Its been said before, but it bears repeating - be careful what you put on line. I was fooling around on Google search, and typed in "Transgender cure" and a post I had made on the support site came up as the number 3 hit. For me, I'm out and I don't really care who knows it, but if you're in the closet at all, be careful.
Wise advice Dorothy
"Lora Guy" is all over the internet, from Walla Walla to Bora Bora.
But I've always kept my "Clark Kent" unlinked from her.
The girl in me. She's always there...
unless there's a mild-mannered reporter hanging around.
(Where is that damn phone booth?)
I did/do this too.
I have several psudonyms that I use, and most of them are kept independent of one another. I'm slowly getting to the point that it no longer matters though, and allowing my real name to be connected to my psudonyms. Still, there's nowhere that my legal name connects.
While I simply adore 'my' name, there isn't any link between 'me' and me. That reminds me; there is an TG fiction author who actually is named Nom de plume. And sad to say, with the advent of I-Phones and disposables, you'll likely have to change behind the Directory Kiosk at the mall. Jeepers!
Love, Andrea Lena
Count me in... There simply
Count me in... There simply is no tie between Kristine Roland and my real self.
...that both of you are very nice! :D
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm slightly different in
I'm slightly different in that I use my actual middle name, but have fun googling Valentine. :)
I do use a different screen name for my vanilla sites.
Vanilla sites?
You do ice-cream and cookies as well?
Penny :)
Not as often as I'd like, my
Not as often as I'd like, my doctor says they are bad for me. :'(
Well not number three anymore.
No Dorothy not number three when I did the search you are Number 1 now. YAY!!!
I'm out and not going back,
so if a link ties me to my old name, I simply don't care any more. I know there are those who can't allow that, and I completely understand that. I wish we all didn't have tohide, but things are what they are. Maybe someday it just won't matter any more. Until then, my hugs and love to everyone who is out, or still in hiding.
Catherine Linda Michel
P.S. That's my real, legal name.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
number 1?
I'm not sure that's supposed to be a good thing, dear. But its almost hard to believe that scared person who was trying to be "cured" would evolve into me.