My faith

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I am a Christian.

Before anything else, that is how I identify myself and that is the core of my being.

I know there are other beliefs out there and that this site is a conglomeration of many different kind of people. I have respected other people who's views are different, even in direct opposition of mine. I was hoping that the courtesy would have followed in kind.

I know posting a Christian work on this site might not be well approved. So I made sure that I labeled it as such so I didn't "trick" people into reading it. I was really looking for signs of support to bolster my fortitude to publish a work that will most certainly be controversial in certain circles.

I am not foolish for just studying Christianity. Perhaps I read something into a comment that wasn't there, and if so, I apologize. To me, Christianity is the totality of truth. I do not expect everyone to agree, but it is my faith and I would like to be respected for it as long as I don't go shoving it down people's throats.

I also do not think my faith is archaic. My faith is something alive and growing, and I am growing in it and through it and for it.

I think some misunderstood what the point of an apologetic is. I am not trying to gain approval like I am some sort of child who is attempting to please a parent. I am setting an argument in motion to correct an error that I see many in the faith have. Also, on the flip side, I am equipping those who face such scrutiny with the knowledge they need to defend there position. I did not take the task lightly. I am sorry if it bored people. Academic works have a tendency to do that and it's not like I haven't been lulled to sleep by a few weighty arguments myself.

I have been given a course, and I have run it to the best of my ability. I will leave the results up to Him who I live for.



Even though I personally am

Even though I personally am not Christian, having left the church last year for my own reasons, I understand what you were trying to do. And I do applaud you for it. I think it will be a help to those who are transsexual and dealing with Christian elements that are not inclusive.

I was always different. And my faith is my own, and I pray to and give thanks to Allah everyday for making me how I am, for always being there and for guiding me. I sense that you have the same type of faith. All I can say is don't let people get you down. While we might disagree theologically in our beliefs, we both worship the same God.

I myself tend to write what I know. I haven't published my latest stuff here because I have a feeling it will cause a backlash that frankly will hurt too much to have even more people who I consider friends turn against me because of my faith. So I applaud you for being able to publish what you write here. May Allah continue to guide you.

Samirah M. Johnstone

Without Further Explanation...

I see uses of the word "Christian" in all sorts of contexts and in description of quite different groups with greatly varying traditions of belief and practice. I'm no longer sure of what the word means.

(This is not a question, it's a statement. And please don't answer this message. I'm not asking for anyone's personal definition.)

People are described as Christians who believe/practice:

Exclusion. They are not open to others.

Inclusion. All are welcome.
Certainty. There is only one way, and it is theirs.

Wonder. The ways are vast, and all who seek shall find a way.
Guilt. Man is born in sin, dwells there, and must always repent.

Joy. Life is a gift and God wants us to enjoy it and celebrate Him in each other.
Alarm. Satan lurks at every corner, waiting to seize your eternal soul.

Love. God's love is ever-present and in all of us, waiting to be revealed.
Fundamental. The Bible itself is an unquestionable, Holy icon. The words in it are to be taken literally.

Interpreted. The words in the Bible are allegorical or interpretive and serve to illustrate the complexity and history of beliefs and the focus of those who wrote (or recorded oral tradition), compiled and translated it over the ages.
Hierarchy/Institutional. God is property of the Church, its ordained priests and ministers, and is only understandable through dogma, ritual, and expert help.

Personal/Equal. We are all equal in God's eye, in his love, and in our ability to experience Him directly.
Church. Interpretation by saints and scholars over the centuries and the received dogma and interpretation of Jesus's death and resurrection is what constitutes Christianity. Followers follow the Church.

Example. The story of Jesus Christ during his life, his teachings on equality, love, generosity, tolerance and humility is what is important. Followers follow his example.
Afterlife. All life is preparation for the Afterlife in God's eternal presence.

Life. This is the only life God gives us. Our good works here and the Love we share with each other is the only Heaven there is.

The first of each of the pairs above is often referred to as "conservative." The second is often referred to as "liberal." I'm not sure either of those is accurate, nor do any denominations consistently follow all of the first or all of the second. There are many, many other dichotomies between denominations, as well. A quick examination of all the schisms in Protestant denominations will affirm this.

So, what is a "Christian"? I'm pretty sure there's not one answer for that question anymore, nor has there been for the last 1900 years or so. In terms of what I'd like to think of as Christian behavior, ethics, and life, some of the most loving, thoughtful and inclusive people I have met weren't Christian at all, at least not by their own labels. Some were atheist, others Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, Shinto, or something else. If there is a God and a Heaven in the sense that some Christians like to think of, those people will be there much more certainly than people who proudly and boldly wear the label and do little else to earn it.

In my experience 99% of above mentioned groups...

... just claim things and never even get close to following them IRL.
Most of the 1% left never claim allegiance to any group. One of examples was father of my friend. I've never in 20 years heard words"god", "christ", "religion", "salvation" from him. When he died I learned that he was one of the elders in his church.
On the other hand, all of the people who tried to "convert" me into Christianity and followed all of the rites, were obvious about their religion, in the end _all_ of them proved to be in best case just general kind of nasty person, in worst cases - adulterers and/or criminals.
So as Christ was claimed to say: "wherever there are people gathered in my name - I will be there with them." And: "Any organized religion is sinful by default." (And this shows that groups claiming to follow letter of Bible never got past apple while reading Bible)
(Sorry, above was rough translation from Russian version of Bible I've had about 25 years ago)

I'm Christian/Muslim

I am also Christian but often fail to live my beliefs in full measure. You will not find many believers on this site, I think partially because of the abominable way organizations of faith have treated them. I was thrown out of the Evangelical camp with door slamming finality when it was discovered that I was trying to understand what people of diversity was, what GID was, and vainly trying to bury my own feelings 6 feet under a pile of brown, smelly denial.

I was so incensed by their plastic bobble head Jesus, and their rock music that I was more than pleased to leave. Of course, everyone around me, including my family ejected me from their lives with great wrath and righteousness. It seemed only fitting that I would find a belief system as far from my previous on as I could, so I chose Islam. Everyone hated me, and everyone hated Muslims so I thought that a partnership would be fitting, or at least that is what my heavily sedated mind told me.

I spent 6+ years as Muslim, and about every 4-5 months, I would be "exposed" and a great fitnah would follow where I was thrown out. So, while I learned a great deal, I found that Sunni Muslims are not even as accepting of T folk as the Evangelicals. I did find that Shia Muslims were quite caring and loving to me. Over time, however, my ire at the Jesus people began to cool and I began to question.

So it was that I was taken to the camp of the Mormons, and despite all the bad press that has been written about them, my experience has been suitably astonishing. We can PM about these things if you wish.

Much peace


Katie, I also am a Believer

in the Christ. I have learned much from Him and Hope that others will see Him through me.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Is God Good

It's amazing in most mainstream christian religions God is sold as everything good; but why then is GOD one O short of Good.
Is it because these same religions exclude what they call Outsiders/Outcasts (all who don't conform to there Godly person).
Surely if all people are not welcomed to there God's table; this God is not everything gOOd ; as gOOd with an O missing may spell God ;but it's still not gOOd,!!!! as all are saying ...only a thought....!!