A thank you to those who read.

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I looked at my account and its past 12k kudos. I can only thank those who have been nice enough to read my stories and say that they like them. It means quite a bit to someone who just started to write a little over a year ago.

I do not consider myself either a writer or author. Many of you seem to want to argue that but, to me anyways, those titles are for those who have put much more time and effort into their stories than I have and do not consider myself to be at that level yet.

People such as Maggie Finson have been a big inspiration to myself.

I still have quite a ways to go yet before I will deign to honor myself with such a title.

In that regard I would like to do a proper edit of The trip home. I would like suggestions on programs available that 1) work on windows xp. 2) have a punctuation and grammar check. 3) don't require a master degree in computer software to use.

Note I had half of the new chapter for Ashley written when my comp crashed and I lost it(sobs openly) now I'll have to redo it from memory after I cool down.

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