Did I tell you about that one time I wrote a novel? On the internets?
I just handed off chapter 54 of Being Christina Chase, affectionately know as the LAST chapter, to Holly.
And let me just say,
Never again. Never writing a novel again. I don't know what I was thinking. All said and done, Being Christina Chase is just upwards of 370,000 words. That's friggin insane. It's way too long. If you need proof I can't write, that number is all you need.
Still, this is sort of like when you go to the bathroom and take a really big dump, and even though it made you sweat and feel like you were going to die, you sort of feel inclined to dare people to look at it. Turns out my dump is 370,000 words long.
Anyhoo, everything still has to go through the sasuage factory before it goes out. I still have to get the thumbs up from Holly, who might just veto the whole thing, and I have to revise the unpublished chapters to make sure they're up to snuff. On the upside, unless both Holly and I are struck by meteors, the ending will be published soon.
Oh, and for those of you who might want more, I assure you have no more than 370,000 words to write on the subject of Christina Chase. So enjoy it while it lasts :D
Angharad's "Bike" is upwards of 2,000,000 words and still growing. I have loved every page of it.
Kudos on Bike
I'm retiring :D
This deserves a meek, reserved response. So here goes.
I'm so proud of you, Admiral!
If you never write another story, BCC will still put you in the Hall of Fame!
Stick around and still comment and write blogs for us, OK?
One of your 3(000) fans, **Sigh**
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
Wonderful news
I have an idea of what you mean.
Several years ago I started a 100,000 word story, really without knowing where it was going. After part 1 got slammed by my editor, it then sat on the back-burner, went through several changes of title, changed ideas just a bit (okay, a lot) and is now more or less ready.
My sympathies go with you and I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to chapter 54 of BCC.
congrats on the finish. I want you to know that I have enjoyed all those words immensely and will re-read it again when the final chapters are released.
So will the ending be amenable to a book two by some other
... 'masochist', if you are willing to allow other people to play with your characters?
Or is it a sewed it all up air tight thingie that puts the lock and seal on Christina's fate?
Or is it an 'Admirals only' universe :)
Knock yourself out I say
BCC is a novel with a coherent (I hope) beginning, middle, and end. I think it says all it needs to say. I'm also not sure there's an interesting story to tell beyond what's in there.
That said, if anyone wants to add on to it, rewrite it, print it out to line their birdcage with it, I say knock yourself out. Have a good time. I think that's swell.
There is always a story to tell :-)
If the protagonist is left alive. And several of the more or less acceptable ways to continue if protagonist left dead. ;-)
(Hope everybody survived ending of BCC, but will wait for answer till it is published)
PS: reloading bcts main page every 5 minutes in anticipation of new chapters.
You may be waiting awhile
I haven't even gotten the revised chapters yet from Krunch to format for posting.
What is...
...'bring red'? Not a shade I know.
Bright Red is what was meant
but the people doing the captions misspelled it for whatever reason. There are a lot of captions with at least 1 word misspelled somewhere.
A lot more than just captions...
There's a lot more than just captions with spelling mistakes. I see them all the time in published work, even professional stuff.
Abigail Drew.
No compelling story to tell
Since BCC is a single story with a beginning, middle, and end, the basic conflicts that give the story all of its narrative momentum are going to be resolved (unless I blow it). I think stories that are set in "universes" are a bit different because the setting or rules are repeatable for other characters and stories. Serials, I think, are different beasts too. Serials allow for a nearly endless combination of story arcs to come in and out of being, but in general, I don't think they resolve arcs that carry through the entire narrative or essentially change the main characters in ways that leave them at rest instead of ready for the next conflict to start.
So while someone could write another story, I'm not sure it would be compelling unless they invented some new conflict, mystery, mcguffin, etc around which to hang a narrative, because BCC will be out of gas (I hope) when you get to the last chapter.
That's not to say that no one should try. People can do whatever they want. I'd be thrilled that anyone liked the story enough to play with it, but as far as I'm concerned, story over. The fork, in it, has been stuck.
loved what you have done so far
I have loved what was written so far. I hope to read the finale and I assume I will like it too.
Looking forward
to reading it when it's posted, congratulations on completion of your magnum opus.
Bike will finish one day, when the cats run out of ideas and I take the wheels off. Quite how that will happen I have no idea, starting a story is far easier than ending it, even so called mainstream writers like Dan Brown can't finish a story as well as he starts them, several of his endings are rather weak. So what chance a rank amateur like moi?
I shall be practicing with Snafu and Whatever Next, when I have time to write. At present life seems to be interfering in my plans.
Admiral Krunch, I am
wondering if being Christina Chase will result in her coming out to them or getting the surgery
May Your Light Forever Shine
Not every person who is TG
or Intersexed wants nor requires surgery to live their life. Some do do, some don't.
I just noticed your comment.
...a needful observation, I'd say. And the title, intentionally or not, reinforces what you said, since it's BEING Christina Chase. The idea of personhood rather than utility or function, I suppose.
Love, Andrea Lena
Congratulations on reaching this milestone!