The Duchess of Arad, Chapter 12

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The Duchess of Arad
Chapter 12

Not Exactly the Magnificent Seven

by Jenny Sugar
Copyright © 2012 Jenny Sugar
All Rights Reserved.

Over the next two days, Maria delighted in showing Rachel, Clarisse, and Lucas all around the sights and sounds of Bucharest. Even though she had not seen it in centuries, she seemed to be more or less at home there. She also knew the modern layout thanks to Rachel’s memories, as she admitted to Rachel after driving all around the city and not getting lost once.

Lucas gave them the exact address of the Wolf Pack headquarters before they even entered Bucharest, and they did several drive-by scouting missions. Both Rachel and Clarisse thought that they could sense a vampire presence — or an almost-vampire presence if Lucas was correct about the amount of change that Stepan had undergone.

As there was no reaction to their multiple visits, they decided to try infiltration next.


Rachel grumbled to Maria as they snuck into the warehouse where Lucas had said the Wolf Pack was headquartered. Clarisse led the way, with Lucas behind her and Rachel bringing up the rear.

I don’t like this, Maria. We should have brought some soldiers or reinforcements. What if they have dozens of people like Arkady here waiting on us?

Nonsense, Rachel. Lucas said that Stepan is the chief concern. Do not worry! We shall find this Stepan and end the threat. Be bold, be brave!

Rachel snorted but said nothing back as they penetrated deeper into the warehouse. Crates were stacked near the walls of the cavernous building along the side they had come in. They made their way behind, hugging the wall and using the crates for cover. No lights were on in the main warehouse but they could see lights in the offices along the opposite wall.

Lucas had told him they used the main area for training and the offices were used for staff, computers, and paperwork. It seemed Stepan had his hands in money-laundering, drugs, and even human trafficking as well. They had been angered when he had told them of Stepan’s grandiose plans to have a large contingent of chained vampires to drain of blood to sell at high prices to wealthy individuals as rejuvenation treatments. This furthered their desire to put an end to him and his Wolf Pack.

They came to the end of the crates and were slowly making their way along the wall when all of the lights snapped on and Wolf Pack members began to pour into the room. All had automatic weapons and a few carried stakes as well.

Maria estimated at least sixty to seventy facing them. Rachel groaned.

Nothing to worry about, you said. Be bold, you said. Be brave, you said.

I could have been wrong, Rachel?

They slowly walked out to the center of the room, mindful of the dozens of men surrounding them. One man walked out to meet them. He was very tall, at least six and a half feet, and was clean-shaven. He had dark hair and looked to be as young as thirty, but had some gray hair showing at his temples. He had an AK-47 slung across his chest, and looked ready to use it.

They stopped walking and stood watching him. He glared at Lucas, and made a throat-cutting gesture at him, which caused the man to pale.

Clarisse broke the silence. “You must be Stepan, I take it?”

Stepan gave her a short nod, and then turned to Maria. He grinned unpleasantly, and they could see that while he did not have fangs, he had the beginnings of them. “Ah, Maria it is so good to see you return to me. I love the taste of your blood and I plan to be drinking much more of it in the future! It was so nice of you to bring the French whore along, as well.”

The “French whore” snorted. “We’re not here to donate blood, you sickening man. We are here to put an end to your chasing us all over Europe.”

“Why do they always call you the French Whore, anyway?” Rachel blurted out.

“You turn tricks one time and you are marked for life!” she replied, ruefully.

He didn’t laugh or react much at all to their words. He waved his hand in negation and said, “You are here to be drained. If you behave well I will keep you well-fed. If not, then you will suffer considerably.” It was obvious to both women that he was quite insane.

Rachel decided to be funny. “We are here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and we’re all out of bubblegum.”

Clarisse took her at her word and lunged for Stepan, thinking that his troops would not fire at her for fear of hitting their leader. She was right, but Stepan was prepared for this. He grabbed her as she closed and spun fast, slinging her well over ten feet away. He nodded and his troops opened fire.

Clarisse dodged reasonably well and rushed back towards Stepan as Rachel let Maria take over and charge at the same time. The man was incredibly strong for a human, and used her momentum against her as he had with Clarisse. But Maria’s attack gave Clarisse the chance to barrel into him at full speed, and knock him back a few yards. She held on tight and he pummeled her and finally knocked her off. Maria wasted no time and lunged back in, nails slashing at his throat.

He shoved her away and turned to bark orders, when Clarisse used his own trick to toss him into the wall. He came back up with unbelievable speed and crouched, ready for the next attack.

While they sparred with Stepan, Lucas had pulled out his Uzi and ran for cover and began taking down Wolf Pack members and trying not to stay in one place. He seemed to be doing well, judging by the number of bodies lying on the floor.

Stepan was soon cornered by Clarisse, who was trying her best to either claw his face or attack with her fangs, Rachel was not sure which. He was trying to bring his AK47 to bear on her but she kept kicking it to the side and trying to close.

Rachel started to run to her assistance but shots from two different directions slammed into her and she spun around and hit the floor, cursing from the pain of the multiple bullet wounds.

She got her bearings and glanced back towards Clarisse in time to see Stepan spray her with the AK on full auto, she was pummeled with bullets and went down with a shriek of pain. Rachel screamed out her name and started moving toward her when she saw Stepan look shocked and whirl around toward the entrance.

Rachel crawled over and cradled Clarisse in her arms, hissing at the pain from her own bullet wounds beginning to close. Clarisse was not dead but she had nearly a full clip in her body.

Five people had walked in the doorway, and Stepan’s troops had swung their weapons from Rachel to the newcomers. Three men and two women stood in a line, looking at Rachel, Stepan, and glancing around at the assembled Wolf Pack minions. Rachel felt a certain resonance with the five strangers and Maria confirmed her feeling — they were vampires.

One of them, a dark-haired handsome man who looked to be about thirty, stepped forward, and addressed Stepan with a very slight Russian accent. “So, Stepan, you found two lovely ladies and as usual you are abusing them. How sad and how typical for you to do this.”

Stepan merely stared at his uninvited guests for a moment, and then shrugged. “This really is not your concern, Alexei. Leave now, this is between me and the girls here.”

“Ah but let me make introductions before any unpleasantness occurs, or we leave you. I know the unconscious one there is Clarisse Dubois. And I assume this one is Maria?” He looked at Rachel and raised an eyebrow.

Rachel and Maria were both uncertain how to proceed, as these five vampires seemed to know Stepan in some fashion. Maria decided to respond. “I am Maria, yes. Who are you?”

The one in the lead actually bowed to Maria, and said “My name is Alexei Simonov, Duchess. It is my very great honor and privilege to meet you. Please allow me to introduce my companions.” He gestured and a beautiful raven-haired woman with a soft face and an inviting smile walked over to him and took his hand.

“This is the love of my life, Doctor Renata Simonov.” The woman bowed and said, “Honored, Duchess.”

Alexei then gestured to a small and beautiful young Japanese woman in the group. “This is Chiyoko Satou, from Japan as I am sure you can tell?” She gave a formal bow to Rachel and quietly said “I am honored, Duchess.”

A very tall and able-looking man then walked forward and gave a slight bow to Rachel. “This is Master Sergeant Randolph Peterson, formerly of the United States Army. “

“Pleased to meet you, Duchess! “, he said with a warm smile. He looked to be around thirty-five years old, and had a Midwest accent to Rachel’s ears.

“And last, this young lad with his face in an Ipad is Steven Tallant, quite the master of technology and computers and other bizarre things humans have come up with in the past twenty years.”

A skinny and geeky-looking young man in cargo pants, tool belt, and indeed holding an Ipad nodded at Rachel, said “’Lo Duchess, nice to meet ya,” then went back to whatever he was working on. This caused Renata to frown, and Chiyoko to sigh, for some reason.

Stepan had remained silent during the introductions but Rachel could tell he was growing impatient. “Enough of this, this… vampire social gathering nonsense! These women belong to me, and you should just turn and leave them. I will forget you were ever here if you leave now.”

Chiyoko looked at Stepan with loathing. “We can hardly leave our sisters behind to be used by you to extend your already too-long life, Stepan.”

Stepan shrugged. “You risk our truce. If you will not leave, you will all be put in cells and supply me with blood just as they will be.” He did not seem to care which route was taken.

Alexei stepped toward him. “Stepan you filthy peasant, did you think we would let you just carry on with your mad schemes forever? Our talk of a truce was just that, talk. Time to put you down like the rabid dog you are.”

Stepan waved his hand. “I have decided to take Renata as my own, due to your insolence, Alexei. You have only yourself to blame.”

Renata hissed at him and bared her fangs. Stepan took no notice of this at all.

Randolph stepped closer to Stepan. “You have killed nearly every vampire in the world; do you think we will just let you go on as you have been?”

Stepan shrugged. “Лес ру́бят -- ще́пки летя́т.”

Maria translated for Rachel. “When wood is chopped, woodchips will fly.”

Rachel responded, puzzled. What does that even mean?!

It is like your saying, about breaking a few eggs to make an omelet.


Alexei frowned, obviously getting angry and wanting to end things. “Stepan you have a chance to surrender and we will pledge not to kill you.”

Stepan laughed. “Nyet! My troops and I will stake every one of you if we must. You must surrender to me and I will rule you and use your blood. There is no other way.”

Chiyoko broke her silence. “Stepan we could still make some arrangement if you were willing to listen to reason.”

Maria didn’t like hearing that at all, and made it plain to Stepan, by also speaking in Russian. “Не мечи́те би́сер пе́ред сви́ньями. That is, don’t cast beads before pigs, Chiyoko. This man needs to die.”
Stepan sneered at her, and told her something vile that Maria did not bother to translate. She just snarled and her fangs popped out.

Chiyoko sighed and without any particular change in expression let her own fangs appear. The Japanese woman looked quite fierce with fangs, and in Rachel’s opinion, very hot. She got a mental snort from Maria over that one.

Rachel had recovered from her wounds, mostly. At least they had all closed up and the bullets were lying around her. She carefully eased Clarisse’s head to the ground and stroked her hair gently. Clarisse was conscious, now, but quite weakened. She took Rachel’s hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. Rachel tensed herself, ready to help when the fight that looked to occur actually started.

She heard a very faint whisper - Chiyoko’s voice. “No, Maria. Keep yourself and Clarisse safe, please. We will deal with these vermin quite easily. You have weakened them considerably, we will do the rest.” The woman whispered it so faintly that she doubted Stepan heard a thing.

As the vampires stared down Stepan, multiple footsteps came echoing in the door, and over fifty soldiers poured into the warehouse and began taking position behind the vampires.

Alexei grinned at Stepan. “So much for your Wolf Pack, Stepan, they are far outnumbered. We’ve been slightly busy.”

Stepan did not appear to be impressed. “This means nothing. A group of thralls? I will not surrender!” He gave a nod at his troops and they raised their rifles.

Rachel wrapped her body around Clarisse, who began to push her away. For whatever reason, she heard Clarisse clearly in her head.

No! Get away, I will not allow you to sacrifice yourself for me!

Too damn bad, Clarisse, because I’m not moving!

Rachel is right. You have massive bullet wounds, more and you would not survive. So hush and we will protect you!

A roar of automatic weapons distracted them from further conversation as the fight began in earnest. Rachel looked around and saw Alexei, Renata, and Randolph struggling with Stepan. If she had any fears that three vampires could best an almost-vampire, they were put to rest as she saw Randolph snap Stepan’s neck.

Unfortunately, the death of their leader did not stop the rest of the Wolf Pack from a fight to the death. Randolph dropped Stepan, and the three vampires converged on Rachel and Clarisse, and shielded them from further wounds.

Chiyoko soon appeared, dragging a live Wolf Pack member over to Clarisse. She slit his throat open with her razor-sharp talons and pushed the bleeding wound to Clarisse’s mouth. She drank gratefully and had soon drained the man dry.

Renata came back with another, and they allowed Clarisse to feed for herself this time, as her strength was returning. Soon, she was standing and watching Rachel feed as well, though Rachel did not take as much.

Rachel and Clarisse both looked around, and did not see a single Wolf Pack member standing. Sadly their allies seem to have lost a few troops as well, and Renata went to help those she could. Rachel imagined that a vampire doctor would be a really good person to have around. Such a doctor would have untold years of training and experience to rely on, and an always-sharp mind to absorb new skills and knowledge.

The four of them crowded around Rachel and Maria, asking after their well-being and fussing over them both as if they were fragile eggs that might break at any time. Rachel tried to send an observation about this to Clarisse but without success. She sighed and decided to ask the other vampires about this.

“Umm, Alexei? And the rest of you? I wanted to ask about something. Sometimes Clarisse and I can talk to each other mentally, you know, mind to mind. Other times we cannot. Do you know why?”

Alexei looked shocked at this, the others shrugged, but Chiyoko nodded. “I have heard of this. As vampires get older their abilities strengthen over time. You are beginning to find this out, I think. In time, you should be able to talk to each other in this way all of the time. I have some time to go before I can hope to do that.”

Clarisse brightened at hearing that. “That would be magnificent! I look forward to this happening with my dear friend!” Rachel beamed back at her, for herself and for Maria.

“I am glad you brought this up, actually,” said Alexei. “We would like to talk with the two of you, and discuss something very important.”

Rachel nodded and Clarisse smiled and said “Please, do so. You have our attention, kind rescuers! And you have my eternal gratitude for your timely entrance!”

“Mine as well,” Rachel added with a smile.

Alexei waved his hand in a casual dismissal. “We’ve been planning to take the Wolf Pack out as soon as we could get an advantage. Their distraction while stalking the two of you was the perfect chance to finally do it.”

Before anything else could be said, one of the soldiers brought Lucas to the group. His arm was in a sling but he was alive and seemed to be well. “Sir! This man claims to be working for the Baroness Dubois. We wanted to check his story out.”

Clarisse giggled, obviously happy Lucas survived but Rachel could see the mischievous look on her face. She was about to deny ever meeting the man.

Rachel laughed at Clarisse then spoke up. “He brought us here to their headquarters. I would not quite say he was working for us, as much as serving probation for being in their ranks for a few decades.”

Alexei looked at Chiyoko, then at Randolph. “I think he can stay and serve his probation at one of our places, if that is alright with you ladies?”

Both Clarisse and Rachel nodded. Neither wanted a pet around, and that is what he’d have to be if they kept him underfoot. A carefully guarded pet that they would never fully trust. Lucas put on a false hurt expression then bowed to Rachel and Clarisse and was led away.

Rachel addressed Maria before anything else was said. Should we tell them about you and me, Maria?

Hmm, let us wait for now. I want to hear what they wish to discuss and what their plans are.

Chiyoko and Alexei traded glances, and then both turned to Clarisse and Rachel. “We all feel very strongly that our people need a Queen,” Chiyoko said softly. “For obvious reasons we did not want a King, as male vampires tend to be a bit too… aggressive?”

Alexei and Randolph both burst out laughing at her euphemism. Randolph touched her on the arm and grinned. “Chiyoko is being very diplomatic, but she is correct. All five of us want one of you as our Queen. It was something we could all agree on.”

All five of the vampires nodded and even Steven gave a grunt of assent before returning to his Ipad.

Rachel glanced at Clarisse, who looked just as confused as she felt. She turned back to the group. “Which one of us do you refer to?”

Chiyoko gestured to Rachel. “The eldest, of course! The Duchess! Though if she does not wish to be our Queen, then Baroness Dubois would be welcome as well! I was turned in 1924, in Seoul. I am the eldest of our small group here, but you far outrank me.”

Alexei nodded. “I was turned in 1942, in Stalingrad. I was a Red Army Sergeant.”

Randolph grinned at Alexei. “Alexei turned me in Berlin in 1955. He just wanted an army buddy to hang out with!” This produced a roar of laughter from Alexei.

Renata smiled at Alexei. “My Alexei turned me in 1965 in Moscow. I later turned Steven here in New York, back in 1985. He’s the child of our group, as you can see.”

Steven finally spoke. “I was 21 years old, hardly a child, Renata.”

Chiyoko steered the conversation back on track. “Regardless, Maria you are the eldest, with Clarisse a close second. We need a Queen to help keep order, and adjudicate disputes.”

Alexei became animated. “Yes! A Queen to set laws and punishments for breaking our laws — the laws of vampires. It would not be a hard task, I promise you this.”

Randolph nodded enthusiastically. “We really could use a strong leader, Duchess. Someone we can look up to and listen to. We can all feel both of your immense power beside our own. Your wisdom and that power would be perfect for our Queen.”

Renata added her voice to the chorus of pleas. “I would gladly serve either of you as my Queen. We need rules, such as deciding how often we create new children, and under what circumstances we do this. You can be that guiding voice to us all.”

Clarisse spoke first. “If one of us became your Queen, you would actually obey her in all things?”

Alexei promptly replied. “Unquestionably, Baroness. In the old days, I was told that we had Kings and Queens, and every vampire obeyed them implicitly. It only made sense, for survival. We five will pledge our undying service to either of you.”

Rachel sounded a bit dubious of the whole plan. “You’d really just give up your freedom to be ruled by me or Clarisse? Why not a committee? Or some kind of council could rule? Wouldn’t that be more democratic?”

Alexei snorted, Randolph shook his head, and Renata laughed. Chiyoko answered Rachel. “We are a committee now, and we have spent more time debating matters than acting. The Wolf Pack was allowed to rampage far longer than they should because of this. We had no leadership and they took out our people one by one. We came together before it was too late — and it almost was, for both of you.”

Steven finally had put his gadget away and approached Maria. “Please, Duchess, we need you. It would not be a hardship for you.” He looked at Clarisse then. “Or for you, Baroness. You both are nobility and we know your history more or less. You traveled around Europe and didn’t leave bodies everywhere — you showed intelligence, caution, and empathy. You’re both good people. We could use your help!”

Maria frowned. “You seem to know much about us both!”

Steven grinned at that. “Computers are my thing, and the Wolf Pack kept detailed records on both of you. Your travels, the fights with you, and all that. I hacked in and that is how we kept up with what was going on. You both have a fan club, here!”

The other grinned and nodded, and Rachel actually blushed. Or was that Maria blushing? Clarisse looked slightly abashed but at the same time she did enjoy the attention.

Alexei looked at both Rachel and Clarisse. “This is something you both might need time to consider. We can escort you back to one of our safe houses if you like. There, you can rest, feed, bathe, and decide what you would like to do.”

Chiyoko spoke once more, in a heartfelt plea. “All we ask is that you, both of you, please consider this request carefully. We need you.”

The vampires escorted them to their vehicles and soon Clarisse and Rachel were whisked off to a remote estate outside of Bucharest. Armed guards manned the gate, and several were patrolling the ground with dogs. It was a veritable fortress. Rachel noted this, and Chiyoko, their companion in the car, nodded.

“We have had to increase our security to insane measures since the Wolf Pack began to become a real nuisance. They grew too fast and we wasted too much time debating and spent not enough time acting. By then it was too late, they had almost an army to face us.”

They entered the opulent mansion and Chiyoko escorted them to their room. It had a bath fit for a King, or a Queen, and a luxurious king size bed. The drapery was thick and heavy and would block sunlight. Maria noted that the had vampires planned well and she liked what she saw.

Chiyoko bowed deeply to both Rachel and then Clarisse. “My Duchess, My Baroness, I will leave you to rest, bathe, relax and contemplate our plea to you. A servant is in the hall if you have need of anything at all. Please do not hesitate to be at home here. We will be downstairs should you wish to ask questions or favor us with an answer.”

She bowed again and left the room, closing the double-doors behind her.

Rachel and Clarisse stared at each other for all of five seconds then raced to the tub and began filling it with hot water.

Clothes were shed and they were soon soaking in hot suds and in a sea of bubbles.


“But I don’t want to be a Queen!” Rachel wailed.

Maria sighed, and shook her head. “Rachel, this duty does not sound so bad, and I think that either Clarisse or I could do it and do it well. And please do not pout, or be petulant. It does not suit you. More to the point, it certainly does not suit me in this body!”

Clarisse smiled at Maria. “I agree with Maria completely. You heard them Rachel, they need one of us. I understand exactly why they wish a Queen, and I believe that one of us would be ideal.”

Maria continued, looking sad but quite unsurprised at Rachel’s rejection of the very notion of being a Queen. After all, she’d shared her very thoughts for quite a while now. “Rachel, darling, this would not be a bad thing. And perhaps we could share the duty somewhat between us, yes?”

Clarisse applauded and looked delighted with the idea. “Maria will be the Queen, and I will be her Duchess! I like it!”

Both Clarisse and Rachel were completely flabbergasted when Maria responded to that. “No, no, Clarisse! I want you to be Queen, while I become your Duchess!”

Clarisse finally found her voice. “But… you are the Eldest! And, a Duchess already! You outrank me by human AND vampire law!”

Maria snorted. “I could care less about that. I have been asleep for over a century, Clarisse — you have not. Also, lest you forget, Rachel does not want this duty. Besides, Rachel and I have many things to work out between us, not the least of which is trying to find out how we came to be this way.”

“Maria… I feel deep in my very being that you should be our Queen. I know you are not much older than I, but it would feel wrong to me to ascend and be the Queen while you were my Duchess!”

Rachel voiced her opinion. “I have to agree with Maria, Clarisse. She and I are still getting used to this strange situation that we are in. I think that you should take the job.”

Clarisse pouted her cutest pout, which in Rachel’s opinion was pretty damn cute. “Please, Maria and Rachel, accept the throne? I will help you and be at your side for as long as you would have me there! I have come to love and respect you both so much! I would be so thrilled to have you as my Queen.”

“We love and respect you as well, Clarisse! It is why Maria and I would be happy to serve you as our Queen.”

They got out of the tub and toweled off slowly, then donned the thick luxurious robes that had already been provided. Neither were surprised to find the robes a perfect fit. Their hosts were very detail-oriented.

They walked back to the sofa and Maria plopped down and prepared to argue until she got her way. Rachel felt that the two of them could talk Clarisse into the crown if they wore her down.

Clarisse went digging through her purse and out popped her holder and a cigarette, which she proceeded to smoke. Rachel smirked, knowing that Maria had unnerved the Baroness with her proposal.

Clarisse paced and smoked for a few moments then whirled around to Rachel. “I will accept this crown on one condition, mon ami!”

Rachel and Maria nearly both replied at the same time, or tried to. “And what is that?”

“You will indeed be my Duchess, which in this case would be my second in command. You will pledge to help make certain that I am fair and just in all my decisions. And you will take my place if something happened to me.”

Rachel let Maria answer first. “I find that an acceptable situation, Majesty.”

Clarisse threw a pillow at her. “Cut that out! What about you, Rachel?”

Rachel grinned at Clarisse. “Oh yes, your Majesty, I would approve as well!”

Soon a pillow fight broke out and feathers and shrieks filled the room.


Chiyoko paced the floor constantly, hoping that one of their two honored guests would be willing to serve as their Queen. She’d despaired of ever being able to see her people make decisions or make any positive steps to a structured society.

All vampires were so stubborn and could be so arrogant that her efforts to date had gotten nowhere. Even though Alexei wholeheartedly agreed with her, in fact they all did, none of them felt that any of the others would make a good ruler.

Randolph had pushed for Chiyoko to be the Queen before they discovered that Maria was alive and had escaped the Wolf Pack. This had led them to learn of the reclusive Clarisse’s existence as well.

Chiyoko had refused to even consider being Queen once they heard that Maria and Clarisse existed.

Renata had her head cocked, obviously listening to something upstairs. “Chi, Alex… they are fighting! I hear them hitting each other and shrieking! Perhaps one of us should go up?”

Alexei leaped up from the chair he was sitting in. “They fight over the crown? Surely not? Renata would you go check on them?”

Renata smirked at her husband. “Coward,” she offered, and then headed up the stairs.


Silence reigned for some time, and Alexei nervously tapped his foot in the total silence. Steven was still absorbed in his Ipad and Chiyoko continued to pace. Randolph was slouched on one of the expensive sofas, apparently not overly concerned with whatever was happening upstairs.

Just as Chiyoko was about to go up the stairs, Renata re-appeared, with Clarisse and Rachel in tow. All three were laughing, dripping wet, and covered in feathers. Steven dropped his pad and stared, and Randolph snickered. Alexei and Chiyoko just looked confused.

“They were having the mother of all pillow fights! And they dragged me into it, and we ended up in the bath!” She started laughing again, as Rachel and Clarisse both grabbed her and gave her a hug.

All five gathered around, grinning at the two feather-covered elder vampires, and waited patiently to hear what they had to say.

Rachel sighed, and then Clarisse sighed. Both would have rather continued the pillow fight, and then had some “make-up” sex after the war, but both also knew how anxious their hosts were.

“We have some questions for you all before we make any permanent decisions, if you do not mind?” Maria said.

Alexei bowed to her. “Of course, my Duchess! Please, come sit with us and we will answer any and all questions you might have. We are at your disposal.”

Rachel frowned, all of this bowing and scraping wasn’t something she really liked, but she kept silent, earning Maria’s gratitude.

Rachel voiced the first question. “Just how real would this Queen position be? I mean, would it be more Queen Elizabeth the Second of England in the present time, or more Queen Victoria of England as in ‘off with their heads’ and total despot kind of thing?”

Alexei laughed. “Duchess you have a unique sense of humor and way of talking sometimes. Almost as if you were two different people! Well, as we envisioned this, you could be considered a despot if you look at it that way. You would have total power and say-so over all vampires, present and future.”

Rachel frowned, both from his noting of the differences in the way she and Maria phrased things and the idea of being some all-powerful despot.

Maria asked, “And who would enforce the Queen’s power?”

Chiyoko fielded that one. “Over time, we assume the Queen would appoint people to positions, such as a First Minister or Secretary — someone to note and prosecute crimes before the Crown, and keep careful note of laws and regulations and a census, etcetera.”

Randolph chimed in. “We thought something along the lines of the British Monarchy, but with real power. We don’t want to have another situation where we do nothing but argue and debate every little thing while disaster strikes.”

“If one of us were to accept this position, it would only be if it were understood that the Queen would be obeyed implicitly and not questioned on every decision or order. Of course, if the Queen became insane I suppose a vote could be taken to impeach her?”

They all nodded and seemed to agree with this. Chiyoko once again spoke for them all. “We have already agreed that if we do this, we will surrender our will to the Queen, and make sure that all future vampires will obey her.”

Steven walked over to Rachel and handed her a piece of paper. On it were an oath for the Queen to pronounce, and an oath for her subjects to swear to her. Alexei ran over to a table and brought a wooden box over and held it ready.

Shit just got real, as they say.

Indeed, Rachel! I am glad we are not the one saying this royal oath!

Amen, Maria!

Rachel asked the next question. “Would you expect or require the Queen to reside in any particular place or a palace or something like that?”

Randolph grinned at her. “We have estates in all of the major countries of the world. Our Queen will have full use of them all, or she can also build her own palace if she so desires. We do not lack for money after all.”

Chiyoko agreed. “We only came together here to deal with this Wolf Pack. We travel often, we visit, and then we part. There would be no need for you to be tied to any particular location unless you wanted to be.”

Maria cleared her throat and looked at the hopeful faces. “We talked about this unique honor you offer both Clarisse and I, and we decided that in the best interests of all of our people, that Baroness Clarisse Dubois would be the best choice for our Queen.”

Surprise was echoed on several faces but nothing was said while they awaited the rest.

Clarisse took Rachel’s hand. “My best friend, and lover, speaks the truth; I will be your Queen if you would have me. Maria will be Duchess, my Second if I am incapacitated or otherwise unable to do my duties, and will also be my voice in many things. You get two-for-one with us!”

All five of their hosts smiled broadly. It seemed they liked the proposal. All five immediately knelt on the floor, and then Rachel joined them. Clarisse looked radiant and every bit a Queen as she read her oath:

“Assuming the office of Queen of the Vampires, I, Baroness Clarisse Antoinette Dubois, do solemnly swear and affirm that I will rule my people with fairness, justice, and mercy. And, I shall, with every fiber of my being, defend, protect, and nurture my people for as long as I shall live, so help me God.”

She passed the paper to Rachel, who read the oath to the Queen along with the five others kneeling before Clarisse.

“I, Rachel Maria Harrison, do solemnly swear and affirm that I will be a true and faithful servant to Her Majesty, Queen Clarisse Dubois, and that I do faithfully promise to maintain, support, and defend, to the utmost of my power, Her Royal Highness to the death. And, I will obey without question, and counsel my Queen if she so asks, in any fashion that She sees fit, so help me God.”

“Arise, my loyal subjects!” Clarisse intoned, smiling lovingly at them all.

Alexei stepped forward and held his wooden box out to Rachel. She opened it, and inside was a simple golden crown, set with several large diamonds, emeralds, and rubies. It was beautiful. She gently raised it, and turned to Clarisse. Clarisse lowered herself for a moment and Rachel set the crown on her head amidst her golden hair.

Clarisse stood upright once again and her people all cheered their new Queen.


After the ceremony, Clarisse declared that a Coronation Party was in order, and they all were quite pleased with her first royal order. Servants were summoned, and a party was quickly put together. With a stereo blasting dance music, and quite a few servants dancing with the vampires it soon looked like a nightclub in the ballroom of the manor.

Steven turned out to be a good DJ, which was all he was willing to do at the party. He didn’t dance, but he entertained them all. Clarisse danced first with Rachel, of course. Steven might have been a computer geek but he wasn’t slow on the uptake at all. He put on a slow romantic song for their first dance.

She then danced with all of her subjects, and after some teasing and mock-angry orders managed to entice Steven to her side for one dance, as well. Of them all, Randolph surprised her by being an impeccable dancer. Alexei was good, but seemed hesitant, perhaps in fear of jealousy from Renata.

Chiyoko preferred a thumping nightclub beat, while the men and Renata preferred slow, more conventional dances from older times.

Rachel and Maria danced with everyone as well, and Maria took the opportunity to speak quietly with each of her partners as the dancing and music allowed. She told Rachel she was doing her duty to Clarisse and sensing the mood of her subjects and finding out what the expectations were.

Rachel was slightly surprised. I thought Clarisse would just issue some orders and that would be that.

I have called you a foolish girl several times in the past, do not make me say it again Rachel! Rachel could hear her laughing. I know how you think of royalty and nobles, but you know so little of the reality. Of course I must sample the mood of everyone, and then advise Clarisse on what her people want. She then will proclaim her wishes, which in most cases will be very close to what everyone already wanted.

Maria that is… devious, and quite astounding! Nothing like what I was expecting.

No, no Rachel. It is just how you do it properly. You shall learn!

And Clarisse is expecting this, right?

Of course, Rachel! As her Duchess I must watch out for her, and help her maintain peace and happiness. You will see how well things work, so do not worry please.

I’ll trust you both; you seem to know this stuff pretty well.

They spent the rest of the night dancing, talking, singing, and laughing. Clarisse was even able to coax Maria into singing quite a few songs, to the delight of everyone. Maria spent some time whispering suggestions and things her people were hoping for to Clarisse. Rachel was not surprised that Clarisse expected this, and seemed pleased at all she heard.

At one point Renata brought special servants in so that they could all take some nourishment.

Clarisse took this opportunity to address that very issue. “I am quite pleased that we all already share the same philosophy when it comes to our sustenance. When I was first turned I was a vicious killer, and in time I came to regret that. Not just for the practical reason — trying to avoid attention. I also speak of my guilt for killing without need.”

Everyone nodded, and she could see that they all agreed with her on both counts. “I think that our first Laws should address that, my friends. We do not kill without need, and we keep our existence as secret as possible from humanity.” Everyone in the room looked pleased at her pronouncement, as Rachel had suspected they would.

Steven was taking notes on his Ipad and Clarisse beamed at him and gave him a thumbs up. She knew her words would be archived and preserved with him on the job. She made her first royal appointment.

“I appoint you, Steven Tallant, as our Royal Archivist, Law-keeper, and Technologist. You will keep track of pronouncements, laws, history, and also secure communications and privacy for me and our people.”

Steven bowed low, looking more pleased than she’d seen so far. “Thank you, My Queen. I am honored to accept and I will serve you well!”

“Now, Alexei Simonov. You shall be our Minister to Fledgling Vampires. You have turned several and I must say you have done an excellent job as their sire! I would like you to continue to supervise, train, and help new vampires that we here turn, or that we discover later, to fit in with our society, moral code, and such things as finding safe havens.”

Alexei bowed very low, his face radiant. “You honor me, my Queen. I accept this task and will not let you down!”

Clarisse turned to Alexei’s lovely wife and took her hand. “Renata Simonov, you are a skilled doctor, and your appointment shall be the Royal Doctor and Researcher. I hope that this pleases you, and leaves you plenty of time for happiness with your husband, and time to help him when he might need it.”

“My Queen, I am honored and accept graciously. I will always be there for you, you need but ask.” Renata bowed low.

“Randolph Peterson, my sources tell me you can best even Alexei in two out of three falls. Is this true?”

Alexei groaned and Randolph let out a belly laugh. “Well, if I don’t let him win, then yeah, Majesty, I can!”

Clarisse smiled. “That is well. Unfortunately we cannot always live in peace and tranquility. People like the Wolf Pack might show up again. And, we still have the splinter organization to deal with — the ones who only kill, rather than capture us. I appoint you as our Minister of Security, to deal with such eventualities and to keep us all safe.”

Randolph bowed, and then kissed her hand. He looked up into her eyes with a fierce loyalty and to Clarisse’s eyes a slight bit of flirtatiousness. “Your Majesty, I am honored to accept your appointment and I won’t let you down, ever.”

“And last, but certainly not the least, Chiyoko Satou. I understand that you organized this group and kept them together, while proposing that we have a Queen to start with? And you also talked everyone into coming to our rescue?”

Chiyoko actually blushed and looked down at the floor. “Yes, Your Highness, that is true. But, you give me more credit than is due, I think.”

Clarisse took Chiyoko’s chin in her hand and raised her head gently to look right into her eyes. “You shall be our First Minister, Chiyoko. You will organize things for me, help keep me from being drowned in minutiae, and help Maria keep me on the right path.”

Chiyoko bowed deeply to Clarisse. “You honor me, my Queen, and I shall serve you with loyalty and love to the ends of the earth.”

Clarisse smiled at everyone, and then took Rachel’s hand in her own. “Maria will of course be my Duchess, my Second in Command, my strong right hand, and, if she will, my royal consort.”

Rachel gasped and threw herself into Clarisse’s arms and they kissed deeply, hearing a round of applause from not only the vampires but all of the servants as well.

“I will take that as a ‘yes’, my dear?” Clarisse teased.

“Yes, your Royal Majesty, that is a yes,” Rachel answered with a grin.

Maria, what exactly does a Royal Consort do?

She sensed quite a bit of amusement from Maria. They fuck, Rachel, duh?

Nobody understood why Rachel was laughing so hard that tears came from her eyes, but since dawn was approaching they all retired for the day.


The next evening, Clarisse informed her subjects that she and Maria would be traveling to America to spend some time, and consulted with Steven on a secure website, secured encrypted cell phones, and locations of all safe houses they owned in America.

Before leaving, she told them to think of favorite servants, friends, and others that they might wish to turn, so that their depleted ranks would grow again.

“Of course I do not want a population explosion, but seven is far too few of us. I’d like to have more of us as soon as we can arrange it.”

She and Rachel were driven to the airport and were surprised to find that the Queen had her own special jet already fueled and awaiting her. Clarisse was obviously touched that they had done this and hugged all of her subjects tightly. She left it to Chiyoko to plan a gathering sometime within the next year.

They boarded the plane with a few servants, and the first stop would be Paris, she learned. Rachel had arranged to stop and let Clarisse take her favorite servants and outfits along on their trip.

“You look very pleased, your Majesty,” Rachel noted.

“Rachel. If you do not stop calling me that in private I will put you over my royal knee and give you a spanking,” Clarisse said through gritted teeth.

Maria said, “Promise?”

Both Maria and Rachel’s pealing laughter filled the plane as they headed west into the sunset.

The End

(for now)

Dramatis Personá¦

  • Duchess Maria, of Arad, turned 1608, Arad, Romania
  • Baroness Clarisse Antoinette Dubois, turned 1793, Paris, France
  • Chiyoko Satou, teacher, turned 1924, Kaesong, Korea
  • Alexei Simonov, Soviet Army Sgt., turned 1942, Stalingrad, USSR
  • Randolph Peterson, US Army Sgt., turned 1955, Berlin, Germany
  • Renata Simonov, doctor, turned 1965, Moscow, USSR
  • Steven Tallant, computer science major, turned 1985, New York City, USA
  • Rachel Harrison, Historian, turned 2010, near Sibiu, Romania

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