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My first ever posting of the first chapter of my first story on BCTS …. Take care my baby.
Joe was older than his sister by 11 months, but you’d never guess. Where she was confident, he hesitated. Where she was independent, he seemed incapable. Where she thrived on responsibility, you couldn’t trust Joseph with anything. Not that he was a naughty child, just incredibly accident prone. Joe was not a boy you could leave home alone …
by k-jo
Chapter 1
Pamela Petty snuck a look at her watch as she pulled up to the kerb in front of her new friend Isla’s three-bedroom semi-detached, in a quiet cul-de-sac on a 1990s housing estate, at the better end of town. She didn’t begrudge going out of her way to give her a ride home, it was an uphill trudge to the estate, rain was in the air and Isla had been a welcome companion since they literally bumped into each other in the supermarket, and then chuckled about it over a shared pot of tea in a nearby café, just over a week ago.
They hit-it-off from the beginning and have met twice since, at the same café, but today was a chance encounter and Pamela felt duty to bound to offer her friend a lift. No, she didn’t begrudge Isla the ride in the slightest. It was just that, now, she was running late for a very important meeting and Pamela was never late.
“It mean’s star.”
Pam suddenly looked across at her friend and said: “Sorry?” realising she had not heard a single word Isla had spoken in the last three minutes.
“Star,” repeated Isla. “Seren, it means star.”
Isla giggled and Pamela joined in. They might be new friends but Pam already knew that Isla’s stories always ended in a giggle, although they were rarely funny. Pam was pleased with the giggle though, on two counts, first, it meant her distraction had not been noticed and second, it signalled the story was ended and she would soon be on her way.
Isla was even now hoiking her shopping bags out the car and using the momentum to help herself follow, onto the pavement. Turning to close the car door, crouching a little to catch Pamela’s eyes, Isla chuckled: “Seren, star, can you believe it! Well, thanks for the lift Pam, saved me from a soaking by the looks of that sky. See you on Tuesday?”
“Hardly. Don’t mention it, lovely to see you, maybe it’ll pass over. Yes, same place, 11.45? Bye,”
Pamela waved as she pulled away the second the door thudded close. “What was that Seren thing,” she thought briefly, as she watched Isla in the rear-view mirror turn towards her front gate, before turning her eyes to the road and her mind back to the forthcoming job interview, the cause of her previous distraction.
Pam checked her watch again, she might just get across town and back before the traffic started, and ran through manoeuvres in her mind. She had to collect Sally from the station, pick-up Joseph from the house and then slip back in to town for the interview, dropping Sally at the paper shop on the way.
Sally Penelope Petty is Pam’s independent, strong-willed, almost 13 going on 18-year-old daughter. She’d taken a train the eight miles to the city for the nearest chain-store selling the only brand of jeans she will wear and was clutching bags holding four new pairs when she hopped into the back of the car. She wears jeans a lot.
“Where’s Joseph?” asked Sally.
“We’re going to get him now.”
“What, from the house? Your cutting it a bit fine aren’t you mum.”
“I ran into Isla and had to give her a lift home, we should be ok, had you been waiting long?”
“Five minutes. So, are you all prepared for this interview then then?”
Pam was thinking about Joseph, hoping he was back from the dentist and that all would be well when they got to the house. She’d only popped to the hairdressers for pre-interview tidy-up and expected to be back first, but had then run into Isla. Joe was older than his sister by 11 months, but you’d never guess. Where she was confident, he hesitated. Where she was independent, he seemed incapable. Where she thrived on responsibility, you couldn’t trust Joseph with anything.
Not that he was a naughty child, just incredibly accident prone. Joe was not a boy you could leave home alone and Pam’s worry that her detour meant he would have reached the house before her, was nothing compared to the concern she would have been feeling if she knew the dentist had cancelled, Joe had the house to himself all afternoon and had assumed she had already left for her interview.
Fortunately, traffic was light, the rain passed over and they were soon turning into the short driveway to their new home. It was, in fact, built over 50 years ago but was new to them. So new that none of the Pettys yet referred to it as ‘home,’ and simply called it: “The House.”
It is a posh house, in the posh part of town, and represents most of the settlement that came in exchange for Mr Petty. Pam was very grateful for the settlement, it was quite generous as these things go, but all things considered, she’d have preferred the continued presence of her husband. Unfortunately, that option was no longer available, at least not in one piece.
“Quick Sally, run in and drop your bags, grab Joseph and start to lock-up, while I turn the car around.” Pam watched Sally run to the front door and insert her key before steering the car slowly down the side of the house, past the concrete spur set for her to reverse into and three-point-turn to face back up the driveway without having to mark the grass. In the event, her nerves beginning to anticipate the interview, this particular turn had five-points. Like a star.
A blast of pop assaulted Sally’s ears as she entered the house. She waded against the noise to the kitchen where she froze in the open doorway, mouth ajar, knuckles whitening as her grip tightened on her bags of jeans, perhaps for a full two minutes until she felt, rather than saw, the presence of her mother, similarly frozen, one step behind.
In the centre of the kitchen, oblivious to his gaping audience, danced Joseph David Petty, Sally’s older brother, Pamela’s only son, dressed as a girl.
Suddenly, silence shouted as Pamela clicked off the socket powering the radio, Joseph’s head instantly lifted and tic-tacked left and right, taking in his mother and sister with eyes that widened first with shock and then fear. Sally registered the clatter as Joe lost grip of a whisk serving as an impromptu microphone and in her mind she could feel the blood run from his painted face and knees weaken beneath his black nylon pantyhose.
If impulsiveness is Pamela’s weakness, decisiveness is her great strength and after pausing just three seconds in bewilderment she said softly: “Joseph, I don’t have time for this now, we will talk later, go and get in the car.”
Her voice woke Joseph from his trance but he had hardly uttered the first syllable of his reply, when Pamela barked: “I said get in the car! Now!”
Sally, knowing how quickly mum’s anger could ricochet from her brother to catch her in the crossfire, broke from her own trance to grab Joseph’s hand and half pull, half lead him through the hall and out the front door, automatically picking-up her purse as they passed and taking a second to realise the accompanying clicks were Joseph’s girly shoes tapping the tiled floor.
As her children left, Pamela collected the fallen whisk and placed it on the side, leant forward to press her forehead on the back of her hands and released a desperate sigh before standing tall, taking a deep breath, exhaling slowly, setting the angle of her jaw and striding to the front door to set the alarm, click the lock, slip behind the wheel, release the handbrake and move off down the drive towards her interview.
Decisiveness was her greatest strength, but focus came a close second and Pamela closed all thoughts of the last few minutes, and even the very presence of her two children but a couple of feet behind her, into a sealed compartment of her mind, turning the rest of her concentration to the impending interview, rehearsing answers to anticipated questions and preparing responses to various what-if? scenarios.
In the back seat, Joseph sat silently, directly behind his mother, knees together, head bowed, looking at pretty pink fingernails on the hands clasped lightly in his lap. Sally sat to his side, not touching but nor was she pressed into the far door as far away as possible, one hand to her mouth, stealing occasional glances at her astoundingly attired elder brother.
“Have you got your bag, sweetheart?” Pamela broke the silence as they pulled-up opposite Norton’s Newsagents.
“Yes mum.”
“And your phone?”
“Yes mum,” replied Sally again, leaning forward to peck her mother on the cheek.
“Pick you up at six. Be good.”
“Always am,” chirped back Sally, surreptitiously giving her brother’s clasped hands a little squeeze as she swung her denim clad legs out of the car, adding to her mother, just before she closed the door: “Say hi to Brian for me.”
Pamela felt her blush rise as she watched her cheeky daughter safely across the road and into the shop, before pulling back into the traffic and heading once more towards her interview, with Brian.
She’d met Brian Stevens, commercial director of Stevens’ Fashions, twice before, at her first interview last Tuesday and by chance a couple of days later while window shopping with Sally.
Her astute daughter had noticed immediately that Brian quite fancied her mother and had teased her incessantly until Pamela had finally lost patience and snapped back in anger. Pam was fighting hard not to admit to herself that she quite fancied Brian. She shook her shoulders to banish the thought and shift back to professional mode as she turned into the multi-storey car-park attached to the back-end of the town’s one shopping mall.
She drove to the fifth level and finally turned her attention to her silent son as she reversed into a parking bay, tucked behind a support pillar, in a dark corner of the lot.
“Joseph, we clearly have things to discuss, but right now I have to focus on this interview. It’s very important that I get this job, important for all of us and I think you understand that. We’ll have plenty of time to talk later, but don’t worry, I love you and I’m not angry with you,” Pam clasped his hands and gave him a little smile, noticing the nail varnish for the first time.
“Now, I had planned for you to sit and wait in the office, but given how you’re dressed I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?”
“No,” whispered Joseph, the relief in his voice almost palpable having spent the whole journey in silent terror of the humiliation he thought he was about to face, paraded in public in dress, tights and heels. Not to mention the lacy bra and panties clinging tightly to his skin.
“I’ve parked as far into the shadows as I can and if you sit quietly in the back you should be fine. You’d best not have the radio on and I’m sorry but with the rush and your little um, surprise, we forgot to bring you anything to read,”
Pam petted the back of her son’s long haired head, took her briefcase from the passenger seat and slipped her legs out of the car. “Keep the doors locked and maybe lie down out of sight and try to doze. I’m going to be at least an hour, maybe two if things go well. I know this will be really boring for you Joe, but there’s nothing I can do about it and well, you have brought this on yourself.”
“I know, I’m sorry mum, I’ll keep ....”
The loud greeting interrupted Joe’s quiet response and both mother and son turned immediately towards its source, a tall, be-suited gentleman bounding enthusiastically in their direction. A startled Pamela quickly turned her expression from fear to a faux smile and squeezed her reply through clenched teeth as she shook his proffered hand: “Brian!”
“It’s good to see you Pam. I thought I was going to be late. Come on, we can walk up to the office together and …. Who is this pretty little thing? Pamela, you didn’t tell me you had two daughters.”
Brian slipped forward the driver’s seat, took Joseph’s cold white hand and helped the stunned teenager from the car. “My, she’s even prettier than Sally and has even more of her mother’s likeness. So what pretty name do you go by my dear?”
As soon as she saw Joseph’s lips beginning to form the shape of a J, Pam gushed the first girl’s name that came into her head. “Seren! This is my second daughter, Seren. Seren, this is Mr Stevens, hopefully he’s going to be my new boss.”
“Very pleased to meet you Seren,” said Brian as he gently shook Joseph’s hand. “Right, lets the three of us head up to the office and see if we can’t bring that about shall we?” And with that he strode purposely towards the entrance to the shopping mall, still holding Joseph’s shaking hand.
End of Chapter 1
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I like it a lot :)
Great start!
Thank you Ms Dragon, I'm a fan of your work n value your opinion k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
very good start
Like the story so far, hope to read more soon. Wondering how mom is going to explain a son if she gets the job, but a very good start to an interesting story.
Keep up the good work
You're right Randi, Pam made an impulsive decision to save Joseph's blushes but now what does she do? Interesting log-in number. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
A very nice beginning...
...with a lot of wonderful moments promised 'along the way?' Thank you.
Love, Andrea Lena
Thanks Andrea, hope to provide more wonderful moments, hugs k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Good start
This is a really good start. The first episode moves along at a cracking pace and leaves us wanting to know what happens next.
Hi Bronwen, I'm pleased the pace has come across as it was difficult trying to balance the background needed to introduce the characters without getting bogged down in detail and losing momentum. Like you I want to know what happens next. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Seren Dee Petty Chapter 1
Joseph/Seren has a great mother, but wondering how the interview will go and how Joseph/Seren and his/her mother will handle things.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Quite agree Stanman, right now Pam's focus is on getting that job but if she does get it, she's got a bit of a mess to clear up and I guess the sooner the better. But how will she handle it? I'm pleased her being a good mother has come across. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
I scene two jobs. one for mom and one for son.
Now I wonder where you got that idea from Demuneye? k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
I agree with the others, the story has a great start and moves well. Just now have to wait for the nx chapter!
Thank you Sir, pleased my fiction moves as well as its author. Looks like I'm gonna have to get down to writing Ch2 soon. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Me too!
Interesting start, hoping for more.
P.S. I like the pair of shoes in your id picture!
Wow, thanks Louise, hope I can keep it going to the same standard and one day maybe get close to the quality of your stories. Always pleased to get nice comments on my footwear, I like to be kept on my toes. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Good start!!
Very impresive for your first!! You diffinitly know how to leave
us wanting the next installment!! Looking forward to more!!
Thanks Pamela, hope I live up to expectations with Ch2. You seem as nice as Pamela Petty ;) k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
love it love it love it
Sounds like a great start to a great story I can see this going really good for some one and possibly really bad for someone else, depending upon the actual state of mind we find Seren in. Hope she really starts to enjoy her OUTING.
Thanks for the read
State of mind
Thanks Hopefulgirl, I think right now Joe/Seren is just stunned as Brian leads him into the unknown and has not had much chance to think about all that has happened, after all, less than an hour ago no-one knew anything and as well as having to deal with being outed to his mum, sister and now a complete stranger, he must be woried this could mess up his mum's job chances. There's also the psychological issue that his mum has named his girl. You're right, a lot will depend on Seren's state of mind. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Interesting. He passes as a girl, obviously. But does he want to be a girl, or just dress like one?
I hope for more soon.
Dress or be
That's a big question Ms Colleen, for many of us. hugs k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
WHY didn't she say the *girl* was a cousin or even Sally?
"oh, it's Sally. She had a growth spurt," or " With the make-up and that new ourfit she really does look older, doesn't she?"
Or such.
So several mysteries How did her hussband die? Sounded violent.
And WHY is the child such a disaster? Is it because he is unhappy as a boy?
The *girl* seemed so happy, exuberant. Just a phase or something else?
Still I see much of the mom in him. She has a bad habit of being impulsive. I mean she has this critical meeting yet does this favor that dangerously delays her. If she had not this mix-up would not have happened. but is experienced enough to usually pull it off. In many ways he seems just as impulsive, just not so lucky.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Yes Sir Pamela's certainly impulsive it's sort of the yin to her yan of decisiveness which makes her such a valuable employee n in the spur of the moment to prevent Joe from outing himself n also maybe subconciously to protect her chances of getting the job not knowing how her prospective employer might respond to her son so dolled up, especially as Brian found her so pretty n also right at the back of her thoughts the potential mutual attraction between her n Brian) she dived in with a girl's name n Seren was just the one at the top of her mind just then, couldn't pass him as his sister coz Brian had already met Sally just a couple of days before n Brian had already made the correct assumption of her child due to the close likeness n also in that instant the cousin idea didn't come to mind but now Pam's created the situation n Joe didn't deny it when the intros were made n hands shuck the question is how do they get out this hole the depth of which I guess depends on whether Pam gets the job or not n you ask some real interesting questions about Joe's character, Pam's character n the interrelations between them n sister Sally n like you I'm intrigued to see how that pans out n yeah just what did happen to Mister Perry, dosn't seem like it was anything nice wot with him ending up in more n one piece n all n whether Joe has been happy or not we'll see but he sure seemed happy dancing n singing into that whisk k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Not bad, but any story that starts with a shaggy dog joke for a title is doomed!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Sad to be so quickly condemned Ms J, (or should that be Private Fraser) No idea if you're the first to notice the title but you're first to mention it, surprised it took so long. Hope your prediction is wrong as my own life is something of a shaggy dog joke and am relying on making happy and unexpected discoveries in my future, whether by accident or design. Ultimately though,I guess we're all doomed, except St Paul of course, he was domed. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Private Fraser???
I have no idea who that is supposed to be, sorry. I read all the other comments first to make sure it hadn't been already brought up, like you I was surprised it hadn't. I would have expected at least John in Wauwatosa to have said something.
My life is more like slapstick than a SDS story, unfortunately. Or perhaps a Roadrunner cartoon, of course I got stuck playing the Coyote! Mother!
Perhaps you've read "Shah Guido G" by Isaac Asmiov? (multiple misspellings! Maybe?)
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Dad's Army
Private Fraser is a character in Dad's Army, a pessimistic Scotsman with the catchphrase "Doomed, we're all doomed!" I've had more n my fair share of slaps with a stick too n still got my Wile E, will have to check out SGG, don't know that one, beep beep! k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
You have a fan
Hun, I absolutely love this and Hope you keep going. Never let anyone tell you its doomed. If some one dose not like it let them go else were and stay true to your self. You have a fan.
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Honeymoon period
Why thank-you Ms Melton, I think that makes you my number one fan as you are the first to say so, I do plan to keep going n hope to find some time next week to write Ch2, as for being doomed, never fear I don't think Ms J was being particularly serious, I certainly didn't take it that way n anyway I;m getting many more hugs than bricks right now, I think everyone's bein really kind to the newbie so I'll lap up the honeymoon period while I get the chance, big higs to you k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
K-Jo has it right
It was just a bit of a tease, to go along with my shaggy dog title observation. If I think a story is bad or flawed I drop the author a pm. When I'm joking around I resort to doing things like using hyperbole, like saying it's "doomed!". I didn't know about Pvt. Fraiser, but there is much the same phrase in an old horror movie that is being used in a local tv commercial: We're doomed!.
Oh K-Jo, for future reference: J is my middle initial, I used it to differentiate from several other "Karens" on BC. My last name is Taylor.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Sew good
Pleased to meet you Ms Taylor, like your sense of fun n you're obviously smarter than the average bear in spotting that title. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
You have a fan
Hun, I absolutely love this and Hope you keep going. Never let anyone tell you its doomed. If some one dose not like it let them go else were and stay true to your self. You have a fan.
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Love the hair btw, suits you k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Awesome start.
Great pacing I felt the rush she was feeling about getting to the interview. Pamela seems at least open enough not to melt down about her new daughter. If Joseph has a troubled history maybe she is not surprised by anything that happens around him. I am looking forward to reading more girlfriend don't keep us waiting long.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Thanks Jenn, pleased to see you survived the weekend at the Core, glad Pamela's tension came across n I'll try not to take too long with Ch2. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Core, ahahahahaha rotten at
Core, ahahahahaha rotten at best. Luv ya girly.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Blush - girly as I can be k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Wonderful start to this:)
And who hasn't taken to using a bright shiny whisk as a microphone? I really am already seeing of course Joe's clumsy at being a guy, he might not know how.
*Great Big Hugs*
Keep Writing this was good!
Bailey Summers
Thanks for the encouragement n your excellent eyesight Ms Summers, now picturing you whisk in hand n not to make a soufle, a utensil with many more uses than exterminating n who knows, maybe one of these days some handsome powerful lass (or lad) may whisk me away to a life to which I'd like to become accustomed k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
The Star!
I sense a little foreshadowing in Seren meaning star and Brian Stevens being commercial director for Steven's Fashions (His mom or dad's the owner?). Joe might be hopeless, but will Seren be the next teen supermodel? "Prettier than 'her' sister", hmmm, won't that frost Sally's nipples!
Great start. I like both your sly and not so sly sense of humor. I'm looking forward to chapter two and future chapters, in the words of Buzz Lightyear, "to infinity and beyound!"
BE a lady!
Ouch! I have really big nipples n the idea of having them frosted made me wince just reading about it, the heavens are filled with stars of many types but yes Ms Stewart there is an inevitable rivalry between two siblings so close in age n I guess that will show itself as the pressure of circumstances increases though when n in what way only time will tell n I know a little about sibling rivalry since I'm much prettier than my sister I'm told I always go beyond but sly? moi? I'm having a light buzz year thank you k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
So you've written your first story. Sorry I didn't spot it earlier but It's been a hectic weekend, (They often are these days what with one thing or another; but you already know about that don't you!!!)
Well, welcome to the club darling and it's a damned good start. Paced nicely and some tension at the end to draws us in.
Looking forward to ch 2.
Growing old disgracefully!!
Thanks for the nice comments Bev n long may the butterflies flutter pleased the tension was palpable hope I can Get Ch2 to match up k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Well now you've done it...
K-jo, first at bat in the majors and you hit a home run! You know we're all going to expect nothing less from now on. (giggles) I'll admit after reading your blog's I was a little sceptical about what your writing ability might be, but much to my delight my worries were for not! Nice start! Take bow (or curtsy I guess,not sure which applies) and get to work on chapter two! (Hugs) Taarpa
wot's a home run?
Very much a curtsey curtsey Ma'am n two for you since you've bin so nice but not sure what you mean by first bat at the majors, is that like vampire army or somethin? I was once on my last legs in the majorettes but wot's a home run? real sorry to hear you've been a little sceptical n hope you feel better soon Taarpa big hugs k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
This is a good story looking
This is a good story looking forward to more of it.
Judging from this dont think the newly rechristened seren is going to be in that much trouble from her mam and her sister in the short time she was with her seemed stunned but not in the least bit critical well yet anyway.
Looking forward to more Thank you:).
Sister trouble
Thank you for your kind comments Nikki, pleased you like the story, more is on the way. Yes Sally was stunned and I guess we will find out what she thinks of her brother's surprise venture in her clothes. Is she the type of girl to share her wardrobe? Since she's so keen on jeans, maybe Seren will get another chance to wear one of Sally's dresses. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me