No Good Deed

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As everyone is aware, about two weeks ago I received a phone call from a friend who was in dire straights and in need of a place to live. I had been homeless and wasn't about to let one of my friends suffer the same fate. The problem, he knew me as Tiny the wrestler and not Katie. Figuring I knew what his reaction would be, I decided I need to die to self and put being female on the back burner while I helped out.

On the 27th I went to counseling and pretty much told him what everyone knew. I wasn't happy about not being Katie, but it was serving a greater good. It would be too awkward to bring it up and it wasn't like I was full time out and about anyway. I did mention that by putting Katie on the back burner, my desire to be fem was actually greater and I planned to work hard at it as soon as I could, most likely in February. I had a plan of dieting, electrolysis and getting more involved in the trans community. Dressing didn't come up other than if I did (big if) it would be conservative.

I ended the session feeling as if it was the best one I had.

Then I got home.

Adrea, my friends fiance, asked me how my doctors appointment went (I told them doctor not therapist).

Instead of saying okay or some pat answer or even good, which was the truth, I told her it went bad and Pandora's box was open. I think I already blogged about this, but it's important to recap. I then proceed to tell the secret I thought I was going to have to hide and expect the worst.

Perhaps it was God rewarding my self-sacrifice or life trying to make me look like a moron because I evidently have no clue to how it works. But they were actually accepting of me and then this happens:

I went from this on March 3rd

Picture 1.jpg

To this: Yesterday, before change
Picture 059.jpg

And then finally, this. The final result.

Picture 071.jpg

Picture 077.jpg

Not only that, but i went out in public TWICE like that in one day. By the way, it's all natural. No wigs, no forms, no nothng

What do you think of the new me?


You're no Kardasian but then...

who would want to be like them? Mind you they ARE quite attractive women. Even the half sitters from their mom's latter marriage. Not sure what kind of people they are. Heck, the Kardashians late dad WAS a lawyer, one of OJ Simpson's in fact. AND the gals got into reality TV thru Paris Hilton, that paragon of intelligent behavior...

But look at Kim.... WHO CARES!

-- snicker --


So happy for you. And any safely done weight loss when you are overweight is usually very good for your health. To be honest Paris Hilton is on the edge of dangerously underweight. And not all the Kardasians are as thin at Kim. Women come in all sizes and shapes. Being happy and healthy is what counts.

Keep up the good work. And it sounds like this old friend and his gal ARE good people.

Still do be careful as you were burned before. IE prepare for the worst BUT hope for the best. You might just get the best.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa


All I see is a beautiful zaftig (look it up) woman. Without the before pictures no one would easily connect the two. You go girl.




Katie is out and she is here to stay. Love, Jenn.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Great look

Blonde suits you.

If doing good deeds brings about a makeover like that, I'd say you're a real karma chameleon.


... to the person you should have been in the first place!

You look great! You are a lot of woman, and proud of it.

However, I will agree with one of the other folk: you should now consider the next challenge, namely, dropping a few pounds. Such a plan could be easier now that you are 'out' and no longer need to hide the true you. And, the benefits to your long-term health are countless.

After all, you have a stories to write that will inspire, alter and illuminate both those who are undergoing similar transitions and those that need to understand.

Keep it up, girl. You're looking fantastic!

Red MacDonald


I just can't express how happy I am for you! That is fantastic!

The change is fantastic too! That smile in your eyes says just about everything that could be said.

Weight loss is fine and good, but take it slow. I watched my mom lose about 10-15 pounds a year for 18 years on Weight Watchers...

All that said, you look Amazing!

Huge hugs!


You look good.

Not only do you look good, you look happier!! HooRay for K.T.!!!!



You look wonderful

littlerocksilver's picture

Such a beautiful transformation. Whoever did your hair did a great job, and the color definitely suits you. You know what you need to do. Stick with it. You look happy, and I am so happy for you.



this is why the shrinks harp on about the support structure of family or freinds, with real support we CAN do it.

love & best wishes to you,your mate & his girlfiend.

Way to go girl!

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

You look good & much much happier.
It's great to have friends who accept you.
*thumbs up*

I would however say loose a bit of weight if you can for your health.
(I noticed other comments tho I am not making a direct reply to any one)
I was rather over weight a little bit over a year ago, and had no energy for anything. Now that I lost a fair amount over the past year or so I feel a lot better and my over all health is better. You will feel better if you do. And now that you are making the change you will want to stick around to enjoy it, so take care of your health.

And again;
Way to go girl!

~Hypatia >i< ..:::