Notebook of Holle


Notebook of Holle

December 20th 2012 Taken from my diary

I was born on a full moon Saturday, 21 December 1991 during a lunar full moon eclipse. Which is very important because the Winter Solstice can be as early as Dec. 20 and as late as Dec. 23. I could explain more but I don't have the time to write pages about what it means. It was a full blizzard my sister also told me we had thunder as well. We were snowed in and my sister delivered me and named me Holle . She did not care if I was a boy or not, she said all the signs were there and who was she to go against that.After I was born I was introduced to the family gathering on the twentieth. so let me explain my family and the land

Mom (Beth Mclaulyn 1955) was 16 a runaway hippie from a rich Boston family Dad (Sven Sidhee 1949) just received a law degree and passed New Hampshire bar exam, setting up a law practice in Peterborough . He was driving back with the last of his things from Harvard, she was hitch-hiking north, well lets just say, they got carried away in some wood's along the way in the back of my Dads VW Bus, 9 months later my sister was born on Nov 26 of 71. It was one of those love at first sight things you read about.

As far as the marriage well good old New Hampshire is female 13 to 17 can get married with a waiver and Dad being a lawyer in a place he basically knew every one, well you get the idea. Moms family disowned her.. I have never met any of them. Dads family is very complicated but the nut shell is they don't talk to us either. My dads dad and mom got together in Germany during the war. She was Danish and just escaped the Gestapo and he was and intelligence officer. They were married, took a Mercedes bus made it in to a house and live on the road. My Dad was born in Morocco They had 7 kids and raised them on the road mostly in the U.S.

Dad said they always had money but never knew what that did for it. Dad never had a formal education, (homeschooled) except Harvard. He was accepted no questions asked. Mom never went back after quitting high school, which is were she runaway from. Heres were its a little complicated. Lets see how can I explain this. My dads Grand Parents lived in this house in Greenfield New Hampshire. Its called the hundred acre woods (no, not after Pooh books).

Now for people that don't live in New England, towns are next to each other with no county in between. We are on the Greenfield and Lyndeborough border. Its funny because when I walk across our road to my brothers Willy's in am in Lyndeborough. Anyway, Dad loved his Grand parents and spent time with them and when he went to Harvard this was his home. He went out of his way to take care of them so they did not have to go in a nursing home Grams died first 5 months later Grand Pa ,he could not live without her. Everything was signed over to Dad before they, went on the next journey. It was ok with his Mom and Dad but his brothers and sisters said that were cheated. I don't know the full story. His mom and dad are somewhere in morocco and have been for the last 15 years so we never hear from them, as far off the grid as possible is what they said when they left.

The original 100 acres has been in the family before Columbus Myth (I say myth because he never discovered anything just exploited it). Dad explained it like this:

One branch of Dads family came over from Ireland before the revolution and owned a shipping company and lots of boats. Darragh Sidhee was born in 1756 he was a hand full because he loved native american ways. He was one who wanted to learn all he could so the family provided him with the best education money could buy. The revolution came along he was asked to be an officer. Darragh wanted nothing to do with the stand in a field and shoot at each other so he took to the woods and did the hit and run thing. It was winter and Darragh and his men had been running north, that had no idea were they were going but upon seeing a stone house in the woods with snow coming down they knocked on the door. Holle answer, and accordion to Darragh notes he could feel the magic in the air.

"I need food and lodging for me and my men my name is Darragh Sidhee"

"Holle" She replied

Darragh asked Is not Holle the name of the Teutonic witch goddess of the moon?"

"Ya" she replied "So are you one of those that follow the horrible ways of the church that burn and kill and destroy all that dose not agree with your way?" "And may I ask how you know Norse"

I am well versed in many languages, do you understand Gallic?

She answered "Ya"

He said do you know what my last name means?

"Ya" she said " Daoine Sidhee [ Thee Na as shee].

"Thats why my family came to this country was to get away from the dictatorial ways of the church. The Sidhee led me here, to your house, so were are we?"

She replied "What the English call New Hampshire we call Vinland."

"It is strange thing and I fear you may not believe me when I say we traveled several hundred miles in just a day."

She said nothing and just smiled

"Were are you're people and why are you alone here. She replied Giggling "You speak much I am the gate keeper of this land." Do you follow the Tuatha Dé Danann?"

"Yes and many other things all truth comes from the light and is distorted by greed and fear."

She replied back "You have passed my test and I know you were sent, you may stay and I will feed all of you."
So as the story goes Darragh and Holle were married after the war and the land was in our family ever since. I think it's a wicked cool story.

More about our very diverse family:

As of December 20th 2012 gathering: We all have no middle names, so in birth order :
Well told you about Daddy Not much to add Layer who is now retired and wanders a lot never home except in December
We have my sister who brought me in to this world, born 1971 Loraine called Lori Witch/Healer Owns herbs new age weaving sewing yoga studio in Peterborough living with her partner Chandra Hindu/Native American (Ya her mom was from India and her dad Dine {Da Ney} / Lakota.

Willy 1975 Mechanic welder machinist has his own business. Believes God has no religion Sufi Muslim and dose not care what you believe as long as its not forced on him. His partner Noah, Jewish who dose not want his family to know he is gay, but they do and its a game they play. Its of those meet playing in the woods grow up together sweet heart things. Willy was home schooled then went to trade school. Noah has been the Accountant for the whole family seance he graduated collage, Dartmouth. In 04 they adopted a family of 3 whose parents were killed in train wreck.

Megan 1979 traditional school grad Dartmouth Wife/mother to 11 kids married to Greg they live in Rindge. Greg is a minister.

Charlemagne called Chuck 1984 traditional school, then Cal Tech and MIT. (If you value your life never call him by his true name). Married to Chelsea. Chuck is a MIT Professor along with his wife. Took Wife's last name when he marred, McMaster.

Becka 1988 Married / 3 kids to a Sikh Ram Das Singh professor Keene State College Keen NH, Becka Teaches Kundalini Yoga at Lori's studio and kept her last name after marriage but aded Kaur In sikh tradition, meaning "princess". Becka bailed out of traditional school and never went back husbun graduated Berkeley

Me, Holle 1991 Sidhee Witch I have had 1 child and collected 4 more Will I ever find the right person to spend my life with we will see.

Rowyn 1992 Truck driver loves Jesus married wife Trisha who follows Jainism lives in their truck. Rowyn went to traditional school then at 16 was expelled then GED then truck school.
Wife Trisha Graduated collage in India Had missionary parents Accepted Jain religion. Her parents brought her home saying it was a barbaric religion. She ran away and was
hitchhiking and met Rowyn. She also Studies Tibetan Buddhism and New Age Stuff.

We still do have a family gathering on the Twentieth of December here at the house every year. And Yes my siblings have lots of kids so we built an old fashion Viking long house by the pond to fit everybody. These gathering have become so important and part of tradition its more like a 3 day gift giving loving Party. Yes we disagree on a lot of thing but its the unconditional love that beings us together and recharges us for the coming year.

One more thing I need to add is the Sky-clad thing. Sky-clad is our families way of saying without clothing and on our land we have a sign on the front gate:

Beyond these walls is clothing optional. If that offends you
You have been warned. Call and we will meet you some were else.

We were raised a body is a body with or without clothing. Plus (except for my barn room the only bath room was the Bath tub shower room downstairs and the toilet room next to it.

Ok so were was I, oh yes I was born and the family gathering, then in late January a vey strange thing happen, my mom became pregnant with my brother. You see Mom Always practiced her own for of birth control and it always worked. Mom found out nothing was fool proof and as the saying goes if you want to make the universe laugh tell it your plans. Long story short my dear sweet sister took herbs so she could nurse me and became mom. Mom could not handle me and this second pregnancy, she was not recovered from the first. She left this world for the next at 7 months. Dad said if he did not insist he put her in a long term hospital In Boston at 4 months we would have lost her and my brother. Rowyn, my brother spent 4 months in the hospital after he was born. He was not a small baby! 12 pound and 24 inches long he was big.

After he was relesed My sister took charge of the whole family but was closer to me then my brother, like I said she Brest fead me my brother was fed goat milk (Ya we had goats cats dogs chickens turkeys and they all ran wild, Dad said if that live that live if that don't that don't and it was up to us kids to work it out because he had no time to deal with them).

Sis always wanted a child and so she took this as a sign and went at it with all her being. most important of all, she taught me the land and how the for wall around the land followed Ley-Lines, all the walls were as deep as tall of sat on rock. At one time it was a community. She showed me Norse and Celtic runes on the rocks and said its older then most know. She told me about forbidden archeology and how if thing don't fit the written word that are discredited. She told me never let anyone from the scientific community on this land, they would corrupt it.

She told me how the house we now live in was built from 1790-1800. Ya 10 years to build it. Wall's 4 feet thick of rock, Slate roof with coper eves and metal shutters on all windows and doors, it a family roomer, that for 5 mounts after it was built there it was said if you can causes it to burn I will give you 20 gold pieces. The barn is part of the house. All the wood used on the interior is from ships. The up stairs of the barn is now my room, after dad bought another barn and had it moved here so we could put the stuff From our barn in to it. We have lots of stuff. From 1800 to now, stuff, dad said we could just sell stuff and never work but it was our back up if we fell on hard times. Just like the windows are made from melted bottles some you can see the bottoms. 3 inch oak doors every thing hand made even the bath tub is hand made and bigger, then any I have ever seen, plus we have unlimited hot water thank to boiler that heats the house as well.

At 5 deciding it was time to go off by my self I left a note and went off to the woods. The rule was stay with in the walls, so first I went to the pond followed it to the creek then to the swamp then out to a stone circle I Loved and wanted to lay down in. After a while I started to see Sidhee flying over and landing. We all played and talked and after a while one named Riona said to close my eyes and when I open them i was home by the pond agin. Sis was sitting on the swing in the gazebo.

"Morning Lov" she said as I said the same at the same time we both giggled.
Hun you need more on then panties, bare foot girl.
But Sis i love my pretty panties! I said Giggling while giving her our morning hug and kiss.
"Yea i know we have a whole 10 by 10 room full of clothes and you I can only keep panties on you!" Sis saying while shaking her head. "Coffee?"
"Yes! This is nothing but good! Sis my brother said I was a boy."
"Really which one Chuck?"
I just nodded
"Well, tell him you can be any thing you want!" Sis replied
"So I never need to wear pants"?
"No never" Sis said but added "Shorts would be nice."
"UaUa short skirts and dresses are wicked better.!"
Sis said, "What if someone see your panties?"
I Replied giggling "Thats why i wear pretty ones. "
She giggled "Come on you, we need to go in to town and open the shop.", and off we went, me in my panties.

Sundays is family dinner time. One I remember well was the school talk.
Beck said, "Lori is Holle or Rowyn going to school"?
Dad said Yes, who is the next in this family to go to the institution known as school?", Then doing the funeral dirge.
Chuck said "O come on Dad its not that bad!'
Megan jumped in with, "its because you want to get away from this vegetarian house and eat meat!"
Chuck said, "No it not its girls!" We all moaned then he added "I do like my hamburgers."
Becka said If you ever bring that crap in this house.."
Dad interrupted "Language and lets keep this civil..
Lori jumped in I second, Becka that I have herbs that…"
Dad "Don't finish that sentence.. No meat at no time comes in this house end of discussion!" Chuck "Yes dad. Megan why do you go, your Christian friends?"
'Yes,whats wrong with that!" Megan started to say then Dad cut in "No religious banter we each do what we need to do on our own path!"
Then Lori said Holle is never going to school I am home schooling her.
"Him" Chuck said
"Leave it or you are heading for the fire agin," Willy cutting him off
Chuck said, "What?'"
Megan said You are blond, Out of the frying pan in to the fire. I don't agree with Lori but as Dad has said we are family we may not agree but we must find common ground and lean from one another or at least to agree to disagree".
Rowyn said, "I want school!"
"Your" choice Dad said.
Dad is for home schooling as you can tell so Lori Home school Megan home schooled until meeting Kay and going to church,then had to go to school with her. Willy home school Willy went to trade school. Chuck Becka and now Rowyn will go to school, thinking to my self, then Becka brought me back to the here and now by saying, out of the Blue, loudly, "Daddy can I be home schooled with Holle!" Dad said Lori what do you say, during the time I am at work you run things?"
" I will do it as long as you do the Saturday classes still, there are subjects that you know better then me like math."
"Ya and the sciences" Dad added.
"Ok rub it in! People don't need to be a math wiz we have computers for that now days and calculators and for science question, then again,you will have to drag me kicking and screaming to use one" Lori said
"One what?' Megan said "That did not make sense"
"A computer Blonde" Lori Giggled.
Very funny,Lori!" Megan turning a shad of red replied back sticking her tongue out.
"Ok !" "Any thing else?" Dad cut in.
Chuck started to say something about me but Dad cut him off by saying, "Ok I have work in my office and Chuck take it up with you sister if you dare!" "Lori is raising Holle and think about momma bear and baby bear before you do and what happen to Willys friend Tim when he decided that he was going to chase mom and cub out of the blue berry patch up on the mountain, which turned out Horrible". Chuck sheepishly replied "Not much left" Some of us said , "Ewwww!"
"Ya lets not go there, still having nightmares being on rescue and bring him down.", Willy replied lowering his head.
"Sorry son, just trying to make a point ." Dad said while leaving.
Chuck went after him while Lori was yelling "Chicken Charlemagne? Want to be a toad? " which the way she said it made all of us just bust out laughing.
After we calmed down Willy said Rowyn its the boys turn to clean up do you want to find Chuck?"
"What about.." Rowyn started Willy said cutting him off "You real don't want to finish that sentence or get involved in this, Noah is going to be home from Boston in one hour and you will find you doing it all by yourself ,I am leaving in 30 minutes to go home!"
"Willy breath slow down" Lori cutting in
Ya Holle will help? Becka asking then added as I nodded my head "We will take care of it."

Every thing went well for a few years, nothing was said about me and I thought that was the end of it. I was 10 and had been practicing magic mediation yoga everyday, I just took it for granted like getting up every day. I was siting at the kitchen tabs and spent time playing with a needle and a bowl of water, let me explain better. Take a glass bowl and fill it with water, take a needle coved in butter and float it on the water. Then using only your mind move it around the bowl.It helps remove doubt. Doubts are what holds magic back.

Anyway Megan comes in and Yells "Thats of the devil!"
"Oh Rumpelstiltskin!" (Grimm was my favorite book) Not even a good morning! Megan you need to chill"
Megan started to reply back when this being just appered. She stood there with her mouth hanging open. The being was 3 feet high in a ruff wolves dress wit tiny bare feet heir hair was like take every hair color you could think of and that might come close with violet eyes.
Megan recovered and said "Look out Demon!"
I asked what are you as the being knocked on the table.
I am a rumpelstilz, a tribe of goblins that rap on wood whenever we come.
"Why are you here" I asked
The rumpelstilz said "You called me did you not?"
"It's a demon" Megan said agin
"I replied O I wish you would just go back to you collage dorm room! Megan you are so full of your self and… before I could finish she disappeared. My mouth hung open in mid sentence.
Are you ok Ma,lady the rumpelstilz said
Recovering, "What happen to her?" I replied.
The rumpelstilz said "I put her in her dorm room."
I started to laugh, Lori came in and said Good morning Lov, What so funny and who's your friend?
"Good morning Sis, This is, what is your name may I ask?"
The Rumpelstilz Said, "You my call me Gywn Magical beings never give there true name but thats true enough."
"As you wish" I replied "My name is Holle and thats my sister Lori and the one you sent away was/ is Megan.'
Lori said "What do you mean sent away? Dad is going to be upset if you do something to his kids Gywn, but she has been getting carried away lately, frankly i was sick of listening to her. hmm no we have to bring her back"
I answered "The Rumpelstilz sent her to her dorm and she was just in he panties I started to laugh.
Lori was truing to hold it in but she managed to say before she was laughing also "Please bring her back she has moved home for the summer and her room is empty, at lest I hope.!"
The Rumpelstilz said As you wish" but I whispered to Gywn to drop her sky-clad in the pound.being mischievous plus putting up with a lot from Megan.
A very wet sky-clad Megan came in and yelled
"I am never speaking to you agin!" storming up stairs.
I really shouldn't laugh but she has been such a pain. Lori laughingly said
"Sorry" I said wondering if i really meant that still laughing
Why should you be sorry she has been harassing you for weeks now all i can say Karma Karma." Lori interrupting me. now go have fun with Gywn and remember no magical realms time works different there and i don't want to be an old lady before i see you agin."
Aww I said giggling heading out the door saying "Love Ya" over my shoulder.

That October things came to a head we had a freak blizzard and Chuck, Rowyn, and some of their friend were here Plus Megan Her friend Kathy and Kay. Lori was heading back from town with Becka
Willy had his own place across the road with Noah.
I came in from the barn bare foot like usual in a short linen slip dress.
Someone said, "Are you a fag?"
I said "No do i look like a cigarette?"
"Are you trying to be funny freak"
"Thank you,, I love to be strikingly unusual and not the same as every body else!" I Replied
After a while of unfriendly bantering at me I just wandered out the door.
I walked in the snow and by the gazebos took off the rest of my clothing and walked in to the woods. Freezing while screaming "I want to be a girl right now I have no doubt in my mind i can change", at that point falling in to a hole filled with water over my head I almost lost all my breath (In New Hampshire there are holes the size of small mud puddles that are very deep).
I crawled out sputtering coughing crying all scratched up.
There in a tall pillar in the middle of the swamp and I lookup at it and saw a way up and climbed it for the first time ever and sat there for a while I was shaking uncontrollably. I climbed down was trying to walk home but found myself at the sidhee circle. I just curled my self in a ball in the snow. sleep was good iI would just goto sleep it was funny my hair was frozen and mad a crunching sound as I closed my eyes…

I awoke Sky-clad in a field of flowers beyond dreams, giggling. I played with all the Sidhee their and I didn't have that nasty male thing between my legs.
I was told by the Goddess that i was Holle the same as in the story and I have been reincarnating to take care of this land since it was all one great continent. I giggled and said i read about that content thingy,Pangaea right? Well little one thats what your world calls it but it was called many names Atlantis Lemuria Oz Mu Zu to name a few
Giggling I said you rhymed
She said "you are a silly one smiling at me."
What can I call you mother? I asked
"Yes, if it please you or Danu. We have our own life and world on Daoine Sidhee and so I cannot keep you long little one."
'Aww I love it here but i know i have a purpose a destiny and people the love and care for me, it so beautiful and they were mean.'
Danu interrupted my chattering But we can mess with them show them there is a world out side of what that believe.
"Danu what are you planing?" there were many around us and did not see were it came from.
"Just playing a little, ok all their friends home in bed a sleep not to wake till morning all the past is a dream and that never went to your house and to them you have always been a girl. You don't have a birth certificate yet thanks to the procrastination of you father, so lets rock there world to use your words.
How I asked
Well you are a boy in your 11th year about 5 feet 6 right let make you a fully developed female say Height 5  ft  10  in that is how tall you will be so lets speed it up, Hair color hmm lets do more naturally curly thick to you Long to your wast hair, color? I said i like my blonde but can i have no brown at all.
Yes as you wish little one.
"Also i don't want my face to change much just a little more pointy on my ears not a lot just a little. my eyes more violet then blue very intense. I don't know from there mother do you have any ideas?'
Yes how about 35(B)-23-35 yes a B will do so that won't be in the way and be pretty, some poor women wants large breasts and when they get them they have back problems I think all men who love large breasts should have them in their next life and see if that like them so much then!
Weight hmm 130 i think shoes how about stye 5
"Mother Can i have no body hair i don't want to shave ever. "I added
Yes I think eye brows thin very light blond naturally arched eye lashes long blond but noticeable Another voice put in "Danu she is so beautiful even ethereal looking may i add long thin fingers on deli cut hand like yours..

I stood be for a mirror that just appeared out of know were I looked and stared.
May I have a higher voice and if scream at the top range i break glass? Let see anything else umm mom how about clothing I won't have a thing to wear
Spoken like a true girl so you visualize all the clothing you like and boots shoes the store is open no personal gain Issues on this one as you say go for it room and all.
"Can I add the things I wish to give at the family gathering?" I added
"You are so sweet always thinking of others, yes they will be in your room".
"I just thought of one more thing can i keep one more exemption on the personal gain thing like finding something and liking it but being able to change it to natural fiber?
No little one sorry personal gain is as it is but I will help you as far as remembering you past so you can make things with out a pattern. Even boots shoes…
"I can do that any time you wish" replied Gywn as she appeared suddenly
"What is a Rumpelstilz doing here!" Another voice said
I yelled Back "She's my friend and adopter sister!"
Danu commanded "Silence"!
"Any friend of yours little one my come to my court any time. you may have forgotten but we are forever in your debt, my dear daughter from long ago when we were not a land far far away. So how long have you been Together?"

"I took a deep breath and said "Well around 5 my dad decided I needed my own room. well we do have lots of rooms in the house but Dad felt I need more space the rooms are small well I don't really know why any way he bought a barn and I was exploring it and this small black kitten was stuck under a board trying to escape but was stuck any way I took him home and fought with my dad because animal are not allowed in the house,ever well I snuck him in anyway and one day I yelled at my sister Oh Rumpelstiltskin! and she was there so long story short I found out when we went outside she was my cat and need a friend but was testing me. so when people are home she's my cat in my room, now that is in the barn I can do what I want and the rest of the time she dose what she wills stopping and taking a breath

Well ok then I was wondering when you when going to breath little one.
I giggled "I know my time here is coming to an end" Hugging Mother then….
I stepped through a door into the house like the back door was a portal, with Gywn On my shoulder in her cat form.I look like I came from a Ren festival.
black wool tights thick leather brown boots to my knees blue low cut bodice dress down to the tops of my boots Heave black cape
My hair up with a real tiara and diamond earring from Danu her self. About a dozen necklaces all gift and they had to put them on me (all Silvers i never liked gold).
I took off my cape as I entered and you could hear a pin drop.
So hows my loving family Lori came over and gave me a kiss and hug followed by Dad that went and sat back down. You could hear a pin drop now I know what that meant like time standing still!
Dad broke the Silence buy saying "Her majesty the Princess returns, I was beginning to wondering about you, Princess!"
Lori cut in "See no need to worry, you are so beautiful! I had to call Dad, to came home, for him to come here and stop all the crazy "We need to call the police and search for her stuff." doing air quoits with her fingers. I had to keep reminding them no so called authorities on the land ever.Finley dad came. and calmed them all down. Then their friends just Poof and no word till the next day. Except kay no one will speak to them. I think kay and Megan should just ."
Megan interrupted 'Do not finish that, Kay is a friend.
"Ya with benefits, under my breath covering with How long have I been gone?" I asked
"3 days sweetie" Lori answered.
I never sat down just walked over and gave Lori and Dad a hug and kiss.
" Love Ya I said then asked may I go to my room and sleep?
"Yes" Love you to tell me next time ok?" Dad said Yes Daddy I replied
Everyone else was quite Chuck and Rowyn mouths open unmoving. Willy was the only one not there. As I turned to leave Becka jumped up and through her arms around me and kissed me. Which did take me by surprise, we did kiss on the check but a full on lip lock, she really missed me! Lori was the only one that we just always kissed like mother / daughter. Then Megan Got up and hugged me we did out cheek kiss then a group hug with all my sisters. Chuck started to get up but was staring so hard he fell and took Rowyn with him by grabbing his char as he fell.

Well Dad said "That is a statement all of its own" laughing and that started all of us off
I went to bed and a short time later i felt Lori join me giving me a hug and kiss. It felt so good to be home and to be me. a short time later Becka slipped in on the other side of me with another kiss turning with her back toward me i slipped my arm around her and pulled her close my boobies pressing in to her back like Lori was to mine, I love being close to those I love. And I can't wait to see my friends and families faces when the December gathering comes thinking as I drifted off to sleep sandwiched between the loving energy of my sisters .. The fallout was yet to come..

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