This only goes to show you how life is stranger than fiction.
As you may, or may not know, I work as a paper girl (don't picture me on a bike or with a little bag slung around my shoulder please. My route requires me to drive 85 miles a night where I face the terrors of potholes, dirt roads, mud puddles, and rednecks.) Anyway I was at work last night talking to one of the two people I actually deal with (there are several more I deal with, I'm not that much of a gnome). She had mentioned that she broke up with her girl friend. Me, being the giant ass that I am, said cool, every think of me, I'm a lesbian. (Go back and look at some of the blogs with pictures so you get the right imagery.) So we was like "Really? Are you sure you want to go with that?" And just like that, I confess that I am Trans. Right there at the LGBT thingy.
Turns out she isn't a she, she is a he. An F2M. Small world huh? So we got to talking about life and transitioning (He started hormones about the time I did, so fairly recently). I also go with my standard line "I don't know why anyone would be f2m you're already where I want to be.) We probably talked a total of an hour. He even came over to talk while I rolled papers and gave me his facebook account. I told him about here as well, but I don't know if there are many F2M stories. I mean, I can't even know how to torture someone into making them a dude... guess my brain aint work that way. But, at least I know I'm not alone, not even at work. So Kudos for me.
That is so cool mahing a friend like that . I hope you have a long friendship with him . Lord knows you have been looking for someone to talk to so good luck Katie
Outted At Work
Glad you made a new friend. Here is the listing of F2M stories
May Your Light Forever Shine
Nice little story.
But, when you least expect it, there is a M2F or a F2M nearby.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
I read the title of your
I read the title of your post, and went oh crap is Katie in trouble at work?
Glad to see it wasn't that.
I see a brain swap story in the works...
A Woman's Life.
Well, many of us MtF's have very romantic, idealistic views of life as a woman. Well, after having been living it for nearly 8 years, I can say with some authority that life is at times sucky for a woman. For reasons which I do not comprehend, in the last two years I have experienced total cultural immersion in the female world and have found that life can at times be even more sucky than I had previously known.
Let me hastily add that for the vast majority of the time, these are the happiest days of my entire life, and the sucky part is minor.
A case in point is when a very mean looking man decides you have taken his parking spot. When it happened to me, I was quite grateful to just get off with a simple suitably meek and feminine, "I am so sorry sir". In my case he simply called me a "stupid fucking cunt".
Some women experience a childhood of molestation, and of even her own Mother just standing by. In my case, I was ceaselessly beaten for being too feminine, and did my best to "man up" because I believed my life to be in danger. So, I have seen that some neanderthal men make life for women very tough. No, I am not going back to packing a gun.
I have known several FtM's and most of them said it was about power and being sick of being devalued. The fortunate thing for FtM's is that transition goes fast, and in just as little as two months, you have a youthful, very male looking man. If they can handle their deportment and their breast are not too large to bind. To me, removing breasts is just sick, but not to a woman who wants to be a man.
I regarded my male junk as a cancerous tumor that had never given me anything but rejection and guilt, so I nearly cut them off myself.
But for the woman who wants to be a man, she is sick of being treated like a shitty minor slave. Even recently, I have seen men do some abominably ugly things to women, and I have hated them for it. I gave serious consideration to shooting one of them, but he gained wisdom. This is no bullshit and is the absolute truth.