Good Evening All!!
I am hastily moving towards RLT. I've a house, two gay yardboys, and family in the area. Woo Hoo!!!
I'd been looking for an affirming and welcoming congregation. This afternoon I received an e-mail from the Senior pastor welcoming me, and wanting to get to know me better.
I know there's lots of readers who have had, and continue to have problems with the church. I've certainly chatted via PM with many of the folks here who do have issues with how the church treats trans congregants.
But I am excited.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings to all of you!
Sorry to say but I have had no problems at all with churches. I have had Jehovah, Mormons, Christian, even a Jewish? Bible thumpers come and try to convert me to their religion. Never had a problem with any of them So I really really don't get how anyone can have the problems that they claim.
I'm pleased for you.
Churches mean nothing to me but I know they are important for those who use them. I hope you've found one that can accommodate and support you for your future life.
I'm happy for you, Beth,
As you know, God is an important part of my life... Religion... Not so much. But I hope you have found an accepting congregation that will love you for who you are rather than try to change you into what they believe you should be. You have and deserve God's Love, and many of us here think you're pretty special too!
May God bless you in your new home,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Geat news Beth! :)
Truly open and caring Churches are few and far between. East Lake United Methodist Church is about to start a ministry serving the gay/lesbian community.
May Your Light Forever Shine
As far as I'm concerned ...
you can keep your churches. Trans people have suffered at their hands for thousands of years and continue to do so. Even in supposedly secular countries, their laws are based upon religious teachings and bigotries. Just look at all the rows going on about 'same-sex' marriages and all the crap being spouted by religious associations and churches.
It was religion that fomented all the divisive and destructive crap surrounding marriage and the subjugation of women 7,000 to 10,000 years ago when agriculture first emerged and human nomads made the connection between planting seeds and growing corn. Once this connection was made, men presumed that they were the creators of ' the seed' and women were demoted to 'the earth'. The miraculous transformation of seed into life was accorded massive religious significance and contributed almost entirely to the translation of mother earth to the sky father as the creator of life.
Religion, starting with the Judaic Sky Father right up to the present day, has perpetuated this obscene imbalance of the responsibility for life in our present day cultures. Women were treated as chattels (possessions) for thousands of years and only recently have begun to recover their respected status that primitive humans accorded them as the producers of life.
Religion is the cause of all wars whether over land, property, crowns and succession or human rights. As to children's rights, happiness and protections vis-Ã -vis religion, the less said the better.
Churches! No matter what the faith!
You can keep them.
Hear Hear!
I'm right there with you Bev! On the other hand, I do realize lots of people feel that they need one, so I try to respect that.
Yes, please!
I understand and respect your decision, but please try to understand and respect ours equally. Since religion and spiritual matters is something you find abhorrent no matter what, just don't comment at all, ok?
We aren't the ones using our religion and spirituality to suppress ideas different from ourselves. You don't need to attack us for the wrongs of those who do.
Abigail Drew.
I'm happy for you hon
nothing like acceptance.