I just saw a commercial for the show 2 Broke Girls (I never heard of the show). The commercial caught my attention with the phrase "lesbian Justin Beiber." It went on with a character saying "I have a secret." The responses are "You are a woman trapped in a man's body" and "You are a little boy trapped in a little girl's body."
Here is the IMDb page of the actor with a secret. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3211555/
2 Broke Girls
When does 2 Broke Girls play and on what channel?
May Your Light Forever Shine
CBS Monday nights check for time, but it might be at 9 Eastern/8 Central. It's been on the air for a year, Season 2 starts Sept. 24. The above character shows to be a regular repeating character for both seasons. All this found on IMDB website, I've never seen the show.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Showing in the UK on Channel 4.
Wednesday at 11:10pm. They're up to episode 18 assuming they are being shown in the correct order.
A handy site to bookmark, Epguides, has this... http://epguides.com/TwoBrokeGirls/