Dear Friends
If you will be, tomorrow and Thursday, Celebrating this holiday, or even know about it, , (the Ten Commandments were given on Mout Sinai) then enjoy eating
or eating this,
It's a Cheese Blintz. Potato are good also.
If you are Lactose intolerant, take a lactaid pill ;-).
Chag Sameach!
...and a big hug from this Jersey Girl, dear friend!
Love, Andrea Lena
They were given on Thursday?
Which set? The first ones that Moses destroyed, or the second ones that were lost in the disappearance of the ark of the covenant?
Inquiring minds, in other words, busy-bodies, want to know.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Seems More Like The Kind Of Thing That Would Happen On A Tuesday
One of the most annoying features of the Old Testament is that it never tells you what day of the week it is. And God made such a big thing of it in the beginning.
Ten Commandments are read on Wednesday
Dear Hope:
The Ten Commandments were given on the first day of the holiday. This yera it falls on Wednesday.
Here is a link to the Wikepedia article. It is fairly good. If you want some better more in depth information, let me know and I will send links. During the Torah reading, on Wednesday, the Ten Commandments are read. During the reading it is common practice, at least in Orthodox Synagogues for the COngregation to stand. In Israel the holiday, is only one day, so the common understanding is that the Ten Commandments were given on the first day of the holiday. The reason that the holiday is two days in the Diaspora (outside of Israel)is a long explanation. If you want it PM me.
As to what day of the week the Torah was given, it is generally accepted that it was given on a Saturday. However, that is only based on a method of determining things through extrapalation.
It was the first set. The set that was publically proclaimed to the B'nai Yisrael (Children of Jacob a/k/a Israel) at Mount Siani. The second set was covered by Moses after the Golden Calf incident. Both sets were in the Ark of the Covenant. The broken first set and the second unbroken tablets.