A year ago today, while I was in the middle of posting the epic Finding Jenny, I posted a little one off story called "The dress punishment." It has been very popular and I wanted to give those who weren't around last year a chance to take a look at it.
It actually fascinates me, and I will probably blog in more detail about this phenomena. But, I would rate Finding Jenny and God Bless the Child light years ahead in the level of craftsmanship and importance to this 4,600 word story that I knocked out in a few hours without much effort. Somehow, the "lesser" story has been more popular.
I would like to think of it like Beethoven. His great works were funded by his ability to write little ditties that appeased the masses of his day. The goal, I think, but I can be wrong, is to try to combine quality with something that would be popular. However, I find this difficult, because usually what I think is important is so feel good and though people might enjoy it and it may be thought provoking, it's not a grand way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Currently I am writing, what I call, a fluff piece. Fluff is something just for fun, like what fills pillows. It is soft and comfortable and makes you happy. I am planning on going back to my norm though. I have hinted about the upcoming romance. It has a title now. Wrestling With Myself and I even named the main characters; Tony LaMano and Cory "Courtney" Barnes. The last name may change on the second character because its actually someones name that I know and they might not appreciate that.
Someone might call it hybris
Someone might call it hybris to compare yourself with Bethoven. You're probably right about the reason though. Most people don't really feel like reading an epic, except it really is a masterpiece. A 4k word story that is read in 10-20 minutes is something else entirely.
Reply to Beyogi
I didn't say I was like Beethoven, I said it was like him. But.... either way.... I have always been arrogant.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Well better arrogant than too
Well better arrogant than too meek :D Thus is the fate of great artists. The greatest works never respected, but the brainfarts praised into the heavens ;)
Quick and Dirty!
After I'd finished writing a story and then extensively editing and revising it, I used to spend months before I would publishing. I'd put it aside for at least a month before I reread it, so I'd see it as a new reader might; then I'd modify some more and put it aside again for several weeks - and again - and again.
Then, in June, I simply completed a story and published it. It immediately jumped to become one of the most popular stories of all time(in terms of Kudos). I did the same for my next one, and my next.
All my recent stories are proving to be more popular than most of the ones I spent months in fine tuning. I can't explain it, I only know it has become much easier to write and publish a story which people enjoy.
One Years Old
Well Katie, Jim Carrey http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Carrey and Robin Williams. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Williams Both are comedians whose best movies are comedic rather than drama.
May Your Light Forever Shine