Familiar Regrets...

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Familiar Regrets...

Just a note about the story. I wrote it as a way of connecting with a few folks here with whom I have exchanged correspondence. They, as many of us do, are frustrated to the point of tears over things in our lives which could best be described as impeding our desire to be who we are. Family members or friends or co-workers who neglect or ignore or tease or insult us as we try to step out of those boxes to which we were born or even entered voluntarily.

In the midst of that, folks describe being sad and even depressed. I struggle with that on a daily basis and I know I'm not alone. All of those who commented on the story and even a very great deal of those who didn't comment do understand; that commonality that is all too sad for something shared that says I know how you feel. Each comment came to me from a place of love and understanding; from the heart, and I am supremely grateful.

What remains frustrating is that some folks still don't understand; that we who fear to risk everything or even more so, those of us who have and have lost all; our pain cannot be set aside by relaxing or taking it easy. We can't just let go of the pain, as one often suggests. And while I appreciate the acceptance I have here, I know I'm not alone at all in feeling heartbroken over the acceptance I have yet to receive; knowing we have family here helps but only so much to assuage the sad pain we so often feel.

Talking with someone and learning that they no longer have a family. Finding out about the broken relationship between a friend and her wife? It's odd to talk about it in that manner, but like in our stories, we are the women (and men) we understand ourselves to be. Not choosing to BE but choosing to present, since we already are. That difference between Sexual Reassignment Surgery and the more accurate Gender RECOGNITION Surgery.

From my perspective, there isn't a single person here or elsewhere for that matter who is post operative that chose to CHANGE their gender; they brought their bodies into alignment with their heart and soul. My friends have been accused of tearing their families apart when all they wanted was to be recognized and loved for who they are.

Heartfelt expressions should always be greeted with heartfelt understanding, and that's what I tried to accomplish in the story today. All that to say, I know virtually all of you understand how I feel; many of you feel exactly as I do because we feel stuck between two worlds. My sole intent was to share that commonality, and if I've left any other impression, I apologize. It's hard to write as I did without hugely preaching to a knowing and caring choir, I suppose, but it was something I felt some here needed to hear. That feeling that we all come to even treasure that reminds us that we are not alone. Thanks for understanding.

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