Ok have a quick question regarding the american schooling system,mainly what grades etc relate to the age of the student.
Many Thanks
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Ok have a quick question regarding the american schooling system,mainly what grades etc relate to the age of the student.
Many Thanks
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An answer
Well a senior(12th grade) is usaully 17 when they start the year
You can work back wards from there...
Many thanks, which grades do
Many thanks, which grades do the other names refer to by that I mean freshman, sorry if stupid questions just want to get it at least somewhat right
Freshman = 9th
Freshman = 9th grade
Sophomore = 10th grade
Junior = 11th grade
Senior = 12th grade
My birthday is in September -- I turned 17 at the beginning of senior year.
Same boat :)
Yeah I did the same thing as you qmy birthday is the 23, anywho I figured that the simple answer would help more in this case ;)
Here ya go :)
12th grade is a senior
11th grade is a junior
10th grade is a sophmore
9th grade is a fresman
grades 6-8 is middle school
grades 1-5 is grade school
Many Thanks, that helps alot.
Many Thanks, that helps alot.
there's more too..
not every child goes to pre-school but since i did, i felt it should be included
1st-5th grade school
6-8 Middle school
9-12 High School
Most people are 17-18 at graduation from 12th grade. Every now and then someone who was really smart get's skipped a grade (useually around 4th-7th grade) and end up graduating earlier at like 16 years old.
all ages give are at the
all ages give are at the beginning of the year.
high school
senior - 12th grade - 17 years old
Junior - 11th grade - 16 years old
sophomore - 10 grade - 15 years old
freshman - 9th grade - 14 years old
junior high
8th grade - 13
7th grade - 12
sometimes middle school and junior high are together.
middle school
6th grade - 11
grade school
5th grade - 10
4th grade - 9
3th grade - 8
2nd grade - 7
1st grade - 6
There is a lot of variation in school districts since each state does things a little differently and each school district in the state can also do things a little differently from other districts.
edit: damn it beaten by 3 minutes.
To be completely acurate
Freshman means first year in the school (high school or collage)
Sophomore means no longer a freshman (i.e. 2nd year)
Junior is the year before the final year (usually 3rd year)
Senior is final year.
As some schools vary the number of years (3-5) they add unnamed years, or drop Sophomore to fit their schedule.
Junior High is the grade(s) immediately before High School.
Middle School is the grade(s) after Elementary/Grade School.
If combined (which is most frequent) the grades between Elementary and High may be called either Middle school, Junior High, or both interchangeably.
I don't know about anyone else, but I was 16 when I started grade 12. Then again, I had a birthday in November.
6 by September 1to start first grade
While there are certain exceptions, the basic law in Florida, is you have to be 6 years old by September 1 , to start 1st grade. Since school in Florida starts normally in August it is possible to have 5 year olds start 1st grade. NY used to have a December 31 cut off date.
For me it went
For me it went like this:
10th-12th High school
7th-9th Junior High
Kindergarten & 1st-6th Elementary
Have a delightfully devious day,
I turned 16 my freshman year
I turned 16 my freshman year in high school mainly cause I got held back in first grade. I was 19 when I finished HS.
I also got held back. Twice
In grade 1 they sent me back to kindergarten... said I was socially maladjusted.
In grade 8 I was in a sort of reform school for gender deviant (gay students) they said on the 2nd day there... school was optional so we all opted not to attend.
ps. I got put ahead a year but I cried so much they put me back.
ages standard
You start school when you are 6 unless your birthday is before dec 31st then you start at 5.
so grade 1 at 6 and 12 years later you're 17 unless your birthday is before christmas then you're 17.
unless you're me and you opt for grade 13 which is a little known option. After you graduate and before attending post-secondary you can return to high school and take those subjects you did poorly in or didn't take at all.
At 21 I returned to school and took algebra 11 and algebra 12, physics 11 and 12 and chemistry 11.
In canada we don't have freshmen, juniors, etc... we just have grade ___. "Junior high" is 8,9, 10 and senior high is 11, 12. by seperating the grades like this we keep the bigger kids from abusing the smaller ones.
Anyways... you asked about the USA but I felt the need to explain canada's system.
schooling, grades and student's age
What the others have been saying is accurate for those who are the average ages when they attend such schooling.
There are exceptions and they can be many years different but they are, as I said, exceptions. I was one such which may be a part of the reason I seem to be burning out my brain cells now. No, I didn't do drugs so that isn't an excuse for me.
The guide I always use
It can vary some depending on the cut off date for the age to start kindergarten (what we call infants school) but if you use the guide below you'll be close enough for story purposes. It is possible to start Kindergarten at age five and graduate 12th grade at 17, but that would mean that the student turned 6 by mid-October or early November.
Grade – Age
K = 6
1 = 7
2 = 8
3 = 9
4 = 10
5 = 11
6 = 12
7 = 13
8 = 14
9 = 15
10 = 16
11 = 17
12 = 18
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