Wow have I really been here THAT long? :) I recently was asked a question and I had to go check. How many stories have I written. The answer is a little vague, but this is me after all. More than 50 not including two novels. The sad part is I probably have at least as many incomplete sitting in a stack of notebooks and my hard drive. I do hope to complete them someday, but I'm dependent on the fickleness of muses. I'm also not as functional as I would like which is a sore point with me since I'm not nearly as challenged as many here. On the other hand it's like trying to fly by lifting yourself off the ground. It simply does not work very well.
So I'll keep plugging away. I know I'll never match or even come close to stats as some here, but the so treasured comments that come in ever now and then that one of mine helped someone though a bad day makes it all worthwhile.
Big hugs and thanks to all of those who has helped me become better at this writing thang'.
Congratulations old timer
I've enjoyed your stories and I know the feeling about uncompleted works. So many stories and so little time from a new kid on the block ( five years and forty- eight weeks), Arecee
congrats Grover
I haven't been here as long as you, but I've produced my share of stories in that time (Granted, I tend to write shorter stories)
Congrats, and here is to many, many more years, and many, many more awesome stories.
5 years 52 weeks - that's like 6 years right?
Happy Aniversary!
You have been here WAY WAY longer than I have.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
That's actually a day short
of six years. I don't think the counting program takes leap year into account LOL. (6 years and 31 weeks but who's counting).
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
Six years and one day
is what it says today. So whatever counting system this uses 5 years and 52 weeks equals 6 years. I have no idea as to why not just say 6 years, but there you go!
It probably doesn't trigger
the six years until the next day.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
5 years and 52 weeks?
Is that like being 5' 12" tall?
Cheers Grover, my dear, trusted friend. I've watched your progress as you've grown in skill as a storyteller, with pride and quite a bit of envy. You've done a helluva job. Keep it up. I'm very proud of you.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Congratulations on your not quite six years Grover! :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Thanks Cathy and Jemina
I write for myself to keep what little sanity I have left. It's so nice to help others too. Hey!, 5 years and 52 weeks is close!