Prenatal drug therapy targeted lesbians?

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An interesting but long article. Where is the FDA (a rhetorical question)?


No "requirement" for FDA involvement

The key was that the drug was being administered for "off label" treatment. (This is the same thing that TS people get for HRT/Androgen blocking here in the states. Most of us are prescribed Spironolactone, a diuretic, because of it's testosterone receptor blocking side effect.)

I'm not commenting on whether the behavior was ethical or not. That's a DIFFERENT question. Just whether the FDA was/should have been involved (based on current laws/regulations around the FDA).


Forget the FDA, where is the

Forget the FDA, where is the AMA? This is medical experimentation on subjects without full disclosure.

BTW who wrote this article "They may have be unable to have sexual intercourse," he needs a better editor.


Interesting that the fact that it causes feminization in a male fetus is only mentioned as a toss away line. Similarly that seven out of eight of the "victim" fetuses physically are male. Given the numbers and effects mentioned in the article any effect on lesbianism is trivial it would seem.

All very strange.


It's not 7 out of 8 are male.

It's not 7 out of 8 are male. It's that 7 out of 8 fetuses don't have the genetic combination to develop CAH. That includes females NOT at risk as well as males.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Link now broken

But I was sure that that was what I read. Ah, well, no matter.

It sounds like this could at

It sounds like this could at most make a butch lesbian more femme, but not change orientation.

It maybe a distinction with no difference, but is a distinction.


Extravagance's picture

I'm reassured to see that all the comments seem to be against such an atrocity, but still...
These "doctors" need to be executed in public. Preferably by heterosexual men, for maximum impact.
For significant impact of another nature, I would be happy to use my sword to make them ...A little more divided on the issue.

Catfolk Pride.PNG

I'm not as panicked about it.

I'm not as panicked about it. Unlike thalidomide (and a few other drugs), there's been no real proof that this treatment causes issues. It's a potential thing, not a certainty.

The real solution? Make sure the doctors are aware of the risks - they're humans, like anyone else, and most of them are just trying to do what's best.

What _I'm_ angry about is that woman that, after having one child with the genetic disorder, -HAD TWO MORE-. Now SHE needed to be sterilized. Deliberately having children that you know might have to be tortured over the years with surgeries? That's a truly sick and sadistic version of Munchausen by Proxy. If she had to have children, they could have gone to a standard fertility clinic and had her fertilized by someone _without_ the 'complimentary' gene structure - apparently it requires reinforcement to express itself.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

You are mad at the woman?

For each child there was only one chance in four of the reinforcement and that only an issue for a daughter. Shit luck. Still amniocentesis would have revealed sex and reinforcement within the first trimester. I cannot blame her for conceiving the children. I do not approve of her continuing to carry them. Even better might have been a little genetic testing and fertilizing an appropriate ovum with appropriate sperm and implanting that. But that leads to playing god I suppose. How many of the world's greatest have been tortured in one way r another.

Glad it wasn't my decision to make.
