for the moment.
There are five people who log on to Big Closet each using their own account who go through our business internet.
I am one of them.
All Five of us either access while we are at work or on a work provided internet path (dedicated). I am half-way across the country from the business and all of my internet is provided on a dedicated link. Denise also has a dedicated link but she lives less than twenty-five miles from the business.
NO! Nothing has been changed at work. That I am still able to access Big Closet while the others cannot would seem to indicate that there has been some corruption of the password data at BCTS itself. Our IT people popped onto the business internet access prior to the firewall, router, and our other security measures and still were unable to log into Denise's account at Big Closet.
Just like last time, the problem isn't ours.
Of the five, I am now the only person who can log on to Big Closet; unfortunately I cannot log onto Teddi's old account.
Denise (Anesidora's Urn) has tried and receive a incorrect password warning. She requested a new password but received via e-mail a partial address which does not find it's way to Big Closet.
I myself can no longer log on through Teddi's account (TDAldoennetti) and receive the same partial address when I try to reaccess the account after receiving a 'new' path to attempt log-on.
Until these problems clear, the stories 'Duty Calls' and 'Last of the Fey' are on hold due to inability of me to access Teddi's account to post and Denise's inability to access her Anesidora's Urn account to post. At this time I don't know if the others are going to wait out the problems in the hopes it will all clear up or if they will obtain new accounts.
I am presuming that once the new drives and memory go in and the site is brought back on line that all this will clear up.
Meanwhile, be aware that there are a number of users who likely will appear as one of five IP addresses. From what I understand the IP connection is selected randomly on an as needed basis.
See you all, next week
Renae Dumas
Posting Problems
Whilst I have no idea what's going on with your logins, I suspect that it's a temporary problem.
On the other hand, there are several people available who can post the story for you with proper ownership of the file. If you'll recall, I posted all of Teddie's Air Force Sweetheart story, including previous comments, with no trouble at all, and the rescued file sources were seriously confused. It's not a big deal.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Renae, Sephrena, would
creating a new account or link for TDAldoennetti or be Renae of any help?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Not really
Creating a new account should be a last resort.
You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.
Corrupted page and or cookie and or session delivered
I can solve this if you give me the user names so i can delete the session and cookie from this end while you empty the browser cache for bc from your end. I did this for someone else yesterday and it worked.
What happens is with the server in a delicate condition and going up and down three to six times a day, sometimes bad pages are delivered and a bad match is made for session data or cookies. And yes, when the server is more stable this will happen way less often but even on a good day, it can happen.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Email Template Fixes
For the password reset emails, what was needed was to add: to the front of them. All email templates have been updated accordingly.
P.S. The Core Hack had NOTHING to do with email's sent, or Login/Authentication. The only misfire caused by the hack remains to be the "ignore user" feature.