Well I have very good awesome news.
an anti-discrimination film project being produced by Egale Canada (it's called: Courage in The Face of Hate). This film will be distributed to all high-schools in Canada to educate and sensitize students against LGBTQ discrimination.
Filming will take place on Wed, July 18th starting at 6:30pm in downtown Toronto (either a university or community centre setting, to be determined soon). There is a $25 stipend paid to participants.
I am gonna be an actress, on July 18th I will be going to toronto in the evening and participating in a documentary, that will be circled throughout canada to all the highschools, to educate against anti lgbt (discrimination of lgbt), and will be one of the youngest transgirls there, sharing our stories. I am totally looking forward to it, im totaly psyched!!!!
My daddy will be driving me there and back, and he already knows this could be hours of shooting, the 25 dollars they give is to cover transporation costs, this is entirely voluntary, if anyone wishes to also be apart of this let me know and i can get into contact with one of the coproducers, who is a member of our provincial tg adult group.
I will be shadowing her around aswell, for like fixing myself up between takes etc, as i have yet to use public facilities. she has promised to keep me protected, and ill be bringeing my booklet of hundreds of pages of tg information, that u may look at, just as i promised her that she could too. that i have accumulated throughout the last 4 years of counseling.
I plan to tell, my stories from beginning to current of all the discriminations i have faced and if its asked how all my transgender identity had begun and come about etc.
This is entirely amazing, and I am jumping in my skin out of fear and excitement, I luv to educate people, and as my confidence grew since living fulltime, and counselling, researching and keeping updated on any and new information. has helped greatly.
You go girl!
I'd say good luck but I'm sure you won't need it. I'll just say have fun and God bless.
Courage in the Face of Hate
Way to go, Erin!
A worthy cause..
That's Great Erin! Anything we can do to educate the general public on LGBT matters I believe will help us all down the road.
I have been giving talks at Eastern Kentucky University twice a year for about 6 years now myself. My old therapist was asked to teach there after he retired from his practice when his human sexualities classes came up the LGBT section of the course he would invite gays and lesbian's up to talk during one class and then he would have myself and my family up to give a talk. We always loved going up and the last couple of talks we even took our daughter and granddaughter up with us. I've always felt that anything we could do to let the public know that we were really just like everyone else except for our gender identity would help all our brothers and sisters out there. When those young people were grown and had taken their place in society hopefully they will be much more accepting and tolerant than the older generation is.
wow, congrats hon
when its done, if possible post us a link?
As they say in the theater, "Break a leg."
Perhaps this is a portent of something greater. :-D
Red MacDonald
BTW just FYI and all that
Hi Erin,
Congratulations on getting into the documentary. BUT and this is my weird nit-picky side coming out; being an actress in a documentary is an oxymoron. Being an actress suggests that you will be portaying a character and not yourself, where-as the term doctumentary is used for showing life as it REALLY is.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Needs to Be Shipped Down South
That is, here in the states.
I agree
Have fun and good luck
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
That is so awesome. I'll bet that you'll look great and make people realize that they might have already met Tgals, since some of us pass so well! I think this is very brave of you; after this you might get recognized in public.
I guess you must live in a relatively trans tolerant area, but all it takes is one crazy to decide to stalk you or worse. Please be careful, altho' I'm sure you already are.
It is so great that your parents are so supportive! You must be a lot like the gals that are in news reports or documentaries on Tpeople; ones with supportive families, that is.
I remember you have some kind of health or development problem; How's that going? Is it responding to treatment? Can you be "cured" or the effects minimized somehow?
You are so COOL! Best of luck with everything!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
New Actress
Congratulations - I hope you enjoy the experience.
I had the privilege to be an actress in early May when a student at Université de Montréal wrote, through ATQ, for volunteers over 70 & operated less than 2 years prior - I qualified!! I read the proposed scenario & as it appeared to treat the TG/TS community well, I agreed to appear. As it was done as a university project, the total length of the film will be +/- 12 minutes. I expect to see it in September or October.
I was not prepared for the disjunction of the whole affair. Because of my time constraints - I was off to London, ON for the May long weekend & a week of visiting thereafter - so a large portion of the film was made after my portion was shot & I have yet to meet the actress who had a negative role in the film.
I have been out full time since 2005 & have yet to run into any real discrimination. The reaction of those who knew me before transition has varied from being ignored to full acceptance. As a mark of the full acceptance, I joined with my neighbours when we had to fight our City to save our park & served with them as an organizer & spokesperson in public meetings. The usual attendance at City Council meetings may reach 15-20 people but we managed to organize to have over 300 attend the most critical meeting. While the majority of all presentations were in French, in view of the Council's first language, I berated them in both French & English to make sure I expressed my opinion of their actions in my first language.
I know that, as a retired senior citizen, I have evaded the problem of coming out in the workplace. It would have been a different story 10 years earlier in the sexist- macho environment I worked in.
I wish you all the best in your role & hope that you will blog about the experience. In case you or the producer are interested, Jillian Page has a most interesting daily blog about her transition in the Montreal Gazette at;
Good Luck!!
May the sun always shine on your parade
Knock them Dead.
It is things like this that are the best therapy for our painful past because it realy gets us into doing something physical postiave rather than staying in the shadow's like the bullies want us to do.
And it is a heck of a lot of fun, doing well and having fun doing it. May be they will feed you to.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book