Growing Up Jenny on Kindle

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I was a little premature yesterday in my announcement. The page was available, but the book wasn't set for purchase. So, let's fire up the dancing kittens. Now, on sale, at Amazon is the second installment of the God Bless the Child trilogy: Growing Up Jenny. I hope you will support me by picking up a copy, or, giving me a review (the story, like GBTC, has remained available for free on this site) So, go over now, have a look, take a gander at this pretty cover. Click it to go to the page.

I appreciate the support as I struggle to produce yet another hard hitting, relevant book that looks at transgender issues.


I've got to finish Finding Jenny

But there is so much going on!I'm doing too much-but its fun! I need to finish another story I'm working on (but it's huge!), wwrite the last (kinda) chapter of Familiar experience and the next chapter of Wild Magic, and finish my reconciliation story...Yeesh!

I love to work, though!


Just got it

Once I finish reading I will put up a review on Amazon.
