Victory for Transgender Woman
From the Daily News ( ):
Ida Hammer, who is living as a woman though physically still a male, will have her sex change operation paid by her insurance company after winning a lengthy legal battle.
It's always terrific to read good news, aye?
I like that outcome. However, the replies to that story were unfortunately expected as well.
Go Ida! And a very cool name.
Go Ida! And a very cool name.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
I have made my opinions known,
in the comments section of this story. If anyone wishes to read them, go there... register... and make yours known as well. Only by speaking up can we get our message across.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Yep, I registered too
I made my opinion known and I am not surprised by alot of the idiotic comments made by some people there.
Drill Sgt Mac
Just looking at her...
Being a Mormon myself, I can see where a Karyotype test can change everything. Mine came out XY but the Y is so damaged that the Doctor could not believe it functioned. (PAIS) They have been absolutely kind and generous to me. So, don't nessesarily hang a black mark on the Mormons over this.
Just looking, I think this woman has a similar problem.
I was going to give up trying to join and two separate women came to me saying that their sister or brother was gay or lesbian and I needed to press on; that I could be a bridge to understanding. Sometimes I feel like the frog that his half way down the heron's throat but still hanging on.
G :)
Also a Mormon...
I find a lot in common with her story... Though not with her luck on the physical side of things. Mine is a constant war with body hair and a mannish face.
Abigail Drew.