Happy (Chag Sameach) Purim.
Eat lots of Hamantaschen, drink L'Chiams until you don't know the difference between Bless Haman and CurseMordechai. Read the whole Megilah or the Book of Esther. And may the King strretch out his scepter to you and your dreams be realized.
And to you, dearest of friends...
...as your story, The King's Outstretched Scepter, reminds me, life is filled with wonder and enchantment...but also hope and grace. In the book where G_d is not mentioned a single time (Megliat Haddasah) He shows his grace and love for his queen by accepting her just as she is; faith in the form of bravery is rewarded by acceptance and love. May we all be accepted for who we are, yes. Purim Sameach!
Love, Andrea Lena
Thanks for the reminder blog,
Rami. I totally forgot about my Jewish friends Holiday.
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'm glad you are enjoying it...
... but your words have no meaning for me. Can you translate it into some form of ordinary English?