The full article is in Science Daily, and the following is the lead paragraph and a half. It's nice to know some researchers are paying attention
UK Doctors 'Failing' Children Trapped In Gender Limbo, According To Experts
Science Daily (Jan. 24, 2008)
– Gender disordered children as young as ten are being denied desperately needed hormonal drugs leading to bullying, violence and even suicide according to new research.
Simona Giordano from The University of Manchester says British doctors are depriving children relief from "extreme suffering" caused by their condition - forcing their families into seeking help outside the UK.
Homophobic bullying in schools is experienced by 89.2% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youths in the UK. 17.6% of pupils are physically assaulted for reasons related to their gender and sexual……..
Full article is at,
I'm surprised
that they would bring their children here to the States for treatment.Very few insurers here will pay for GID related expenses.Hopefully one day that will change but after the last few years I'm afraid it will be many more before America's ready.thanks for posting this Amy
If they're coming from the UK
It's likely not an insurance thing. Insurers don't control the medical community, they control US citizens' access to it.
Going Dutch
tbh I thought that prof. gooren's (I know I've spelled that wrong) clinic in holland was the preferred destination.
Anyway, now off to read the article...
More Going Dutch
A friend of mine tried to get the people in Utrecht to see her 13-year-old transgirl to get blockers. But they would only see her if she was resident in The Netherlands. She did hope that they could get blockers here, but GIRES seemed to put the kybosh on it. The poor girl has been almost suicidal for waant of help. Doctors in the UK seeem to be so po-faced about the whole subject. I suppose that with UK becoming almost as letigious as the US, it's not surprising, but their caution could ruin the life of someone who was not allowed blockers at the best time. In the end my friend took her to Boston, Mass. where she started on blockers.
re: GLBT children
Yeah, it's most certaintly not any better in the US. Well, it wasn't in the town I grew up in. In more urban areas it probably tends to be a bit better on average (in terms of homophobia). I know I got beaten by the boys, the girls *AND* the teachers in school. I learned at a young age that, though people may get old and wrinkled, they don't necessarily mature at all.
Anyway :) Things have the potential to be a lot worse in the UK since everyone there is locked into using state medical coverage, and if they don't approve of something you have no real recourse. At least in the US we have doctors with a lot more autonomy along with other options like mail-order and whatnot. Neither's ideal, though. I hear Norway is great...the state covers everything, etc.
You can always take matters into your own hands.
Oh, it is not a decision to be made lightly, but as in my case, it manifested about 5 years old or earlier, and before 12 I certainly knew I was not like men. With the proper counseling, they could have taken me to Bangkok, gotten all the letters nessessary for about $200, done the surgery and I'd have been home in two or three weeks. I am a child of the 60's and I most certainly have no respect at all for the system, in as much as it has buggered me royally. Sometimes you just gotta think for yourself.
Gwen Brown