Cruiser Lake revisions

Hello there, Closeteers! **Sigh** here.

I made some changes to my "Cruiser Lake" story, and so I thought I'd explain how and why here.

I was pretty happy with the story... except Part 3 (Chapters 7-9). About thirty minutes after I posted it, I regretted it. Even though I had revised it at least once before posting it, it was too clunky, too "info dumpy". And the progression of the Alan and Jocelyn's relationship was not as realistic as I wanted it to be. So I mulled over it for the better part of a week, figured out how I'd like for it to go, and rewrote it; then got it beta read and edited (by the awesome Holly H. Hart), then submitted it today.

Now mind you, the comments for the original part 3 were very satisfying, and so your responses had nothing to do with my decision. I just had to get it better because it really bugged me.

Just so you know, no information from the original part 3 was left out of the rewrite. It was just added to (a little) and reorganized (a lot). So even if the idea of rewriting like this is something you eschew, you aren't missing anything by the rewrite.

I also added Alan's twins to the anniversary ceremony and the reception in part 5. I had wanted to include them from the start but kind of forgot to (D'OH!).

Well, that's it. Don't feel obligated to go back and read the revisions, the basic story is the same. And I pledge with my hand on a box of Whitman's Chocolates that no other revisions are coming. Hopefully no more missteps like this in the future.

BTW, you gals are amazing and so supportive. I really enjoyed all of your comments and feedback. What an experience it is to be part of this community. You all rock. And roll. With soul.

In a bowl! **Sigh**

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