The Wrong Side of the Bed 8

Wrong Side of the Bed 8

By Anistasia Allread

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I want to warn the readers that I used some strong language in this story. I don't normally like to use such words when I write, but they were needed to express a strong emotion. I apologize ahead of time if this offends anyone. Believe me; I don't like to use it unless it is absolutely needed.

Episode 8

The funny thing was that Nikki didn't remember much of the hockey game after that. Every time the Ice Knights scored, or got into a fight, she found her arms wrapped around Landon's neck their lips seeking the other's out.

After the game, the two sat in their seats just gazing into one another's eyes as fans filtered out of the arena.

"I'm glad you like hockey." Nikki fumbled breaking the silence between them. And a good kisser she thought.

"I'm glad you are such a great musician."

Nikki barely heard his words as she gazed into his eyes.

"Shall we go get some ice cream?" Landon took her hand and guided her to the steps.

"Sure." Nikki practically floated up the steps. "We shouldn't be too late, though, my dad needs to talk with you."

Landon stopped mid stride. "What?"

Reality came crashing down around her. "My Dad." She was having trouble finding words; all she could do was stare at Landon's lips remembering how fantastic they tasted. "He has to meet with you tonight. He would have done it before, if you had picked me up, but I had to promise him that you would be by to meet him after the game in order to come."

Landon began chewing on his bottom lip in thought. All Nikki could think was that she wanted to chew on his perfect lips. Well, perhaps not chew, but at least suck on them.

"What does he want to meet me for?" Landon looked worried.

"Just to put a face with a name and make sure you have honorable intentions and stuff." Nikki shrugged. She didn't know, this was her first date as a girl, who knew what her father wanted.

Landon held her hand as they walked out to the parking garage. "Whose car shall we take?" He asked.

"I just drive a blue bug, Shall we go in yours?" She asked.

"Only if you want too."

"Why wouldn't I? Do you drive a gremlin?"

Landon laughed.

He led her up the ramp and pressed a button on his key chain disarming his car.

"No way." Nikki swore, "This is yours?"

"It will be some day. It's my dad's. He lets me take it from time to time."

"It's beautiful." She gasped as her eyes ran over the smooth lines of the blue and cream 56 corvette.

Landon held the door open for her. Nikki sat down and began stroking the leather seats and smooth dash. She was oblivious as Landon close the door and settled in behind the wheel.

"I've never been in such a beautiful car." She sighed.

Landon beamed as he started up the car and drove out of the garage.

* * *

Nikki pulled into her driveway as Landon parked on the street. Getting out of her car, she leaned up against it and beamed as she watched the surfer get out of his beautiful car and stride towards her with a grace that must have come from riding the waves.

Nikki's heart beat in her chest like a rabbits. Part of it was from the way that Landon made her feel; the other part was that she needed to tell him the truth about her. That she was a genetic freak. He'd probably yell at her and storm off in his beautiful car with his gorgeous surfer hair, only to ignore and despise her for the rest of her life. But she had to get this over with. One of the reasons she waited until now was because she was home. It was only a few steps to safety if it came to more than yelling. Besides, her dad was probably checking out the window every few moments to see if she was safe.

Landon beamed down at her and leaned in for a kiss. Before she knew it, she realized that her arms were again around his neck keeping his lips against hers. God his lips tasted fantastic. His strong shoulders under her arms were those of a swimmer's, broad and strong, as a guy, Nick would be jealous of his shoulders, but as Nikki, she relished in the fact that she could feel the restrained strength in them. God, he was amazing..... too bad it all had to end.

Landon pulled away. "I think your parents want us to go in." he stated.

"What?" Nikki asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Someone has flashed the porch light on and off a few times."

"Ohh." She released her hold on Landon. She had to tell him. She had to do it now.

"Um, Landon?" she pulled his hand as he tried to head to the house. "I've got to tell you something."

Landon turned his smile became a mask of concentration. "Hmm?"

"I ... I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was afraid." she bit her lower lip. Her heart was pounding so loud she was sure he could hear it.

"What?" Landon asked.

"There's no other way to tell you except to just come out with it." She looked away ashamed of what she was about to say, scared of how he would react. She looked up at him again to see that he was watching her with interest. She then looked past those pretty eyes, to see her father looking out the window at her. She kept her eyes on her dad. "You were going to find out anyway." She prefaced. "Landon, I'm a gendermorph." There, it was out there was no taking it back. She half expected him to slap her, punch her or start yelling. What happened next took was so unexpected that she didn't know what to do. Landon began to chuckle. Did he think this was a joke? She couldn't do that to him, she hoped no one would do that to anyone else.

"Seriously, Landon, I'm a gendermorph." She explained. "I was born a guy, but well, you know about gendermorphs, I'm sure."

Landon just smiled at her and laughed.

"This is not a prank, or some sick 'new kid' joke. I'm serious." She began looking around unsure of what was happening.

Landon pulled her into a big hug and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "I know." he stated simply.

"You know?" Nikki was confused. "How long have you known?" She pushed him away and looked locked his gaze.

"Since my first day of school." Landon was still smiling. "The awkward way that everyone was treating you, from the teachers and the students. It was pretty obvious. That and I overheard people gossiping."

Nikki tried to shake the fogginess from her head. "You've known and you still asked me out?"

"Sure, why not?"

"You could have asked just about any girl in the school and they would have gone out with you, why did you pick me, knowing that I was a gendermorph?"

"Because you are amazing." Landon's face was serious. "Your musical ability alone would make me interested, but your love of hockey was a huge plus. Then there is you." He paused. He gently lifted her chin with his finger so that she could look him in the eye. You were in the middle of a crisis my first day and yet you were kind to me. That kind of soul is one of a kind."

Nikki swallowed a lump in her throat. Was this guy for real?

"Where I'm from, Gendermorphs are a little better accepted. I have a couple friends who are morphers." he explained. "Hell, one of them saved my live while out in the water."

Tears clouded her vision as she tried to digest Landon's words. He wasn't screaming, hitting, or freaking out. This she didn't quite know how to handle.

Landon released her chin and pulled her in for another hug. "Now, let's get this meeting with your father over with. I think I'm more nervous about meeting him than you are of telling me about your genetic background."

Nikki wiped her eyes on her sleeve and realize that she smeared her eye makeup. She must look like a bloody raccoon.

"Here." Landon handed her a kerchief. "Blot, don't wipe."

* * *

Nikki woke up and the first thing she did was make sure that she was still in girl mode. She almost squealed with delight. Last night had gone so wonderfully. The date was fantastic, the hockey game the kissing, especially the kissing. She could almost feel his lips against hers now. A shiver of joy ran down her spine. She could even feel it in her toes. She looked out the window and saw that it was a sunny day; another plus. The sort of down side was that this was the Sunday that she had to go to church.

They weren't a very religious family. Her mother was, her father not so much, but it was custom that they all went to church the last Sunday of the month. Her mom had reminded her last night.

Landon knew about her being a gendermorph and he still asked her out and still kissed her and lavished attention on her. She felt so wonderful that at this moment she wanted to stay a girl just for Landon.

A knock sounded at her door.

"Good morning." She answered cheerfully.

"Whoa." her father entered. "Someone's in a good mood. Wonder if it had anything to do with her playing tonsil tag last night."

"Daddy." She mocked a pout. "He was wonderful, wasn't he?"

Her father rolled his eyes. "Dreamy. Get a move on it; we have to leave in about an hour."

"Yes Daddy."

After a quick shower Nikki, a towel still wrapped around her, perused her closet. Half of her girl clothes were barely feminine, the other good portion wasn't really meant for church.

Pulling on her robe, she knocked on her sister's door.


"Can I borrow your pink flowing skirt?"

"Seriously?" Alicia asked.

"I don't really have anything for church." Nikki admitted.

"Fine." Alicia handed it through a crack in the door.

"Do you still have that beige belt?" Nikki added.

The door opened and the belt whizzed by Nikki's head.

"Someone is in a bad mood." She stated the obvious before returning to her room.

Nikki pulled a white short sleeved blouse on and tucked it into her skirt before fastening the belt on. She then sat down and smiled at herself in her vanity mirror. She almost felt giddy. She realized that this was the first time that she truly loved seeing her female reflection in the mirror.

Her phone went off. She looked at the text it was Sarah.

"So?" it said, "How did it go?"

"He was fantastic." She typed back.

Even though she had short hair, she spent some time on it. Blow drying it, adding some rough paste and fingering it into place.

"How fantastic?" Sarah texted.

"Let's just say that his lips aren't just for show."

Nikki ignored her phone as she worked on getting her makeup on just right. A touch of gloss on the lips to finish it off and she smiled at herself in the mirror.

"Did you tell him?" Sarah asked.

"He knew."

"He did?"

"He said he knew since his first day."

"OMG U need to scoop me."

"Later, going to church."

Nikki looked down and spotted her sister's earrings. She placed them in her ears and twirled in front of the mirror.

"You look amazing." her mother smiled.

"I need some shoes though." She grimaced looking down at her feet.

"Your Aunt has a pair of wedge sandals that would look fantastic with that."

"Will it be okay?" Nikki asked.

"I'm sure it will. I'll go ask your father." her mother left.

Nikki was drawn down stairs by the wonderful aroma of mom's homemade cinnamon rolls. Church days were often accompanied by such treats. It was mom's way of bribing her and her sister.

Nikki grabbed two of the sticky, sweet rolls and poured herself a mug of coffee before sitting down to munch.

"Your Dad said that you can borrow these." Nikki's mom dropped a pair of wedge sandals at her feet. She looked at Nikki's plate, "That is all. You'll need to save some for your sister."

Nikki sighed,

"Alicia is having a rough day. She's started her period and she's envious of you. Try to be nice to her today." her mother reinforced her words with a hard look.

"Why would she be envious of me?" Nikki wondered.

"Because," her father entered the room. "You make being a girl seem so easy sometimes. You had a great date last night and she still hasn't found a boyfriend."

Nikki didn't know how to respond. How could everyone think that she was having an easy time at this whole sex changing genetic mess? The hormone fluctuations were a nightmare, she had to eat four times as much as anyone else after each morph, people were usually scared of her or weirded out by her, and she didn't know who she was going to be each morning, try planning a date with that in mind.

"Is it time, yet?" Alicia asked flopping down in a chair. She was wearing head to toe black and wore dark sunglasses.

"Aren't you being a little over dramatic?" her mother asked.

Alicia refused to answer and picked at her breakfast. "Can I have my earrings back after church today?"She mumbled to Nikki.

"Sure." Nikki shrugged. "I only wore them today because they are so cute and work well with almost all of my clothes.

* * *

Nikki was led into church by her mother and followed by her sister and father. Church, she had noticed in the past was where women liked to dress up and show off their cute outfits.

"Luke." She waved. She quickly strode across the room and approached him for a hug.

Luke stepped back. "Whoa, Nick." he put his hands up.

Nikki couldn't help but feel hurt. "Sorry, it's just that as Nikki, I get a little more emotional." She apologized.

"Sure, what ever." he tried to play it off. He avoided looking at her, instead looking everywhere else.

"Did I do something wrong, Luke?" She confronted.

"No." he still avoided her.

"Then why are you acting all weird?" She asked.

"Weird?" his voice raised a bit. "You tried hugging me, Nick."


"You are my friend, but when you are . . . well, you know. . . Nikki, it is just weird."

"I'm the same person." Nikki protested.

"No." he stated, "No you aren't. That is part of the issue."

Nikki blinked in surprise.

"You've got boobs now, and you are wearing a skirt and makeup and stuff." he explained. "And I think you like it."

Nikki stood gaping at Luke not knowing what to say. How could she? She didn't know how she felt.

"Nikki." her father called. "Let's go in."

"I'll be right there, Dad." her voice cracked.

"Fuck you, Luke." She turned and stormed off.

"I'll be there shortly." She told her father as she passed and made a bee line for the bathroom.

"Like it?"She snarled to herself. "Why the hell does everyone think I like this shit?" She snagged a tissue and blotted at the tears welling in her eyes. She worked too hard to look pretty today to go into church looking like a raccoon. She took a deep breath and settled herself down. She checked her image in the mirror. Part of her did like this. She was an attractive young lady. As Nick, she was just kind of ho-hum, slightly smaller than other guys, not quite as muscular. As Nikki, she was fit, with shoulders that were a little broad for most women, but she carried herself well. Sure her hair was shorter than most girls wore theirs, but it made for a very cute pixie. So what if she liked what she saw in the mirror. Landon liked what he saw last night. An image of him looking at her during the hockey game flashed through her mind followed by the memory of his lips pressed against hers made her weak in the knees.

"You're at church, you need to stop thinking of that kind of stuff." she told her reflection. Her emotions seemed to be all over the map. One moment she was crying because of how stupid Luke was acting, the next she was practically swooning over a guy.

Her heart was lifted slightly as she entered the sanctuary as they were playing one of her favorite hymns. Nikki raised her voice to join in with the others. She was slightly startled at how high she was able to sing, but delighted in how pretty her voice sounded.

Nikki scooted down the aisle and stood next to 'Emo' Alicia and rejoiced in the hymn and her voice.

Alicia gave her the dirtiest look and took a step away from her.

Oh my God, what did I do now? She wondered to herself.

At the end of the hymn, they were bid to sit.

"What did I do now?" She asked her sister.

"Nothing." Alicia snapped as she slouched in the pew with her arms crossed.

Nikki's mom looked over at her girls and frowned.

"What is going on?" She mouthed.

Nikki shrugged, "I don't know?" she mouthed back shaking her head.

Her mother tapped Alicia on the leg to bid her to sit up straight.

Alicia glowered and inched up a bit but refused to look anywhere but straight ahead. Even her mother's hard stare didn't budge Alicia anymore.

Nikki and her mother exchanged confused looks again. Alicia bolted up and excused herself and quickly made her way out of the church. Nikki sat stunned. She looked to her mother whose lips were pressed firm angrily.

She shifted to follow. Nikki caught her eye, "I'll go, Mom."

Nikki awkwardly excused herself and quickly exited the church. She looked around and caught a bit of black behind a bush.

Nikki approached. "Mom's pissed." She said softly. Alicia was sitting on the ground, leaning up against a tree trunk. Her sister turned away as she approached. "So." Alicia was sobbing.

"She warned me that you were having a bad day, what's up?"

"Of course she did." Alicia snarled. "Just leave me alone."

Nikki looked around and found a bench a few steps away. She sat down and shot back up. "Shit! Cold bench!" She had forgotten to fold her skirt under her. She did so and sat down softening the exposure to the shock.

Alicia kept her face turned away from her and the two sat not talking. Other than cars passing by, the only other sounds were from a few birds and the wind rustling through the leaves.

"Why?" Alicia finally broke the silence.

"Why what?"

"Why are you so perfect?" Alicia growled.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Nikki questioned.

"I heard you in there." Alicia still wasn't making much sense.

Nikki kept quiet; she didn't know where this was going.

"You sound like a fucking angel." Alicia swore.

Nikki's heart jumped. Alicia was jealous of her voice? She knew it was good, but really? That good?

"You've got everything." She continued. "You get all of the attention from mom and dad, you're the golden child. You get to stay home from school whenever you want; you get to change your fucking gender. And worse yet is that you are a gorgeous girl; so you get the looks, you get the attention, you get the talent with your piano playing and sax, you even get kissed before I do, and then you get the fucking voice of an angel to boot?" She wailed. "It's just not fair?"

Nikki's heart sank. What should she do? What should she say? Her little sister was hurting and jealous of her. Of her?

"This isn't all it's cracked up to be, Alicia." Nikki started. "Luke, basically just told me that he didn't want to be my friend anymore because I made him uncomfortable. Hell, I make everyone uncomfortable. Do you see how people who know me, look at me? They look at me like I'm a freak." She took a deep breath. "I guess I am kind of a freak. Do you know what it is like not knowing who you'll be every time you wake up in the morning? People, who like me as a guy, don't want to associate with me as a girl and vice versa. Teachers as well as friends get mixed up on what to call me or how to refer to me. One day I like masculine things and getting sweaty, the next I despise the idea of it and would rather get a manicure or watch 'chick' flicks." She paused. "Landon and I had a great time and yes, he kissed me, but how will he treat me if I show up to school tomorrow as a guy? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want hang out with me let alone kiss me." Nikki stood up. "I have to be careful of my stress levels, so that I don't morph. If I have an orgasm, I morph. After I morph, I have to eat like a pig and then I have to be careful not to morph too often so that I don't go into morpher's coma."

Nikki stepped closer to her sister knelt down and softened her voice. "Alicia. . . . everything I know about being a girl I learned from you."

Alicia's posture changed.

"It's true. Sure Mom and Aunt Mary have shown me a few things, but you are the one who I tend to copy. Hell, half of what I'm wearing today is yours. I don't go to mom or Aunt Mary to get my toes polished, I come to you." Nikki paused. "Alicia, you are beautiful. One of the most beautiful girls I know. I'm sorry if you feel like I get too much attention. It must suck."

Alicia nodded her head. "Even at school." She turned slightly towards Nikki.

Nikki paused.

"All anyone could talk about last week was how Nick morphed and how pretty Nikki was. Nikki this, Nikki that. Oh and how gorgeous Landon is." She faced Nikki. "Then you had to go and get kissed by him. He knows, right? about your being a gendermorph?"

"Yes." Nikki stated.

"And he probably doesn't care." Alicia sighed heavily.

"That is what he said, but that will probably change when he sees me as Nick."

There was a long pause between the sisters, each lost in her own thoughts.

"I kind of hope he does." Alicia admitted. "I know it's wrong," She pushed on, "But it would make your charmed life less charming. Sometimes I get so. . . . so angry and jealous of you."

Nikki reached out and touched her sister's arm finally getting Alicia to face her. "I am sorry, Alicia." tears welled in her eyes.

Alicia's makeup was all over her face. She was hurting so bad, it made Nikki's eyes burn even more. "I get jealous of you too."

"Why?" Alicia snuffed.

"You are the most thoughtless, wonderful sister I could ever have hoped for." She stated. "Even though you were mad at me, you let me borrow your clothes; you took time the other day to polish my toes. You are so strong and so amazing. You don't have to worry about who you will be every morning, because you will always be the beautiful Alicia."

"You're just saying that." Alicia wiped her eyes.

"No, I'm not. It is one of the reasons I copy you. You are a wonderful young woman and I would love to me more like you."

Nikki took Alicia's hand and helped her to her feet and embraced her little sister. "I love you." She whispered in her sister's ear.

Alicia gave her a long hard squeeze.

"Now, Let's get you cleaned up and back into church before mom makes us stay for the next service to make up for this.

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