Annette MacGregor
Things last time sounded messed up. Well, they got worse, sorta.
They might have gotten one drug alergy right, but that wasn't the ONLY one...
They let me out after a few days... They THOUGHT it was C-Dif... But, in retrospect, my oncologist thinks it was "just" an alergic reaction. :-( Why you may ask... Well, after I recovered from that last stay, we scheduled and I finished my chemo (recall it was two (2) days every four (4) weeks)... And while there, getting my second drug I started spiking a fever... We got it down then and there (okay a few hours later) and called it an alergic reaction (Thank you Benedryl, Ibuprophen and Tylenol). I did get to go home - and things were 'okay'...
Meanwhile, they had me on a drug (propylactic) to keep me from developing PCP again. Every time I took that drug - 30 minutes later, I'd feel like pin pricks all over my body off and on for about twelve (12) to fifteen (15) hours! NOT FUN!
To make a long story short, my doc asked me to get a second opinion... His first reaction was to switch my drugs, but he was having some questioning thoughts... I'd had way more complications than was normal. So - Off to a university medical center to see another specialist... He ordered a big pile of blood tests (all told 24 vials of blood! I think I'd have given less had I been donating a pint!) as well as a PET scan and a MUGA scan. The long and the short was that the old drugs had been doing a good job with my disease, my heart was still healthy and the diagnosis was confirmed. Turns out one of the drugs I was on (only approved about two years) is more toxic than early trials had indicated and the reaction I had was common to 40+% of patients. He recommended I switch back to the older first line regimine. (Apparently the older regimine also has a better track record with longer times of remission as well.) I'm also changing which propolactic med I'm on for the PCP.
I just finished the first week of the new chemo today (it's three days of chemo, then a shot to keep my white blood count from gowing down Tooo low... I get the shot on the fourth day). So far, things seem to be going okay. My skin - while still dry - is returning to normal (whew)... And, the reaction to the drugs? I'm wiped out today (I crashed about 8:30/9:00pm last night...But couldn't go to bed quite yet... Made it through today working, but I'll not be up late, that's for sure.
Oh - and among all of this, I got a few thousand words written - on two different stories (More Hidden Gifts and more of the Bedtime Story - which was put on hold after Gabi passed away - she'd been my editor there)... So, there's a chance I might get something posted before the end of the year! :-)
Life continues. I'll be commuting to the DC area off and on through the end of the year as well... Not sure that's a good thing or not. LOL
Thanks for reading. Hope the tedious details weren't too booring.
Good luck girl
I believe a certain Barack Obama commutes to Washington as well, perhaps you could share a car to save fuel?
A :)
RtM 39
Glad they took the time to investigate the reactions - some doctors would just have accepted it. I hope that tiredness is the worst you get for the new regime.