Annette MacGregor
To err is human, to really foul up requires a human with access to a computer!
Things are moving along (more about the title shortly) - in some ways quickly, in others in lurches. No surprises there, I'm sure...
My name change is official, and I've started going around getting things updated (banks, etc.). I don't need the Certified copy of the order for this. Work's also agreed to make an exception and process the name change there - with a copy of the certified order (I just have to send a copy of my new Social Security card once I get it). So, that worry has been fixed (that paperwork could keep things from being processed in time for my return to work).
Some of the other changes will be "self serve" (I can fix my gender for benefits with a single check box)... One of them is aranging for my new e-mail address. That was supposed to be a self serve outlook form... Only, the form didn't have support for my division. That should have warned me... I contacted the help desk. And found a helpful tech. The tech entered the "change request" - with my new name and effective date (July 13th), based on training/notification of my colleagues.
Everything is fine, right? You guessed it... Rather than wait until the 13th... someone decided to "fix" it last night, and my new login ID / e-mail address was in effect this morning. (I figured it out when my phone quit updating - and then I failed to VPN.)
So - what now... I can't send e-mails out, except to a small number of people - out of fear the change would be noticed (no. I wouldn't mind, but the "powers" wouldn't be happy). Theoretically they'll revert things this evening and do the change when they are supposed to on the 13th.
It was nice seeing my name on my e-mail... And a few people who "know" I could send - appreciated it as well. :-) We'l see about tomorrow.
My Pre-Op physical is Friday, and next Wednesday is HIS last day at work.
Thanks for reading.
To err is human?
...I think your Road to Yourself is simply divine! Tell your other self thank you from me for taking such good care of you for so long as well as your lovely family, okay?
Love, Andrea Lena
Oh well...
Oh, well... IT managed to "revert" my loginID/e-mail back to the old (guy) one... Guess I'll not get to transition early. LOL
Well it would have been nice if you could have used your new legal name at work now. But it was a nice test run for under a month away. I hope you have all your new work wardrobe ready.
I actually DID use the e-mail address, as a way to "out" myself to the LGBT diversity group where I'm a board member (I was going to do it via phone on the conference call tomorrow, but my ability to attend was eliminated by customer needs).
As to the wardrobe... Sorted? Not exactly. I know what I need (day one - when I return) but, it's not all purchased YET... I'm starting my work wardrobe on the minimalist side, as I'm working to lose the weight I put on while my thyroid and intestines were acting up... So, I don't want to be purchasing a GIGANTIC wardrobe only to have to replace it in a few months...
My casual wardrobe is in fairly good shape, luckily. And, I'm not currently invited anywhere that would require a formal gown...
So, what do I need? I think I'll leave that for a later blog. :-)
Thanks for the update,
Thanks for the update, Anne.
Yes, I can see many opportunities for foul-ups with all the computer systems involved, some tightly interconnected, some not so much, or not at all. Of course people are at the root of all those foul-ups, either directly, like the helpful soul who thought it would be nice to fulfill your request early, or in the background, through the program idiosyncrasies or unintended features.
Best of luck going forward!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}