SuZie's comment about Wheels and wings 15.

I have just read Suzie's comment about 'The Gender Spectrum' and it is just so apt!

For these past twenty or so years as I finally came to some sort of accomodation with my gender perception, I have accepted that I seem to move, inexplicably up and down the gender spectrum. This perception seemed to serve in it's way for it moved through the colours but it did not account for the wild and seemingly uncontrollable swings. My simple understanding told me that I moved by gradations up and down the 'colours' of the rainbow but the dynamic still disturbed me because a simple linear shift did not seem to fit my feelings.

In her comment responding to Wheels and Wings 15, Suzie responded to Gwen's comment by describing the gender Spectrum as more like the Aurora Borealis.

For me this was a revelation, an epiphany. For my feelings about my gender status EXACTLY reflect the dynamics of the Aurora. Not only do the colours change but the dynamics of the Aurora exactly reflect the seeming speed and actions of the aurora as it sweeps and swirls and flashes accross the polar skies.

Any body who has been close up and personal with the Aurora will tell not only of the colours but also of the intensities and violence of their activity in the skies above.

When I first encountered them whilst rounding Noord Cap going to Murmansk to load iron ore, I almost cried with joy as they enveloped me and flashed reflections off the mirror calm Arctic ocean. I wonder now if there was some sort of sensory alignment with my very being that brought a sensory and perhaps even spiritual harmony to my mind.

All I can say is that by likening the 'Gender Spectrum' to the Aurora Borealis (or the Aurora Australis,); SuZie has hit my gender feelings RIGHT ON THE BUTTON!!!

Thanks Suzie.

Bev XX

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