Footprints In The Fog

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Actually "Footprints In The Fog" is a first attempt by myself to write an actual story. It was originally posted as a rough beginning chapter on Sapphire's List back in 2005 entitled "Celtic Fire"

I ran across it again while going through old emails and decided to see what response I would get on the List and posted here. I am glad to see more of an interest this time, especially as it is now a better rewrite IMHO and I hope to continue with it as interest prevails.

I hope to continue to hear from everyone with their responses and support.


I'm a "very new" author myself

Well, at least of fiction... (My last attempt being over 35 years ago...)

I've found this place to be very friendly, and forgiving for little "mistakes"... If you find yourself making a lot, you might consider asking around for a friendly editor/proof reader's help. There are a bunch that have been known to help. I took advantage of two different ones for my first few "parts" (They're so short, I'm afraid to call them chapters. :) ) and I'm convinced I benefitted greatly from their comments. (Well, the first one convinced me to write in the first place and helped me decide to "throw away" (at least for now) my first "story" and start the current one.) If you find someone that is good for bouncing ideas off of, that's great! It can help keep the muse going as well as help you keep your story focused on where it is you intend to go. The best ones will point out where you may need to make modifications to improve the effectiveness of your story while keeping it YOUR story.

Good luck, and welcome to the anxious world of being a new author.
