Teen 'beauty queen'

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This will, of course, be limited in some foreign parts, but while it wasn't too bad I could have slapped th epresenter several times. Which is what the subject said...



Not available outside of the uk on this link. From another link though the kid has a really bad attitude.


It just seemed to me that she wasn't any more vapid than most girls her age who are image-centric.


Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.

Wish that the BBC

Teen beauty queen video could be seen over here.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Again we see the conflict

Society says what is normal; thugs, who are basically cowards, use any excuse to beat up those who are perceived as weaker or different.

TS folk, by and large, just want to get on with their lives.

No wonder that Jackie had a bad attitude.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


Thank you for the link Pippa!

Yes, that does seem to be her. The proxy thing is a pain, probably because I don't
know how to do that well, but the Youtube video was fine

Now, more importantly, N.B: Never search for "Transsexual Teen, Beauty Queen"
when the search filter is set to none!

Holy cow. Glad no one else was int he room!

Sarah Lynn

Doubt I'll watch it

Angharad's picture

If she wasn't transsexual there'd probably be no story, so I'm not sure if that makes it educational or a freak show.


Freak show

The thing that caught my attention was simple. She is so far the youngest subject in the UK for GCS, and the interviewer was largely an idiot. However...there was one scene, where she describes a beating by two men.

"They were two men in their forties. Iwas 14. What were they thinking?"

I was largely adrift with the 'pageant' stuff. It was more interesting to hear her talk about her time in school.

I Thought She Was Pretty Normal

joannebarbarella's picture

Like Ang, I don't think there would have been a story had she not been transsexual. She came across to me as a typical image-obsessed teen girl. I admired her attitude to the prejudice and hatred to which she had been subjected during her early teens...a pretty tough cookie, as her dad said. I particularly liked her mum, too. She's very lucky to have a mother like that.

What did jar was the standard of the production itself. I expected much better from the BBC, notwithstanding their recent problems,



I tried to pick out the deeper parts of the narrative, such as the school problems and beatings, as well as the phenomenal support her mother gives her, but I was left cold by the obsession with image and the frankly amateur voice over. Neither Jackie nor I have ever changed our sodding gender, FFS.

Dear Mr Murdoch

"Became the world's youngest transsexual"

It doesn't start when you get surgery.