Category Browser - Doing an AND type search

I'm not sure if it's me failing to understand or do it correctly, but I'm having an awful time getting the Category Browser to work that way I think it's supposed to.

Here's an example:

Let's assume I'm searching for any stories which contain two elements.

Under Items Containing I ensure that the all terms radio button is selected.

Under TG Elements:
I then Ctrl-LeftClick the check boxes for Long Fingernails / Manicures and for Mother-Daughter Outfits

To my way of thinking this should return only stories which contain both elements.

However - I've just run that search and the first two results are:

My Fathers Secret Part 03 which contains the TG element Mother-Daughter Outfits, and
The return of Ashley Bash. which contains the TG element Long Fingernails / Manicures.

This behavior is appropriate for an OR search, not for an AND search. The URL for the above search is

If I carry out the same procedure as above, except I select Items Containing any terms I get the same list of stories (at least the first page is the same on the basis of a visual comparison). The URL for this search is

How can I do a search for stories which contain all the elements I select?