Jade Skirt

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Sorry about the now, huge delay in the next Jade Skirt chapter.

The MAU story has kinda taken over and I can't stop thinking about it for some reason.

I tried to do some work on JS today, but that is the key word, it seemed like work since even as I read over my notes, I couldn't stop thinking about the MAU story. :(

I will get back to it, I promise. It just might take a little bit for this bleeping MAU story to work it's way outta my system.


Do as your muse says.

MAU and Jade Skirt are both well worth waiting for.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Tries and tell the muse to

Tries and tell the muse to put Mystic 2 and Whisper 2 ahead of Jade Skirt though I love Jade Skirt I am looking forward to all your stories.