to edit or not to edit... pt 1

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The whole... to edit or not to edit... idea. It's a funny one and as I'm a wee bit precious about my 'babies' I've sort of steered clear to now. Being somewhat of the freeform let it flow school as opposed to the sit and proof and edit and proof and edit school it's sort of interesting to try the different approach. I'm expecting it to be mostly positive but I guess that somewhere along the way I'll wonder if I'm betraying something. Sort of organic purity vs polished methodology. I know it isn't really one or the other... it's just headspace and preconceptions basically. But being an untutored ignorant chickie I wonder what perfessor 'iggins 'as in mind to do to me like. The ryn in spyn falls...

Prompted in part by a recent bout of comments on a little story thingie of mine I began to contemplate the possibility that just maybe there is an alternate point of view. I mean I'm not one to think for a minute I know it all or anywhere close, so having a more educated set of eyes look at something with a view to improving it is hardly a loss of artistic integrity.

So where does one look to find a person that is undoubtedly a good writer… maybe, gasp, better than oneself and also skilled in the edit as opposed to proof thing?
I suppose that having jousted a little over a bit of time and while sometimes disagreeing, basically keeping a ( I think ) mutual respect for a different point of view or opinion there was from my position only one option. There may well be others as skilled or better, but I don't 'know' them if ya know what I mean. So.

First thing as the story was unfinished was needing to put down background detail that may be there in my head but is seldom if ever committed to type and an outline of direction. Things done, perhaps mentally and almost subconsciously, but not deliberately with a view to anothers eye. Ok, no prob just a different focal point.

Now being a new relationship of sorts there is of course an amount of dancing, to get the feel, judge receptiveness and assess stylistic difference and intent. To see in part I suspect whether I would toss a hissy fit if my words were deemed 'unsuitable'. Entirely understandable and accepted, I mean, hey.. what's the point if I can't listen and step back to see?? So... here we are, at the beginning.

It's a whole new adventure in a sense isn't it?

To be continued...

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