I mentioned earlier that I bought a pair of hoop earrings. The one thing I wasn't prepared for was how heavy they feel. It felt like my earlobes were about to drag on the ground. Is this normal? Do people get use to it? Maybe buying at Walmart wasn't the best idea. I want to get some that dangle, but I often temper things with not wanting to push the issue of gender with other people.
The other thing I notice is that I am getting tired of people calling me sir. It's not their fault. It's not like I'm even remotely trying to dress fem. I sort of dress neuter right now, which I guess is masculine. I mean, I'm not wearing plate mail or a hat with tits protruding from them. But every time I hear someone calling me sir I am starting to cringe. After the legal stuff figures itself out, I think I will start dressing more fem. It's just that right now I feel I will look like a guy in a dress and that's not what I'm going for. I've seen people in drag and a beard and that's just not right. Maybe electrolysis is in my future.
Dangly earrings
vary quite a lot depending upon what they are, what they're made of and their size.
If you've recently had your ears pierced it's better to wait several weeks before wearing anything but studs because heavy hoops or other danglies can tear your ear lobes. When you do wear them, I'd advise doing so for short periods until you get used to them as they can get quite uncomfortable.
Newly pierced ears
I've had my ears pierced for a long time. I rarely wear hoops but I love a ot of the designs I see. I had studs in my ears for thrity days, rtotating them daly and keeping them clean with alcohol. I have different earrings from different dealers. I have an allergy to metals so I have to ensure they are hyperallergenic.
Same with perfumes and body washes. It took some time for me to find a cosmetic base that did not disagree with my skin. Taking care of yourself as you go into your transition is the important step.
I see an endocrinologist once every three months.
I've learned being female is high maintenance but well worth the doing. I agree with Angahrad's suggestion.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
no your not
hyperallergenic. Actually few people really are allergic to all metals. Clean your earrings in hydrogen peroxide every once and awhile. Pour some in a cap and let the earing sit in there for a min or so. rub with q tip and let dry. Ready to wear and no reaction.
haven't got any dangly
haven't got any dangly earrings, so can't comment on that.
however getting called sir grating on ones nerves, oh yeah, i transitioned back in 2003, and even after SRS in 2006, i still had some people in shops call me sir, what always baffled me, was i could be called Maam while wearing dirty T-shirt and jeans and steel capped boots and no makeup (i live in a rural area) and other times done up in a nice skirt and blouse and get called Sir.
i have noticed since having breast augmentation in Thailand in March this year (from A cup to a now good C cup), i no longer get called sir at all.
the point is, even when you transition there will be some that either take a breif glance or hear a deep voice, whatever cues they missread and use the wrong pronoun, the choice is either just ignore it happened, or politely correct them, just realise it probably will happen and try not to let it ruin your day.
Earrings feel heavy
I wonder how many women wear the hoop earrings? And is there a way to wear the heavier earrings so that they do not huer the ears?
May Your Light Forever Shine
You shouldn't hang the five
You shouldn't hang the five pound barbells from the earrings.
Make sure you keep everything clean.
Nothing particularly wrong with buying earrings from Wal*Mart. I have some that I've bought there, both hoops and danglers. In fact, a less expensive gold-plated earring would likely weigh less than one that was pure gold. I do have a pair of enamel painted hoops that are a little heavier, so if you're looking for color in your earrings, go with plastic rather than paint.
My everyday earrings are a pair of titanium hoops I bought online that are virtually weightless.