About Walking In Heels

I don't mean to be rude, but I'm really glad that I never had any of you, or a GG for that matter, teach me how to walk in heels.

Because I had no one to teach me, I taught myself. I did fall on my butt once. But after that it only took me about fifteen minutes to *master* it. Walking, climbing or descending stairs (ladders, too - do not go on the roof in heels - no, I never did, I'm just saying ... ;-).

And running. I can run nealy two klicks in about eleven minutes in runing sneakers without breathing very hard. (Yeah I know, ten kph is no big deal - I'm not trying to set a record, I just want to stay in shape.)

In 100 mm FMPs it takes me about a minute longer. Watch out - running fast (or slow for that matter) on carpet is DANGEROUS. Of course it takes me about another ten minutes to clean up the heel scuf marks on the tile ...

After finding this site and reading some stories where the hero/heroine has her first encounter with heels, and her friend/mentor tells her how to walk in them, I found myself chuckling and shaking my head in puzzlement. Then, I went out to the Net and Googled 'how to walk in high heels'. Hundreds of millions of hits. (Holy sh ...) A lot of them with video.

And they all said about the same thing that you guys said.

'Short steps, heel first, then toe, and practice for at least several days. Eventually, you will get it.'

So ... how did I do it in fifteen minutes? Can THAT many people be wrong? What kind of an arogant bitch am I, anyway?


PS - Think of it as a receipe that everyone uses. And I have found an extra ingredient that makes it better.
PPS - I can also teach your child how to ride a bike without training wheels in fifteen minutes.
PPPS- And I can teach any one how to drive a stick shift in fifteen minutes.

it's all about a missing ingredient in the recipie ...