I just Wanted to tell everyone that I have messaged since I created my Account That ur stories have kept me Sane & even more so since My ShadowFax was put to REST.So thanx I guess.
Oh PS I want to say I am sorry to everyone also for alway's bugging u all about when the next chapter of one of ur stories would come out
Just out there
RELAX girl, We are family
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'll try.I'm not doing so good since I had to put ShadowFax to Sleep.My Saneity is not doing so good & it is hard for me to do anything now a day's.I am constently tired & I don't eat that much anymore.It is getting to the point I just don't want to get out of bed.I feel like I'm constently out of energy.I am getting Mygrain's all the time now too.I am just not myself lately.I even snaped at someone on here & I didn't even mean to.I am really very sorry everyone.
Never a problem as it was just said were all family. :-) Migraines are horrible unfortunately i am intimately familiar with them as well. Be well.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Thank u.They seem to have gotten worse since I had to put down My Dear ShadowFax though & other things have been going bad also so it is just adding up to a big Shit Hill (Excuse my languge) if u know what I mean????
Absolutely, stress sucks. Be sure to take Motrin or whatever you take as soon as you feel it coming on. I know if I don't no drugs help and only a dark room and sleep is the cure. Be well
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Just Out There
Have you ever sought or were given mental health services? If your present mood goes for 3 weeks or more, you might be clinically depressed and need talk therapy and/or antidepressants.
ADs seem to be different than most other drugs; one might make someone sleepy while make another unable to sleep. Effective dosage varies widely as do side effects. Something like 10 or 20% of people get no help at all after trying all possible ADs, I've read. If you read how someone hates them and says they messed up her mind, like Gwen Brown, probably just a few % will be effected the same way. I think Gwen had very poor psychiatric care. Some prescriber should have lowered or changed her meds. One AD might have terrible side effects for one person while another AD will have very mild, tolerable and unrelated side effects for that person.
If you are grieving for ShadowFax, you'll have to work thru' all the stages and might benefit from some counseling. Try to eat nutritious food, not junk, sleep normally or even an hour more and try to get 5 days per week exercise, even just walking. The exercise, if you can work up to breathing hard for 20 min. or more, should release endorphins and make you feel better; tho' you might have to do it for 3 to 6 days before you can feel it.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I have been to mental health people but they just don't care here about helping people,all they care about is the money.I have been seen by them since I was very young,because as my parent's would put it I was someone who was after attention & drug's because I was a bad son & a disscase to my family & a Dishonor to my Pappa who my male self was named after & that was David Allen Hiserman