Some people here know my background and many people probably don't. Because it is a matter of public record, I have no problem divulging information. Due to circumstances out of my control, I was arrested back in 2003 and in order to escape 650 years of prison I took a plea deal. Part of that deal requires me to register as a sex offender (which makes my life oh so joyful).
Anyway. I did my time, I finished probation, have been gainfully employed, own a house, have 2 cars, am owned by 2 cats and I thought life would just continue on this way until I died.
However, about a month ago I was arrested again. Why? For not registering my account on Big Closet as an email account. I also have 2 other charges for emails that 1) never existed and the second has been inactive for 2 years and I never personally used it.
Today, in the mail, I received the evidence from the lawyer. My blog from when I went to the Salon is in there as well as my title art work to Growing Up Jenny. I don't know how any of this relates to me being charged, but it's in there and I have to play these stupid games with the Tampa Police Department. They also have a printout of my facebook account... odd thing is, there are things on that account that I never put in there (such as a website address for a ministry I was no longer a part of when I began on facebook and the non-existent email address that for some reason comes up for MSN Messenger... a program I haven't used since before I went to prison). So, if I vanish, you know it's because I got put in jail. BTW for this infraction I am looking at over a 5 year sentence.
People wonder why I hate humanity... that is why.
Is this Federal Law or Florida Law?
I'm in a sensitive position, and your blog makes me wonder how things would go if certain people were aware of my membership, and if they did react negatively, do I really want to know those who could potentially react negatively?
I'm equally concerned....
...which is why I post/comment sparingly, because what I post here does show up in Google searches. I debated long and hard with myself about posting my pictures here--now, reading this, I just might remove them. I've done nothing wrong, but there's always the possibility of being falsely accused of something.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Federal Law
Thanks to Sen John McCain this is Federal law. Here is a link for it.
Also, I have lost my regular facebook account (the one with the registered email account).
Here is what I do (or was doing) online:
I played Empires and Allies on facebook and messaged adults that I knew (mostly high school and college friends and a few people from work)
I wrote stories and posted them on big closet.
I checked my QNEZ email account (the only account active that I have) for spam.
I visit and read stories about the Mets and the Bucs
I chat with Erin on Skype
But its okay... I'll be dead soon.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
If I might suggest that an an
If I might suggest that an an affadavit be lodged by Erin or others certifying that this is NOT an email system. This is no more an email system than USENET.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
What do they base it on?
The fact one can send private messages to other people here? If that's the case, then not just Usenet, but *any* message board could be considered an "e-mail system."
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

based on bullshit
The idea that big closet is an email system is based solely on the fact that there is a link that says INBOX in the right hand column. I argued with the detective that this is not an email, that I don't have an email address and according to the damn sex offender registry site I can't register it as an email because it has no @. Add to the fact that the email that I do have that is connected to this site through qnez is registered and I have a feeling that the police don't even want to use lube as the ream me.
The fact that the only story they put into evidence (I have over 200 story posts if you add up the parts) is one that was written over a year ago and the only one that has a picture of a little girl in the cover art (Growing Up Jenny) proves to me that they are trying to prejudice a jury if it ever gets so far. But let's face it... if it gets to a jury all they are going to say is K.T. is a sex offender and no matter what follows it I will be guilty. This is part of the reason (but definitely not the sole reason) why I took the original plea. "K.T. is accused of distributing child pornography and works as a teacher..." whatever else follows unless God vouching for me in person isn't going to matter. They also have 2 other email addresses, none of them that I use. There are 2 hotmail accounts. One someone opened for me so I could start a second facebook account (I was under the impression that facebook looked at IPs and thought a second account would be squished like a bug, live and learn) and then deactivated. The other email account I never had, but it mysteriously showed up on my facebook account as a MSN messenger account (which I never liked and never used, I stick to skype).
All in all, I am being railroaded, only this time they can't threaten to throw my aunt into jail if I don't confess (which is what they did the first time I got arrested).
And in a final point... They are sure making a big deal about me being trans. It gets mentioned even more than the fictitious email accounts and don't even know why it comes up at all, seeing that it isn't relevant to the case.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
praying for you
It sounds so unfair?
Arrested for having a big closet account
Did they warn you that you needed to tell about your account here? Is there somereason that they chose now to start something?
May Your Light Forever Shine
What warning
No, they did not give me a warning. In fact, the whole system is ambiguous at best.
When doing my twice yearly registering I am told to register email accounts and instant message accounts. I register my [email protected] email address because that's the only one I use.
What counts as instant messages, they don't say.
I don't count big closet as an email, because all emails are @ somewhere and I don't consider this site as having instant messages since you have to be logged on. I also wouldn't consider Facebook to be an IM site for the same reason, but I guess I was wrong on that count.
If it is considered an email for the sole purposes that someone can leave messages than I would have to register every site I log into, including my bank, my credit cards, my utilities, my auto insurance, my student loans, and several TG sites that I don't even visit but have had other people post stories under my name.
I think my 4th and 8th amendment rights are being severely traumatized by the whole mess.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Educating the uneducated
I reside in a small state. The probability of them being highly archiac is greater than ninety percent. I do public speaking regarding mental illness. I have familial PTSD due to being abused as a child. The abuse was due to my being intersexed. Since I speak about combat related PTSD and Familial I do let those I am speaking to that I was born intersexed. I have been presenting full time since January 2006.
There are laws regarding false idnetities, I have had my name changed legaly and I have paperwork showing I am female.
I have a facebook account and the things I've seen posted by others makes me cringe.
I do know peope who are registered sex offenders/child molesters. They are not allowed a computer unless it is authorized by probation and parole. Then they are monitored intesnsely.
I know what I can send to them in e-mail and what will get them into trouble with the law. I am very careful about what I post.
I do not search the internet or pornography and I have been with this site for over seen years. I don't see this as anything but a place where I can read what I want, when I want to.
Little Katie I think you should get a good attorney to fight for you and if possible get ahold of the ACLU to get them to help.
In 1996 the courts told me during divorce proceedings that I was not allowed to have female attire in my apartment nor was I alloed to discuss my transexuality with any one. My constitutional rights were violated. I asked the ACLU for help and they stepped in. All of a sudden the court order was cancelled.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
To Jill
Here is the thing, I am off probation. I served my time, served my probation. Why am I looking at a 5 year prison sentence because I didn't tell them I have an account at Big Closet. I will probably need a sworn statement by Erin stating that this site does not do email.
It is incredibly frustrating. I am a registered sex offender and for that I have: Lost jobs, lost places to live, have been threatened, have had things hurled at me, have had guests to my home told that I am a child molester (which I am not). I don't condone pornography of any kind and I am being labeled as the worst of the worst.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Constitutional Rights
Here is something your lawyer and state probably did not tell you sex offenders and felony convictions when they are convicted have their constitutional rights revoked in the State of Florida which means no guns, no right to vote among many. After you serve your time and probation period then you have to file with state to restore your rights. The State of Florida will not do it until you ask and I should know since I used to work for them since they will not do anything for you without you telling them to do so.
Links on the subject
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
Hang in K.T.
I read all the comments and this whole thing SUCKS big time. I have a neighbor that is on the registry for something he did as a stupid kid (his words) and they break his "B-LLs" big time. They check his curfew almost every night(it keep crime down by having a cop nightly), he has a computer but no email or skype accounts and his wife has a seperate computer that he does not touch so if they check his finger prints won't be on it. He is a nice quiet soft spoken guys and a good neighbor.We also have a county cop that lives within sight of his house and the wife is like a flame throwing dragon and treats him like an ogre or big bad wolf.
K.T. we are all pulling fot you hang in and don't do anything to hurt yourself let all pray it doesn't get to jail time
From the way that is written
It appears that the Attorny General could require you to register any and all usernames that you use ( or intend to use) on any site, along with email addy's.
Ironically Erin would not be able to look you up though. (BC is not covered by that act)
That might give you an out as the AG is obligated to tell you those thing, and it sound like it wasn't made clear.
But ask a lawyer to be sure.