early 20's. He was dressed in an old tuxedo, black and replete with tails. He had a face sculpted as a modern Adonis; fine aristocratic features without seeming effeminate, and a slightly more than medium build. In short, he was handsome.

The shock of me finding anything built to look guy like attractive was broken by mom's next statement.

"I don't trust you at all; you say that Min built you?"

"That is Mistress's new name? I must say I approve." The look he was giving me made me warm and uncomfortable at the same time.

"No, I did not say that mistress Min 'built me'; she provided the design and construction method however, as well as my programming and purpose for existence. I can prove that much if you allow it Mrs. Campbell."

"Go ahead, slowly."

Jeeves went to the next room, my room, and grabbed my old schematics from the garage incident. He handed one to mom, then took off his coat and shirt. You could see the hatch with the small recessed hinges on his back, right where the schematic said it should be.

"You may open it if you wish, I cannot as my radial motion is like a humans' and therefore I cannot reach."

I helped mom when she hesitated opening the hatch, unscrewing it with a handy nail file and opening it up.

"It matches the specs, mostly. some differences, which I assume are due to the on site resources."

She looked, obviously lost as to what she was seeing, but in the end agreed with me.

"Yes, it's the same, or close enough. So where is this ARNEE?"

"I'm sorry Mrs Campbell, I'm not at liberty to say. ARNEE's mission is not yet complete, and I cannot compromise its' location until it is.

She gave Jeeves the fish eye.

"Not even for your mistress?"

"No Mrs, Campbell, specifically not from Mistress Min."

I put the hatch back into place, noting that his 'skin' felt like skin...and was warm.

"So this ARNEE is free to take over the world or something, and you won't tell us where it is?"

"That is not its' mission. it is merely a construction prototype; but if you prefer...yes."

"Mom, nothing I built is going to go running around taking over the world! ARNEE is fine." I hoped.

"We will discuss this later. For now, let's all get out of the bathroom."

I was too close. Looking back, I'll admit that. I had just closed the hatch on Jeeves' back, and he had put his shirt back on. When mom shooed everyone out, He picked me up in a bride carry and strode though the hall to my room, ignoring my slightly panicking protests. He deposited me gently on my bed, and held a finger up.

"I'll be right back mistress, please do not move."

Mom looked in on me with a questioning look. I shrugged...of course I had no idea what this android was up to, I wasn't fully responsible for his programming. She went downstairs, I assume after him.

About 5 minutes later Jeeves was back, mom and family in tow. He placed one of our TV trays and our good tea service down, poured me some chamomile tea and handed me some sort peach crumpet or something. Not sure what it was,or where he got it, but with the chamomile it was especially delicious. He also served my family, mother first, father last.

"Alright Campbell family, please. Mistress Min needs her rest."

"Ha, you're getting out of here too, tin man."

"Ian... may I call you Ian? Ian one of my primary responsibilities is to ensure Mistress Min's safety. To that end it is best that I stay within visual range of her at all times."

"I won't leave if you don't leave...and I'll talk forever."

I added my own two cents. "Jeeves...out. Thank you for the snacks, but you can't share my room. Having you in here staring at me would be...creepy."

he looked from one to the other of us.

"As you wish, mistress Min. I shall be within vocal range should you require anything."

With the help of the chamomile, I drifted right off.

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