I will introduce myself, My name is Mellissa, however it was never this name. I was adopted at 4 months old by what I thought of was a loving family environment. Being so you young (male)was different and difficult. I realized at a early age I was different,I think 6 or so were my earliest memories of my dressing. I remember one particular morning after I spent the previous day dressed in my moms short denim skirt and red sequin blouse. This particular morning my mom stromed into my room carrying the same outfit I wore the day before.She was really mad and crying. She Yelled at me by Saying:
Mom: "You little freak, how dare you wear my clothes"
MySelf: " I didn't"
Mom " You are a little liar and a no good son,If you wana be a girl then you will be treated as one,get up and put this on"
Myself: "NOOOOO, I will not wear that to school, i was just seeing what I looked like" not letting her know my true feelings.
Mom: "You little shit, you will be ready for school in 10 minutes dressed in this outfit,OR ELSE"
Myself: "NOOOOO" I screamed.
At that point my father came bursting in my room carrying the bridle we had for the horses in the barn. Fear overtook me and I screamed at both of them telling them that I hated them for what they were doing to me. My Father hauled me out of bed by my longish hair and whipping me with the leather straps of the briddle. I screamed and was crying hysterically to no end. I was hauled to the barn and hung by the ropes that were there to tie the horses up for grooming and whipped.
When I woke up I was a mess and blood leaking from my back and face where I had been beat and wearing that very outfit I had on the day before. I wil always remember that first beating as it was only yesterday,it is engrained on my slate that shaped me and made me the person whom I am today............
Nasty people, Melissa's *parents*
Anyone who would swear at or whip/beat a child to the point of injury is an abuser and needs treatment and a lot of time in jail. And to whip an adopted child seems worse some how as these people did not have a child by accident but took in a child after pledging to others to rase the child as their own in a good home. This is not a good home or good people.
Few things really press all my buttons than child abusers.
Oh, and welcome to BC.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Why the Qualification?
Why did you insert "to the point of injury"?
Anyone who would swear at or whip/beat a child is an abuser. Period. No child deserves a beating; and more certainly no child should ever be whipped.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
thats horrible
and everything that John said. of course John's always right........ just ask him. :)
Welcome to BC. Can't wait to get started on your story........ you might want to edit real quick and put the title of it in the blog...... ;)
again welcome and have fun, there are some really nice people here. They are all nice except that nasty Angharad, who hordes all of the fame with her daily postings. ;)
Anistasia Allread
Hordes the fame?
Is that something like Genghis Khan?
You see Mellissa, everybody here is totally off the wall. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. Welcome to BC,
Thanks for your comments and a sincere greeting to BC. This story took alot out of me siritually and emotionally as well. Journals I was always wrting in and still do to this point. This is a story of spirit and hope at the behest of a enormous tragedy. I am new and welcome any and all comments good or bad. I only wish how I could post it mto the main story page :( God Bless
May the spirit be maintained through prayer,hope.