She is feeling a little down because a cashier made an obvious error and called her Sir.
I think it was very rude of the cashier to call a woman sir even though in the military even women are called sir.
Dorothy Colleen Belion is a WONDERFUL WOMAN, a great author, and a good friend.
Please help me get this point across to her as she is being stubborn about it.
Thank you.
Remember, Dottie, a cashier is a low paying entry level job
and sometimes they are very bored and not thinking straight.
Doesn't matter which sex the cashier was... you NEVER assume who a customer is.
Rather than a gender or age specific title the cashier could have used something generic like the much overused Have a nice day. Or, thank you for shopping with Mega mart. Or even Thank you.
Simple, effective and non-judgmental. Unless you know or have asked before what a customer's preference for address is, it is proper to use something neutral. Not being PC so much as being civil.
We all make mistakes but to so callously hurt someone's feelings. I hope it was done out of ignorance and the cashier simply needs more training. If it was done maliciously or was even encouraged by management that would be an entirely different matter. For one don't shop there ever again. And two it might be worthy of charges being brought for harassment.
I tend to lean towards it being an innocent mistake and not intentional but then I prefer to give someone benefit of doubt.
As to you, Dottie, hang in there.
Not everyone realizes how fragile some souls are. Find it in yourself to forgive if it is warranted. But as importantly, don't forget to forgive yourself. You did nothing wrong. Why punish yourself.
You are who you want to be not what others insist you must be.
IE "don't let the bastards bring you down" to somewhat quote Rhianna.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I am sure it wasn't a deliberate slight
Cashiers frequently are guilty of not really paying attention to the customer. They just operate off of impressions. I hardly look feminine; however, I have frequently been called 'Ma'am'. I chuckle at their apologies when they realize their error. Little do they realize that how they greet me is exactly what I wish they were doing correctly.
Don't sweat the small suff
Who knows why the cashier said what they did. We (at least from Tels Blog) do not know the following:
1) Was the cashier a woman or a man, or in the case of a cashier job, a girl or boy?
2) What kind of store?
3) What time of day? Was the cashier rushed?
4) Did the cashier even look at Dorothy for more then a second?
5) Had the cashier ever met Dorothy prior to this encounter?
Unless this was intended to be an attack on Dorothy or some prank or trick, leave it at that.
I beleive Dorothy has recently posted other blogs about acceptance from other workers and her superiors at her store. Those are the people that count.
Dorothy don't let this get you down.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, YOU ARE WHAT'S BETWEEN YOUR EARS, NOT WHAT'S BETWEEN YOUR LEGS!!! Now go to it girl!
Thank you Dorothy,
You are our girl and nobody can change that,no matter what they say.
Just remember that you can't educate fools or morons ,and that the
problem is theirs ,not yours,you are a woman.