Crystal Sprite's unfinished - Texas Gal

Hi all,
I wonder if anyone out there would like to have 'Texas Gal' updated and finished, besides myself?
I think it is a great story, despite having little TG content. Would anyone like me to re-write the story to start in the year 2000 and finish the tale?
I will of course update the technology and speech, while keeping to the original story, events etc.
I will delete the tie up game scenes, as that kind of thing turns my stomach. These scenes do not contribute to the story.Please note, that the original part of the story is 820 pages. I'm going to have to change all that, while writing down all the characters, events, background data etc. I have about twenty pages done already. When I continue with the new part, there will be even less TG, just the story.
Please be very patient. It is a huge tale and it will take a lot of time. I have sent numerous e-mails over the last few years to Crystal, seeking permission to do this, with no reply. I e-mailed the administrator of her website, again with no reply. Now my e-mail program is locked and I can't receive any e-mail. Let me know if there is any interest.