Yesterday a post was list with a link to a story about a young transgender and what's in a name.
A little fun post of did your parents have a girls name pick out if you where born a girl ? Not to long ago parents didn't know the sex of a baby till they made the grand entrance onto this world.
That being said I would have been ROMA SUE instaed of RICHARD STEVEN ,Don't ask where or how they got ROMA .
Write a responce with the name you would have had if you know it , just for fun
Interestingly enough...
the name I was given is almost the same as the name my mom wanted to give me if I had been born a girl. She was going to name me after one of her favorite aunts, and when things turned out the way they did, she just added one letter to the end of it :P My middle name's a different story, but she's never told me what that would have been -- probably 'cause I've only ever asked about the first.
Melanie E.
Mine would have been
Judith, but it never happened and instead I chose one I liked - Angela.
I still would have been Colleen
dont know what my middle name would have been
What's in a name
Can't ask as they are unavailable
May Your Light Forever Shine
my name
im brandon so i was going to be brandy
My mother never told me...
...She did say once that if she had another girl, she would have named her after my Aunt Louise (Louise died when she was six when my Mom was little). I'll never know, so I guess the name I picked is just fine? Sigh...
Love, Andrea Lena
My mom had Sarah Elizabeth picked out, and then got word that my aunt and uncle had adopted a girl where he was stationed in Hawaii and had named her Sara. Then my mom settled on Lacey Elizabeth, but then I came along, and so she shelved that name, only to discover later that a friend had named a daughter Lacey.
Poor mom had that happen with every girl's name she ever wanted to name one of her children, and she never did get the chance to use any of them anyway, given my four brothers. ^^;
I really liked Elizabeth, though, and all the many, many variations on it. ^__^ I have another, first name that I chose, but I'll keep that one mostly to myself and the few people to whom I've already mentioned it. ^^
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Meet Veronika
I have known since before school-age that I would have carried the name Veronika (yes with a "k" in Swedish) so it was quite natural that that ended up as a my second name when I finally changed my public sex. Ginnie stems from the first time when I really started to look into photography as a serious subject. I "needed" a better artist-name than my male one. All was well until I realised that it was a female name. But when LIFE turned my names were the simplest thing in the transition: Ginnie Veronika.
Your Ginnie
Actually .......
Actually the name my parents would have given me is my Screen name, I found out by accident 20odd years ago.
Susan Jacqueline. I always liked the two I have, so I picked them myself.
My Parents...
...had intended to name their first girl Rhonda. I sort of feel I escaped.
As it turned out they never had a girl. (Me included. I didn't feel I fit in very well as a boy, but being a girl would have been a worse fit.)
But between the time "Rhonda" miscarried in 1948 and that of my birth in 1950, my great-aunt Esther died and as per the European Jewish tradition, I was going to be named after her. So I assume I would have been Esther had I been a girl. They retained the initial by naming me Eric.
girl's name????
Heck, my parents didn't even have a boy's name picked out. I was my mother's sixth pregnancy and I guess they'd used up all the family names. We lived just a few blocks from the hospital and when the deadline for turning in my birth record into the county came up, (six weeks) and they still hadn't told the doctor what my name was to be, he walked over to the house and told them that he needed to turn in the birth record that day. My parents still didn't have any idea what to name me so he offered a first name and my mom said that it would do. When he asked about a middle name, she still couldn't come up with anything. So he offered a middle name and mom accepted that. He filled in the document, gave her a copy and walked back to the hospital.
That's the sordid story of how I was named.
My femme name came about in a more interesting way. I tended to be a cry baby when I was younger, even crying in public while in the seventh grade. When the guys teased me about it, the picked up on my nick name, Pat, which could go for either a boy or a girl and called me "Patricia."
When I reached a point of communicating with other cross-dressers, I adopted the name for my own adding the name of a great aunt as a middle name and the alternate spelling of my middle name for a last name. I became "Patricia Marie Allen."
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
For the longest time I was
For the longest time I was told my parents never had a girl's name picked out for me. Turns out that was true, but my mother had one in mind. Ironically, it's the same name I chose for my middle name. :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Well I was adopted so I had a boy name my birth mother gave me for about three days. Then my parents changed my name to that of my dads father. The name I go by on the site is what I will change it to if I am ever able Jennifer was a childhood friend who moved away her dad was in the Airforce and the C is for Cavazos my grandmother's maiden name. I will write about that beautiful woman one day. Anyway I'm Jenn (see) C get it.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair