Hi all,
I wonder if anyone out there would like to have 'Texas Gal' updated and finished, besides myself?
I think it is a great story, despite having little TG content. Would anyone like me to re-write the story to start in the year 2000 and finish the tale?
I will of course update the technology and speech, while keeping to the original story, events etc.
I will delete the tie up game scenes, as that kind of thing turns my stomach. These scenes do not contribute to the story.Please note, that the original part of the story is 820 pages. I'm going to have to change all that, while writing down all the characters, events, background data etc. I have about twenty pages done already. When I continue with the new part, there will be even less TG, just the story.
Please be very patient. It is a huge tale and it will take a lot of time. I have sent numerous e-mails over the last few years to Crystal, seeking permission to do this, with no reply. I e-mailed the administrator of her website, again with no reply. Now my e-mail program is locked and I can't receive any e-mail. Let me know if there is any interest.
You can PM Piper
to get a hold of Crystal or maybe Erin. But I would always seek permission from the author before writing a fan fiction and then posting it. Posting is where you will wind up with trouble without the author's permission. For me respecting the author's integrity is a must.
Texas Gal
I must have sent at least 20 e-mails to Crystal, seeking permission to do just that. She hasn't replied to any of them. I have also sent e-mails to Ave on Crystal's website. Again I got no reply. Someone sent me a message on this site, saying that he knew that Crystal had turned her back on 'Texas Gal' and 'I can't go home like this', to pursue a career in mainstream publishing.
I found a Facebook page with Crystal's name and I posted a question, asking if she was the author. I got no reply.
Can you please tell me what else I can possibly do. Like many others, I have waited six years for the story's conclusion.
Texas Gal has the three last
Texas Gal has the three last chapters posted here, unless she has posted more.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Texas Gal
If I were you I wouldn't put too much effort into publishing your rewrite. Unless you can prove you have permission there won't be many sites willing to post.
I have had no contact with Crystal but I know from people who have, that she is very protective of her stories, she has a plan for the unfinished ones and is unlikely to react well to anyone proposing to finish them, especially when they plan a major rewrite.
You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.
Texas Gal
Fair enough,
Can you tell me how to contact her please?
I repeat (typing this again)
please PM Erin or Piper to contact Crystal. One or both of them know her. (I'm pretty sure it's Piper since Piper hosted Crystal's for a long time).
Rather than rewriting her story, have you considered taking her story as inspiration and writing your own story that deals with the same themes? I also really enjoyed reading Texas Gal and would like to see it finished, but it does have it's flaws.
Writing is about synthesizing your experiences, whether something you've read, watched or lived through and passing it through the lens of your mind and expressing that new vision for others to experience.
There's a famous writing quote;
“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to.â€
― Jim Jarmusch
One of the surest tests [of the superiority or inferiority of a poet is the way in which a poet borrows]. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different than that from which it is torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion. A good poet will usually borrow from authors remote in time, or alien in language, or diverse in interest.
- T. S. Elliot
So build on all that has inspired and transformed you, and create your truth, make it physical and share it with us. Don't be daunted by the scope of the work. None of us are Athena, springing forth fully grown and armed. I've often seen published authors write a short story, then another with the same character, and then another, eventually combining them into one single work.
Best of luck!
And to top it off, If you ask her
with the intention of rewriting her work, you might actually agitate her to not even work or post new ones out.
However, If you ask her if she might ever get the time to to see if she has anything left to write about for Texas Gal, you might get a much better response and some action done.
It has to do with tact and how you approach someone.
Crystal stories
I can assure you that having contacted Crystal on this subject before that under NO circumstances will she allow ANYONE to take over HER stories period. I have seen some more of her stories but haven't been able to twist her arm to edit and post them yet but I am still trying.
It is her story.
Inability to contact Crystal does not constitute permission to re-work it. Personally, I like it the way it is and really see no need at all to "fix" it. It is her story. And, just what would you want to take the TG content out for? Crystal's site was a TG site!
I personally like tie up games and sadly have never found anyone to play them with me, nor even to spank me properly. :(
Texas Gal & I Can't Go Home Like This.
I like both of these stories, but I have been waiting for Crystal to either finish them on her site or publish both in books with the completed stories. But, I would leave finishing the stories up to Crystal, because these stories are from her mind set. She is the only one who can know how they should be finished.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Precisely so.
It is very nearly this same situation which we (Denise and I) have been facing with T. D. Aldoennetti's stories.
There are only a couple of differences. First Teddi is no longer with us to give permissions although I suppose that is more or less implied with the letter of authority she had given to the attorneys to deliver to me on her demise.
Secondly, she had copacious notes and partial chapters for us to work with in re-creating or resurrecting her material. We have, therefore, endeavored to hold to her original concepts and beginnings very heavily when adding material or completing chapters she left which were partially finished.
We haven't heard anyone saying that they could sense a difference in material from that which Teddi had produced and that which we added to complete chapters here and there. No this comment isn't a license to suddenly say that (LOL), nor is it a license to begin writing material (fanfic or not) which takes off in other directions. Both the older and newer material is copyrighted.
Permissions to fanfic or perform any other changes to the direction an author began to take her characters must be sought from the author or in this case, me ["Air Force Sweetheart" and "Duty Calls" among others Teddi wrote, all or part].
I think the suggestion of others that you really need to contact Piper or Erin is a very good and likely cautious approach to seeking permission for continuation of "Texas Gal."
That you have not received an answer does not mean your request hasn't been seen (although it could). Crystal might already have a direction mapped out for the continuation of the story and, like many other authors, be highly protective of her work(s), as has been mentioned previously in these comments. There are a 'lot' of authors out there who are like that.
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more info
I would still like to know if there will be more to this great story, i love it ,and would like for it to continue . I am a big drew/gaby fan too and there story , i now buy maddys books (i cant wate for her to give out her updates). Would c.sprite publish the book on lulu , i like her work and would pay a small price for her talant if it would help, to get her to write more, i understand not wanting fanfiction and takeoffs but its a great story it makes you feel good and takes us out of our mundain lifes .
The last reply here was over a year ago, is there any new info , please erica