I was looking over the front page and notice how different everyone posts look. I know some people know how to make title art and some don't but there are a few things that everyone can do in order to make the front page look a little cleaner or organized and probably load a bit quicker for us all.
Then putting a title up, an easy way to make it neat and stand out is to use the little Headline feature (for those without title art). It's quite simple, just highlight your title and then hit the little H box and the software does everything for you. I am privy to everything being centered (the little C button) as well, but that's just my preference.
Also after your title, author name, and maybe a brief synopsis of the chapter (I try to stick to 1 or 2 lines) insert a break (this goes for those with title art as well. It's that little thing the is a box with a dashed line through the middle with the A on top and the B on bottom. This tells the software what to show on the first page. This way, people see the title and your name and the little synopsis and we can read the rest of the story when we click on it. Quite convenient if you ask me.
I think if everyone did this we can save a whole lot of space on the front page and probably make the site load a bit quicker (though I don't know how much text takes to load, but add it up over 50 or so stories and I'm sure it takes some nanoseconds).
I really just bring this up so the page looks tighter. I love this site and want it to be the best it could be. I still have to learn some of the other buttons though, but I hadn't the need. I love my breaks, horizontal lines and segment breaks
These things
Aren't they cool. Just bringing stuff up, hope people don't hate me even more.
No hate, informative I will
No hate, informative I will use those nifty widgets when and if I finally post something legible. And Katie thanks, for everything. Smiles, Jenn.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Where do I find them?
I will admit it. I just get by, by typing (um keyboarding) my comments, etc, hit preview and then if I do not see any glaring typos I hit Save and the comment some how winds up where it belongs. When I've posted my stories, I reach out and ask a friend or two here to do it for me. Now you confuse me (my fault, Not Yours, with talk of magic buttons to make things look better. Please where do I find them? I may have a post graduate degree, but when it comes to knowing how to do the things you describe, I am not even in first grade.
Buttons for Rami
If you are about to comment to this message, right above the box you are typing in are a bunch of little buttons. The go B I u C Q H n S Y __ ::::: < > <> etc. etc. There right on top of the box. You can even see one with a picture of an eye looking at you.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Cleaning up the front page
Me, I simply copied and edited a story title into a blog title.
May Your Light Forever Shine